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Posts posted by Pezza

  1. 15 minutes ago, Hope said:

    - Which city's can you conduct a rebel takeover on (Melbourne / Sydney / Brisbane) 

    Why would you wanna take over any other city? You can pre much just role through them anyway as long as you don't stay and mess about nobody really cares. 

  2. Would you guys be interested in having forum updates ( post ) just like the servers? 

    Just plays with my head when things just disappear and we don't know what happened to them!

    Again, not sure how often it gets updated, just a thought



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  3. 31 minutes ago, Unit_3397 said:

    But based from this idea we could have some kind of event that involves capturing and holding towns for x time

    Yea, sorry not sure how the coding works :D

    Maybe, you gain points for however long you hold it for. Each reset the map resets and the winners from the previous restart get 100k or something

    Also have the town in the middle gain double points so it can implement your idea of the king of the hill.  

    Feel free to speak on TS to discuss further. 

    Sounds Awesome!


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  4. @Farensik. but you also have to remember that the economy has also expanded. Right now if they're sold for 900k it would be way to easy to get them and the cops would get rekt more than they already are.

    As much as I would like you enjoy buying them really cheap, they're trying to keep them the street value. 

  5. Not sure how this'll work but. 

    Maybe if a gang wants to do Fed, you tell an Admin or Sam and then they spawn in a lot of AI. These guys can help the cops out but it won't matter if the cops kill them, will lead to a more exciting fed, maybe you guys can spectate the area and stream it or something awesome like that. 

  6. Not sure how this would work, 

    Maybe something like planetside 2? Where your team slowely captures the map but can't capture something unless it connects with another area you own. 

    Not sure how this works for an event, however maybe it could be a week long event. idk just trying to help spark ideas :)



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  7. To be honest I think you're better saving your money and updating phone or something like that. Because if you want something like your fitbit just download the apps on your phone. I mean if you're like Gotenks and need all the features yea then it's great. It's just that people that don't use all the features spend to much money on them. ahaha

    • Like 1

  8. 8 hours ago, Axle_Tiaky said:

    adding Titan AAs back in for the highest levels in the cop force - @LuckyB33f - so that the cops have something to use against the Jets :D

    Yes, however they shouldn't be needed if people are following rules. They're unarmed so they shouldn't really cause any trouble. Plus the new jets are insanely fast and can move around a lot so you would need to fire a few shots before you hit. IF they're trolling then the mods can deal with that appropriately. 

  9. 1 hour ago, SeRaG said:

    Well my opinion is move westpac to Brisbane...

    the reason why we should move it there, is to return the activities to Brisbane.

    Well, in saying that. It's a small bank and it will be such an effort for the cops to travel all the way there for a small group of people trying to rob a small bank. It would cost more for the transportation than the money you will save from stopping the robbers.

  10. 5 hours ago, That Lucky SOB said:

    personally if it was me I'd have disabled all banks until cop force had enough ranked up members to give the cops a fighting chance, but that might leave rebels a bit too bored for the weeks (maybe months) it'll take to fix the damage done. 

    I've see that you've thought about both sides of that argument, and yes it would get very boring for the rebels, having only 1 bank on right now is boring enough and doesn't give it enough verity, I get that the cops got punish ( myself included ) however I still don't believe that disabling banks is the correct way to go about it. Deranking cops seemed to be an easy decision, however it didn't seem that they thought ahead to see the flow on consequences of that towards the rebels and everybody else on the server. It has taken many weeks since SRT and OSG have been disbanded and so far we have seen no glimpse of them coming back. This Sucks. They help out when Bank is hit and can shutdown rebels housing and try and reduce amount of rebel activity.  

    Also didn't think they thought about the player count throughout this process, so far since the mass derank I personally haven't seen more than 15 cops being online. Before it used to be so versatile ( 20 Cops 30 Civs ) this again impacted the rebels as fighting the cops has been a completely new experience.

