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A Message to Lord Spectral.

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Mikhail    134

Lord Spectral, you've done so much for us (the community) and it is not time to say your good byes. If you leave this greatly constructed community it will never be the same. Don't lose hope, keep your head up Lord, don't do this to the ones who appreciate what you've done for us and what you'll bring in the future. Love the community. #SupportSpec



~ this is no joke, we love your work here at straya. please don't leave ❤ .

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Spectral's Reply

Edited by Tiggati
Added in the link for Spec's reply.
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  • Leopard    7

    EVERYONE - In the community appreciates everything that ALL the staff team does for EVERYONE.

    You guys give your time and effort to benefit everyone.
    You all GIVE more then you TAKE.
    Not everyone can be like that. But. Spectral you certainly are.



    Without you. The Phoenix Cartel wouldn't be a thing. I probably wouldn't be here, and well I wouldn't have had as much fun as I have been over the last month.

    While I'm here;

    I would like to thank all of the Life Staff for your ongoing effort towards the server!
    @brutalforthepizza @Ryan @Zomboid @Cpt. Duck @Roger Purple @Spectral 

    And future Moderators who I'm sure will give it their all;

    @CptKirk @masinite


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    Nova    1779

    what happened to spectral? you make it sound like hes planning on leaving

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    Spectral    1342


    Momentary anger and frustration. Even I am human. Ii blew past it in an hour of quiet thought, looking at why people lie and say things, hold a secret agenda or do the things they do. Don't sweat it lads. More events coming. More Police organisation coming. My goal? Be the best Admin, in my team up with @Roger Purple, that there has ever been. 

    This means, to me, people following rules. Moderation in the bans is something I am working at, but when people spit on players, or claim Nazi names, or call people F@$gots behind their backs and they are Homosexual, or abuse younger players trying to play as a Cop and RP, then say "hey brah it was part of the RP/Banter", well, I dislike this. I dont get mad at them personally. I protect those that need me to. I see through peoples lies. 

    The wider community (I think?) likes me. A few Ex -this or Former -that's, not so much. I work hard, for you guys, to make the Server safe and fair. Do I remove people sometimes? Yes. Will I look at toning this down if advised to by @Tiggati. You bet. We serve at the behest and coaching of the Head Leads. This doesn't mean I like it when people run to him or @LuckyB33f with made up bullshit, saying something that went for an hour was up for three, or people got slapped around in there homes, or that 111 Helicopters nuked the city for 3 days. 

    I know some of the above wont make sense to some people. Long story short? I love the Community. I love being Admin and a Cop. I love it all. I will only go when I am told my time is up, or I move into another role. I pledge you all I wont let the Trolls and people looking to tear down whats been built to get to me as much as they did in the last 2-3 days. Some people have disappointed me in there actions. 

    I am in it for the long haul. I try to be hard but, more importantly, fair. Lets make Altis Life about the RP and Events, not about the banter and guns so much. I am around in the TS, or PM me anything you want to see happen, and come directly at me if you have a concern over a decision or a Ban. Your free to go to Heads or whatever, and then I explain my actions to them. They either back me, or admonish me.


    Anyway, read my much more important stuff, the Events, the Donator Skins, the other things going down. I was never leaving. I just got right down in the Pit with the negative crap. Now who reckons they can FULLY flip a Sportie off a Ramp......



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