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Posts posted by Leopard

  1. 15 minutes ago, Byron said:

    If only the Manger would listen ayeeee

    HA. I tried having the guns added to rebel stores normally, then tried the KOS gun store.... multiple times... If only I wasn't blocked by a special few people who valued their crafting system so much... <3


    We are not going to introduce this gunstore into the game, I will list the reasons below for you.
    - There is already plenty of equipment available at the rebel store.
    - Players are so stingy about losing 100k, there is no way it would be actively patrolled.
    - Players will only log on during low population to buy their equipment and never return.
    - This is just another way to bypass crafting, it will only worsen the economy and not help it.

    I am still discussing with staff on an alternate idea that is not a gunstore.


    • Like 1

  2. 18 minutes ago, Snowwie said:

    "ya know what, you guys are right, we will leave and go ruin the civilians time by camping north gas station"
    Should camping Gas Stations be allowed?
    Should camping Rebel Outpost be allowed?
    Lets just camp PD instead? 




    Yeah, let us allow the camping of safezones, because that seems like a logical comparison... 

    Perhaps you didn't mention things like drug fields or anything because they are dangerous areas and that's what you expect.... 

    In no way shape or form are you allowing the disruption of civilians gameplay? It's the KILL ON SITE area? What "civilian" is going to be frequenting there? The people that go there aren't there to make friends or pick apples, they are there to buy big guns!! :o


    If anything, you are helping the sweet little innocent civilians, this is why; 

    Gangs buy big guns, instead of using them on civilians they use them on the other gangs (not civilians because civilians don't go there) trying to buy big guns. 

    Therefore, less big guns are purchased, and some of the big guns that are purchased stay in the KOS zone. 


    If you were really that concerned about the poor civilians, perhaps adding a store with all the big guns wasn't the smartest idea? 

    • Like 3

  3. StrayaGaming Invade & Annex Giveaway

    After multiple months of lucrative donations towards the I&A goal, the team has decided to organise a giveaway!


    Over the coming two weeks 2 x ArmA3 DLC Packs will be given away!



    The DLC will be given to the No.1 ranked pilot at the end of each week
    The leaderboard will reset tonight, at midnight (17/4)


    To access the Leaderboards and check your score, press [Home] -> [Leaderboards] ->[Transporters] -> [Select]


    Thank you to all who have donated to the I&A server over the past month, you guys are the reason this is possible!


    Good luck, and may the best pilot win.

    - S.G Staff

    Staff are not eligible.

    • Like 8

  4. Premium Member Giveaway - April


    All current Premium Members for the month of April and any Premium Members who make the purchase over the time of this month will automatically be granted one entry into the draw to win 1 out of 3 prizes.

    This months Premium giveaway will be:


    1 x $50 Steam Voucher



    2 x ArmA 3 DLC bundle 2. (Inc. Jets DLC)



    Prize Drawn on the 30th of April.
    Time will be announced closer to the draw date.


    Best of luck to you all.


    If you are not currently a Premium Member, you can purchase a subscription: HERE


    Please Note:

    If we get 120 Premium Members we can give away things like gaming chairs and stuff like ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 each month.

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