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About Lindsay

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  • Birthday April 4

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  1. Lindsay

    damn, coulda been cool
  2. Lindsay

    What if you put the radio in cars, and music would be off unless they switched it on but voice messages came through automatically (unless turned off somehow differently). Honestly, I don't think this would work but meh.
  3. Lindsay

    Would it be possible for role-players to take control of, say, the news station to make live broadcasts. I was thinking along the lines of a fed-styled system where rebels or cartels could take over the channel and make a short live broadcast, where a time duration must be met either before or during the broadcast for police to react and counter-attack the rogue broadcast, either by physically taking back the radio station, or by using their own hacking method (not many ideas as of yet). It could have a massive cool-down, however, so people can't continuously just take over it to troll, and need to be somewhat committed, similar to the fed reserve. Obviously this would not yield rewards for the players, but it would be cool if such a feature were there for serious Rpers, and it would also create another activity to entertain the police.