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Posts posted by Wex

  1. 24 minutes ago, Chris Shaw said:

    you guys are all talking shit but when u compare this "roleplay" server to darksides combat roleplay server, the differences are very clear...

    this includes population and fun.

    Darkside would probably still be fun without tanks and big guns. They've got more content plus you can AFK for money so there's going to be more population. 

  2. Just now, Fraz said:

    you do have a point, but all you need to put in is suggestions, then hopefully it gets approved/added. I dont have a say, but i dont think it is as easy as many people think to code/implement these things, but it is possible ? 

    A lot of people have put things in suggestions and nothings come out of it. Read through https://strayagaming.com/forum/108-suggestions/ and see how many suggestions get ignored without any response from management. 

    • Like 2

  3. 6 hours ago, Fusionable said:

    - Some aspects of the terms and conditions could be monitored out of game by staff because it would be unnecessary development eg. 50 hours combined, this wold probably be determined out of game.

    Yeah the whole maintaining a gang base would have to be done manually by the staff team to determine if a gang is active enough and their behaviour standards is decent enough to keep the base. 

    • Like 1

  4. 24 minutes ago, RagingSniper55 said:

    Altis Life in general is more of a weapon-roleplaying gamemode where modded servers can actually enforce very strict roleplay; with having a fully valid reason to even pull a weapon out on a cop. I've been playing since Altis Life was first released and have not seen a server that can properly enforce it without banning half the population. Half of the pop on public servers are just there for the kills and not so much roleplay. ?

    Modded servers aren't that much different than Altis Life. Only difference is that you're less likely to get trolls due to the amount of effort it takes to join the server by downloading modpacks and being forced to get on teamspeak. Servers with strict roleplay don't get popular. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, killscore32 said:

    You say cops won't come on, that because no one likes trying to put the role play factor into it when a simple traffic stop turns into 4 cops being gunned down because the driver was bored. If civilians actually role played instead of just wanting to kill cops the server would have  a much healthier police population.

    Clearly you weren't around when cops would sit on office building gunning down civs for the smallest of crimes. 

    Both cops and civs have contributed to the state of the server, the only faction that can't be blamed are the EMS. 

    • Like 1

  6. 14 minutes ago, Fusionable said:

    9.3 When a bank is hit off, all declarations which include the bank robbers or police are called off.


    Does this rule mean that if cops are engaged in a combat situation at another location and a bank gets hit, those cops are no longer in dec and are immune from being killed? Because if that's the case it would cause a lot of confusion and I don't see why it's fair to the players who were engaged in combat with cops to have their dec called off. 

  7. You'd have more success trying to merge with an exile community. Last time Straya did Exile, it was popular for the first week then barely had any players after that. I'd rather the work go towards pop up servers, something like a modded I&A or wasteland. A game mode where you can get decent pop for the weekend or a week then shut it down and bring it back after a few months. 

    • Like 8

  8. 52 minutes ago, Kmart and Coles said:


    Alright first up, this is no where near corruption. Corruption would be Farmer adding more charges that he didn’t even do to his wanted level to get more money. 

    That would be exploiting which is against the server rules. Corruption is more like extorting money, taking bribes to look the other way, something like that. Corruption is something that is dealt internally within police rather than through server staff. 

    • Wesmart 1

  9. 14 minutes ago, Cap said:

    I've seen what @Joshua_said happen before, 10 people not in a gang all in Hemmts grinding drugs. If people are worried about the cops arresting them or fighting them quite simply don't get into a fight. I have been on AL for around a year, I have done countless drug runs, a few banks and some other stuff and I have never been sent to jail, if I can manage not to get arrested in a entire year it should be fairly easy not to get arrested for the first few weeks.

    The problem here is that a lot of cops will probably jump on after the wipe, SRT will probably be patrolling around drug fields/processing since there's no point for them doing GD when there's already a lot of cops on GD.

    This leaves civilians with few options:

    • Do legal runs and protect yourself with legal weapons without risk of being arrested.
    • Do illegal runs with a truck but shitty gear with high risk of being arrested/killed.
    • Do illegal runs with a shitty vehicle but decent gear with high risk of being arrested/killed. 

    The only way you could compete against SRT/other gangs and safely do drug runs is if there's 10 of you and you share the starting money around. 

    Of course all this is just a possibility, there might not even be a lot of cops on during and SRT might not go around drug fields. 

    • Wesmart 1
    • Facepalm 2
    • thinking3d 1

  10. 48 minutes ago, Nevetos said:

    If you think 'rank resets' work everywhere because it worked in some specific situation, please think again...

    HR is more complex than you might think.

    As for the comment of run like a business, not a community, I will put my two cents to that after work.

    I wouldn't say a complete reset but just remove people who aren't putting in the effort or care in their job. Surely you're still doing the thing with non-issues and issues where you can monitor what each support team member is doing and there must be some way of monitoring moderator activity. 

  11. 3 hours ago, jai timms said:

    and they just keep getting back on after there ban same with combat loggers


    If they do it again, report them and their ban is longer than their last one. They don't become immune after receiving their first ban. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, Cap said:

    If you remove name tags from cop how are they ment to dec and know who they are in dec with.

    Also @Augnov can we please have added to the ticket list 40 years for being a illegal immigrant?

    Server would need a few changes but if they removed name tags it would just be a simple case of shooting on sight anyone with a gun or posing a hostile threat while in an active combat situation. If it's someone not part of the dec then it would fall under crossfire. 

    Some servers have a button where you can declare on someone if you're aiming at them removing the need of looking at their names for a text message. 

    • Like 2

  13. 1 hour ago, Joshua_ said:


    Valid declarations have been a hot topic for a very long time. While I personally agree with you 100%, a suitable alternate solution has yet to be proposed. If cellphone declarations were removed, none of the gangs would be able to fight...

    This also plays into the blatant meta-gaming that is performed by most cops. They see your name on the car radar from a block away, check your name on the database and see that you have a bounty of $1,000,000+. They will pull you over even if you are in full civilian gear, driving the speed limit and wholeheartedly comply with their demands.

    If there was a poll to remove the name from above our heads and our name on the radar, I would sign it.

    Checking your car rego on the radar isn't metagaming. It's only metagaming if they use the name above your head. But I do think cops shouldn't check your name on the wanted list unless you've committed a crime. 

    Don't bring arguments about realism into altis life. Text decs are necessary because voice decs aren't always reliable, especially without tfr. Removing text decs would mean helicopters will make you immune from combat and runs are safer. 

    The only servers I see where the names are removed and text decs aren't a thing are servers where helicopters are hard to come by and the maps are smaller such as malden and lakeside where it's easier to get into a position for voice Dec plus lights and sirens were considered a Dec. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, DJ_JoozBrorg said:

    yay about time, but in vid no game-play so its pos fake... but if not fake wont be out till 2 years ne ways

    It was an announcement by Bethesda during E3 so it's not fake but it'll probably take a few years to complete. 

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