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Command Surrender

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Dogofwar    36

Hello all

so the new update has its ups and downs but mostly ups but the biggest down that i noticed is the new command surrender, it is way to easy making the system not a challenge any more. It used to be a challenge to move throught the AO capturing as many enemy troops as possible making it harder as you had to get a close look at them and capture, my favourite was capturing everyone in the HQ (which is possible iv done it). All im saying is that i would like to see that command surrender made harder as at the moment it is way to easy to do.

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  • Fitz    1239

    The settings for the action to show are exactly the same, but the action menu is more responsive. I'll tweak the required distance (currently 7.5m) a bit and see how it goes.

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    SkylerBB    26

    I do notice it to be easier but also a new challenge. Run around without weapons to take over the enemy. A few players been doing this.


    It does need a little tweak though as it does pop up a lot. Useful but also sometimes not.

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    WestOz    40

    I've actually been enjoying the change in "command surrender", like a lot of things in life its always nice to have a change from the same old it's been for years. However, perhaps due to coding possibilities etc, it's not & possibly never will be, perfect.

    Things I've noticed;

    "Command surrender pops-up through walls" - Naturally, viewing a building from a distance, through a window or open door (or their riffle & half their body somehow protruding through it) I can see dudes camping in there, Sure I can take them out with my riffle from distance, but how easy is that. For a challenge I'd rather move up and see if I can take them prisoner, with my pistol.

    I move up to the building, whilst moving along the wall towards the door, I can't see him but "command surrender" pops-up, ok to easy. However, if this same scenario in RL, being outside the door/building, I'd be able to give them an option & yell out, "Surrender or I'll blow your F'n head off". However he dosn't really have an option if "command surrender" has already popped up, so not sure what can be done there?

    Vs, moving through a town, along side a building wall for protection, all of a sudden "command surrender" pops-up, oh? there must be a dude in there, had no idea, that was easy...

    "Pop-up or scroll?" - Last night, Tanoa, "command surrender" (or collect ear, tooth) wasn't popping up on the screen (tap space bar) the new way it has been the last week or so, last night I had to mouse scroll?

    "Escort one or more at a time?" - The old way, we we're able to escort more than one prisoner at a time, seems it only allows one at a time now?


    SUGGESTION - Taking prisoners is fun, we all enjoy doing it, want the Gitmo credit, but it can be a PITA, restricts game play, so we usually end up shooting them.

    We all want the Gitmo credit, but that either means jumping on a chopper and personally returning to base with them, mid mission which obviously means leaving the rest of the squad a member down, myself perhaps the only medic, not always good, Or alternatively, throwing the prisoner on a chopper and letting someone else deposit to Gitmo, them getting the credit.

    Just an idea, if we can simply load the prisoner onto a chopper (or vehicle) alone (his restrained) and personally stay in the mission, the Pilot returns to base with prisoner, the Pilot (or other) successfully unloads/deposits the prisoner into Gitmo, both initial capture & depositor receives Gitmo credit? (this obviously also lets pilots achieve/build Gitmo score)


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