    I personally hopped on cop for the first time in a while and Neri got hit, to my surprise nobody was able to give hunters or shriders luckily i had one in my garage, however most of the other cops didn't. This is something that the CommandTeam definitely need to think about is the accessibility of lower ranks towards vehicles and weapons ( currently as there are no high ranking cops )

    Anyway always up for discussion  

    • Like 1

  11. Can Agree with this, 

    Over the last few days doing Neri we have "technically" lost all of them due to Neri ( teller ) being sniped within the first few minutes with a MX +. This doesn't seem very fair to the rebels, we understand that the Cop force is a work in progress but this doesn't mean that the rebels have to pay the price of dying on teller. Right now nobody wants to do teller, the people that are doing it have a 9mm with no gear on them because they're basically sitting ducks for the cops. 

    Having the teller standing still doesn't really abide by the rule of VLR ( Valuing Life Rule ) standing still whilst getting shot at doesn't seem that realistic, however cancelling the teller is a big **** off to all the gang members that might have died or have risked there life trying to protect you. 

    Just wish it could go back to the old animation of you're able to move as it's more realistic for robbing a bank and would hopefully make a "technically" more even fight towards the rebels. 

    • Like 3

  12. Let me Explain :D

    Aight so throughout the course of playing Altis Life, there have been many adaptations to try and increase role play. However 1 section of the gameplay hasn't been looked at in the correct depth as all the others. 

    Finance - Money - Cash - $$$

    Trying to increase role play one would normally need to look at all areas of the game, and I feel that now is the right time to look at trying to increase the role play within the Finance Sector of the gameplay. 

             I'll list some quick examples below then i'll go into more detail. 

    • House Tax
    • Bank Account Tax
    • Cash ( Throughout the Game )


    House Tax - Having the ability to own 6 houses is a great privilege however once you buy these houses the finance seems to end there, there are a lot of AFK / Unused houses on Altis Life, instead of just wiping and making everybody starting again. Create a Tax system that every 2 weeks when the player logs in they get an option to pay there taxes if not they get 3 days to clear the house before it sells itself and you get the sale price. If you pay it the system resets and in 2 weeks the same thing will happen. 
    The Numbers for this idea will vary a lot depending on different opinoins, what I'm thinking is that every 2 weeks the tax will become 25k per house, you will have the option to pay for each house individually. 

    Bank Account Tax - Having large amounts of money is great, however once somebody gets to that postion it's hard for them to go back down. Similar with the House Tax every 2 weeks the player will be fine ( maybe just take money away ??? on DB automatically ?? ), obviously this number can't be to big. After some thinking I feel that 0.5% will be the correct amount to tax players, this will allow the big players to lose some and the smaller players won't be affected as badly. 

    Cash - The Cash in this game I feel isn't up to the correct standard of role-play as everything else is ( or trying to become ). Having the ability to run around with 1.5m ( whatever it may be ) seems kind of odd due to all the notes that one would have to carry around. This would also add more strategies to bank as the robbers would need to transport the money before they can place it in a bank. Maybe a system like fed where it's in a vault and you have to run back and forth from your truck to simulate one actually robbing it. 
    However in order to inplement this, when buying large vehicles ( Huron ect. ) you obviously wouldn't be able to access that much money. So many an option that gives us an option to buy something *THAT'S LEGAL* to charge it to our bank account. Maybe a 10k charge when you have to use it or something like that.

    Thanks if you actually read the whole thing :D

    Would love a discussion about this idea as I feel this would be really great to implement. 

    • Like 4

  13. The open server hasn't been out for that long, obviously something we are working on is trying to expand the player base. Everything starts small once it comes out however the Mods and @Envy are working really hard and putting a lot of time into expanding and getting more people on the server. 

  14. Maybe something like the Teller changes places each restart? Each time it goes to a different floor, maybe in the back building (neri). This will increase the RP scenario that the cops have to find where it is and they can't just wallbang it and kill you. Maybe in Fed it changes Dome that the gold is in, this will again make the Robbers and the Cops have to look harder for what they're trying to find. 

    EDIT: Also this way the cops have to treat every floor that it's the Teller. This is to replace them rushing all the stairs then once they get to the 3rd floor flashing and running.


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  15. I feel that this area would just be camped by the biggest gang online, there would always be one sniper looking at the gun store, maybe every restart the shop changes location within the KOS zone so people have to look for it. This would create the risk of going to the gun store with the money on you and still having to look for it. 

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