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I&A Community Zeus Event - Operation Steambreather

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Event details

An I&A Community Zeus mission from @decibel_spl, Operation Steambreather will commence at 1700AEST/1900NZDT Friday 24 May 2019 on the StrayaGaming Zeus event server.

Synopsis: Russian forces have holed up in a combat base, deep in Afghanistan. The only way to get it to it is punch through - with force. Callsign Longsword will head a tank platoon in an assault on the base, taking out their commander.

Map: Lythium

Mods Required: RHS: USAF, RHS: AFRF, JBAD, Lythium

For more information contact @decibel_spl, @Joshua_ or @Noskire.

The StrayaGaming Zeus Events Team run Zeus missions separate from the main servers on a regular basis, at least 2-3 times a week. We actively encourage members to participate and contribute their ideas and feedback. Have an idea for a mission? Then contact @Joshua_ or @Noskire.

StrayaGaming I&A Events Mod List: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1739949995

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