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Posts posted by TH3GamingBanana

  1. some of the things you have said in your post are a bit iffy, you are parkticaly asking for bank not to be bank anymore a big park of it is the time to respond banks and feds are ment to take a long time and are ment to be hard. and your also asking for gd to roll arround with 7.62 and 9.3mm. mate your cops need to work on thier tactics getting out of your hunters when surround by rebels isnt a good idear, or going off by your self and getting killed. yes thier maybe some unbalced play but you can reduce the gap

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  2. With the recent update dropping on the sever the staff team would like to hear some feedback, it might be something you like or dislike. maybe its something we missed or you have a dying question you would like to ask us. Altis life players this is your opportunity to tell us 

    i have it planned for Wednesday 28th night around 7 tell me below if its sound like a good idea and if its a good date and time

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  3. Do you have the strength for round two to go for the third time, into to that hell hole, that pit, that stadium to face the best of the best.

    a group of gamblers have decided that their usually games are to boring and would like to increase the stakes, watching rosters,dogs and other animals fight didn't give them the trill they singed up for with the majority of the group threatening to leave the group leader came up with a plan to copy a game from a dark figure MR black which was to get the best fighters on the island and put them up against each other 3 v 3 dual to the death. the group members liked this and begin to spread the word of the event to gun dealers and gang leaders nearly everyone on the island. 

    now the word has reached you. you maybe broke or may have a low reputation and need the bragging rights or are just looking to kill. this is your golden moment, your time is here. whether you accept this offer is up to you and only you.


    location - TBA

    what to bring - nvg, food and water. nothing else any other items that are brought to the event will be taken 

    time - 7:30 sever time 1 hour 30 min after restart pick up at Sydney beach

    date- or Saturday 8 


    this event will be a 3v3 with a choose of guns the wining team comes out and continues to the next round the losers can re spawn or get revived and spectate, the teams will be chosen on the night but if you have a team of 3 you can play in it

    enter is free to this event 

    Prize to be found out on the night

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  4. do you have the strength for round two to go for the second time, into to that hell hole, that pit, that stadium to face the best of the best.

    a group of gamblers have decided that their usually games are to boring and would like to increase the stakes, watching rosters,dogs and other animals fight didn't give them the trill they singed up for with the majority of the group threatening to leave the group leader came up with a plan to copy a game from a dark figure MR black which was to get the best fighters on the island and put them up against each other 1 v 1 dual to the death. the group members liked this and begin to spread the word of the event to gun dealers and gang leaders nearly everyone on the island. 

    now the word has reached you. you maybe broke or may have a low reputation and need the bragging rights or are just looking to kill. this is your golden moment, your time is here. whether you accept this offer is up to you and only you.


    location - stadium outside Sydney

    what to bring - nvg, food and water. nothing else any other items that are brought to the event will be taken 

    time - 7:30 sever time 1 hour 30 min after restart pick up at Sydney beach

    date- Friday 20 or Saturday 21 depending on sever pop


    this event will be a 1v1 with pistols the winner comes out and continues to the next round the loser can re spawn or get revived and spectate, the opponents will be chosen at random to face each other their are no teams you may have to kill your friends

    enter free is 150k winner takes all 

    their will be a helicopter pick up at the Sydney beach this is a rp situation no trolling if you are found trolling the event you will be removed off the sever no questions asked consider this your warning

    this is a very similar event to spectrals leave some blood on the floor fight club 




  5. Hey guys wanting to know if you guys would be interested on getting a big squad together and hitting up planet side 2 for a night like what the xpgamers do on their community nights

    just want to know if people are into it before i make any plans

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  6. Hey guys now how dose the community feel about storing guns in cars

    i personally think no because now houses are now valuable since it is the only way to store stuff. Rebel gangs have to protect their houses than just storing it in a car were it is untouchable. Rebels can also gain large amount of guns from other gangs.  cops can now raids houses and get good role play.

    but i want to know what you think

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  7. So i and a few other people played some rainbow six siege @vizzN @Roger Purple @martin @Zorgain

    And to say the lest we  got smashed a lot but when it was 0-2 we made a comeback and this is how we broke or 20 game losing streak

    so we were defending, and well we lost 3 people and we called gg but a miracle happens vizzn got good at the game and killed 3 guys, at this point i had fuzes balls in my mouth form all of the charges he was throwing at me. I made my move charging him and somehow also got good taking him out its was a 2 v 1 the last guy a dedicated thermite, the call is made " he is f***ing out side BANANA!" vizzn rush outside to meet him and gets shot in the face. i wip out my pistol and shoot him in the legs and like that we won the round. Half of the other team rage quit and we easy won the rest of the game.

    I had a great time and it is a pretty good game, just don't play with martin  because if you get in the way of him and a enemy/drone you will be wiped out




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