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About Jaay

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  1. Jaay

    I didn't hop on Altis Life for 3 days now I'm marked as inactive :( sad react only
  2. Jaay

    If you feel like a cop is abusing their powers by just asking you for $100k or going to prison, record the evidence, spam F12 or use shadowplay. Probably a pub slot gone rouge.
  3. Jaay

    omg i remember the plissken brothers. I reckon this gang should be rivals with Aobe. It would be an interesting battle to be honest. Welcome!
  4. Jaay

    Not yet mate...
  5. Jaay

    Hey Guys, my name is Jaay and I've only recently started playing on Invade And Annex. I usually play as a pilot as that is what I love to do. I used to play a lot of Altis Life but on another server so at some point I will give Strayas Altis Life server a shot and try get rich rich. I have a lot of knowledge of Arma and how it works, except servers run things differently so I'm not 100% of everything on this server. I have over 1200 hours of Arma 3 but most was played on another steam account which was compromised. During my time playing Arma I have hosted 1 server, Arma 2 Overpoch and was Admin on another Overpoch server. I am currently an admin on another community/servers which I shall not name for advertising purposes but they are a CSGO community. (they also use the exact same layout for the forums) Thanks, and see yous in game.