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Posts posted by Jeb

  1. Like i said in March, I love all the ideas listed here. There are some suggestions that other people have that I like to point out. What someone said above with the removal of Striders, I would +1 this, with them being removed from Cop and Civ, and see more Ifrits, and Quilins.

    On 8/4/2018 at 9:43 AM, bouda118 said:

    Remove Navids and SPMG entirely.

    This idea as well I like as well, we all don't need 9.3mm MMG's that can be used to snipe or hold right click.

    On 8/4/2018 at 9:43 AM, bouda118 said:

    At the end of the day if rebel die out police have no roleplay either, As it stands right now rebel goes boring mega fast and is extremely stale compared to PD.

    Not only will the very little roleplay we get from rebels dies out, but if rebel dies out the entire cop force will pack up their bags and leave. The APD doesn't like sitting in Sydney, because of its chaos. We would like to spread out, be there is no one out there on the map, or we can't because SRT are doing there own thing, and we can't leave Sydney because they don't want GD to interfere.  I will admit rebel really needs things to do, because its robbing banks 24/7.

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  2. Hey 100 hours in the editor, Jeb here back with a some screenshots that no one cares about! (NOT CLICK BAIT) I get bored so I create things in the editor, (mostly for Altis life) that won't have a chance of getting in, and try to make in even with CT, and T. Lets be honest, Westpac can be CT sided. Be this isn't a discussion, this is just me showing them off. Bye




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  3. +1 I personally like the idea of adding the PM etc, it was in a long time ago, with a contractor called Secret Service (It didn't last long :(() which just hovered around the PM as he did his daily duties, and used the Sydney Office building, so we could make us of that and might stop the heavy civ gunfights there. Unfortunately the staff removed these things so it won't be likely to get back in.

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