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Grim. last won the day on April 1 2023

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About Grim.

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  1. Grim.

    After the time has passed and seeing reforger pick up wind, I remember straya player base without a doubt saying that if “arma 4” come out it would be what the community needed. surely we can get a reboot to start a life server on reforger? also not to mention mitch isn’t around to absolutely destroy the community.
  2. Grim.

    IS this a personal attack on the current commisioner??! HAHAHAHAH @Corey.
  3. Grim.

    literally he is the reason we will have no forests in life HAHAHA
  4. Grim.

    This was my brain when he landed man i swear he cheated arma 3 HAHAHA
  5. Grim.

    I play in ESL and CG ? and in the current clips this was me getting my grind on ?
  6. Grim.

    So as of some of you people might know me, and i come back and fourth to this server but this is where i have gone since the past i think 6 months. I ended Up playing for SOA Esports and this is what some of the footage i got ?
  7. Grim.

    or you guys should open a second server! for I&A
  8. Grim.

    that makes meh wanna creh
  9. IT WOULD DEFINITELY be more slots after me gathering a realism squad for invade and annex it makes it very hard for me to bring them all on at once with it being capped at 70 max and mostly at 69-65 it would be heaps appreciated thanks heaps if you guys do ;)
  10. go check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI6K5Tbagy8