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Need Help - Arma Broken

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Lotza    522

As some of you are aware, I've recently been experiencing some major issues with my Arma3, being unable to connect to any servers. I can get as far as the lobby, sometimes I can even spawn in... for about ten seconds and then I get kicked with the message of "You were kicked from the game". I've asked people who are in game whether there is any further information on why I was kicked in the in game feed, I've only heard that there is no message and it just says I was kicked, sometimes saying there was a signature check timeout and that it might be a steam or Battle-Eye issue. 

So far I've tried every solution I've found on the internet, every suggestion that's been made to me, and every solution I can think of and yet it was all to no avail. I've tried things such as clearing caches, verifying game files, deleting all of my MP files, deleting my profiles, even going as far as deleting and reinstalling Arma3, Steam and Battle-Eye. Yet after all this I am still experiencing the same issue. 

I've sent messages to BI hoping that I may get some reply or anything that might point me in the right direction. If I get some BS response from them, if I get a response at all, I'll be moving on to do the same thing with Battle-Eye and Steam. If anyone has any idea's or possible solutions that I can try that would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Zorgain    482

    Pretty sure Bonez has this same problem it's got something to do with his player database in his files, I have 0 clue about arma files sadly.

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