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Elliott last won the day on December 27 2015

Elliott had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

47 Respected

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About Elliott

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  1. Elliott

    you boys are looking fine
  2. Elliott

    looks gnarly bro man
  3. Elliott

    its not early access any more its pre alpha now and open alpha pretty much i wouldn't even call it alpha id say beta
  4. Elliott

  5. Elliott

    i feel the same
  6. Elliott

    i have been speaking to a frew of my fellow straya member on Arma and in a game of squad i have come across with about hosting a server. they seem pretty keen and i would just like to know every ones thoughts on it. PS. 94% of the servers a peeked/ maxed out.
  7. Elliott

  8. Elliott

    its been addressed with a higher up and it has been dealt with. I apologise on they way i handed the situation and next time it will be more straight forward with a warning, kick and then a warning then a ban. If you have any more issues with this please contact Dasweetdude on Teamspeak. have a good one man
  9. Elliott

  10. Elliott

    Hello all! Our old Facebook page got shut down. Hope you like the new and Improved Facebook page what was created due to the old one being taken down. if you would like to add anything any on the page just ask me to post it then i can post it on be half of all the community. I would like to this page very safe and I will only be giving admin & powers to certain staff members. this is due to the last face book page I made (school meme page) got taken down and I got into a lot of trouble due to what people posted on my behalf. as always guys have a good one and take it easy. https://www.facebook.com/Strayagaming-930565036992051/
  11. Elliott

    beans I would fit the job i am the most trusted member in all of straya hahaha
  12. Elliott

    K9 got all the votes
  13. +1 rainbow 6 siege can't wait for that game.