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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    EXILE SERVER AT A CLOSURE G'day guys I'm really sorry to inform you that a few of the strayagaming staff members that were running exile had resigned and left strayagaming and the bill for the server is due and needs to be payed by 14/12/2015 Due to the staff members leaving it leaves myself to pay for the server it also leaves Exile without a skilled developer to fix bugs and keep the server up to date and bug free. Exile's mods like Ryan's Zombies etc... are still currently not up to date for the current version of ArmA III 1.54. These mods could be updated tomorrow, In a week or even in a month but still as i said we do not have a skilled developer to keep the server in a stable condition. I'm sorry to let you guys down but i will be resigning from the Exile staff. Would like to say a big thank you for @BroBeans @K9 @Brodie thanks for opening, moderating and developing the server while it was up it was a lot of fun and we had a few good memories during it, I'm sad to see you guys leave and hope we could play something like this very soon. I would also like to thank @dasweetdude and all strayagaming staff members for letting me be apart of exile it was a fun journey. Original Post by J17 Updated Post by Pavlov 10/12/2015
  3. 1 point
    Hi guys. Working on a role-based scoring system to reward roleplay and teamwork. Top of the list is scoring for transport pilots. Post your thoughts/feedback/comments here. The goal is to provide a public leaderboard with full database support (later on), both to inspire efficient transport of infantry and to allow infantry to determine the best heli to get them to and from their destination in one piece. Also down the line, using CAS assets may cost a certain number of points, though this part is still in concept design. The goal would be to reward the transport pilots with use of the CAS assets and discourage people joining just to fly a jet, eventually crash and then disconnect. Currently it is in closed alpha. To participate, poke Quiksilver on teamspeak when you are a transport pilot. No guarantees I will enable it for you -- depending on the useable state of the code at the time -- but it is possible. If I'm flying transport over the next few days or weeks, it is to work on this system and thats probably a good time to poke re having access to it. Here is the current design of the system (subject to change/comments/feedback): Transport from base to a mission = +1 per passenger Transport from mission to base/another mission = +0.5 per passenger Transport from nowhere to base/mission = +0.5 per passenger Transport from base/mission to nowhere = +0 per passenger. Crash = -1 per passenger killed. Examples: Transport pilot picks up 4 people at base. En route to AO, pilot stops to pick up a poor sod whose quadbike has broken. Pilot drops both at AO. Result is +4.5. Transport pilot picks up 3 people at old AO, and brings them to new AO. En route, you are shot down by a Kajman and no one survives. Result is -1.5. Pick up 5 at base, transport to AO. You fly over a Tigris and explode midair. Just before explosion, 1 player jumps out with a parachute. Result is -4. Pick up 8 at base who request parajump. Fly over AO at altitude, they all eject safely. 7 have parachute on, 1 does not. Result is +7. Other notes: Score for logistics/sling-loading is still in concept design. Obviously we don't want blind sling-loading of assets just to get more points, but some recognition/reward for the added risk of sling loading could be good. This may be outside the scope of the initial release. Post your thoughts there. Earlier in development = more likely to influence development.
  4. 1 point
    a rip event in I&A today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0_90A0sab0
  5. 1 point
    Uno already know l love the idea l think having a similar system for a medic too on revives would be good also and use a similar point system more so one kill for a revive or maybe put it in a zone so depending on where the medic is and how far he runs so for e.g 1 point for a normal revive 100m might be plus 2+ points, 200m run and revive 3+ points ect. A max of about 6+ Points though if someone runs the full 500m. Or tie it so if the medic doesn't go down in distance they run to revive they get scored so. Still playing with the idea atm but as quick said above its a reward system that will encourage better teamwork play and get the medics that sometimes wont run 200m to pick someone up back into the points system.
  6. 1 point
    Like Fitz said it is a new feature in the lastest update. Most likely in the next update, I will turn it down close to the old sway amount.
  7. 1 point
    Meanwhile at Athira drug dealer, when the cops aren't online......
  8. 1 point
    Yeah I know, but because people use ingame group chat they are basically splitting off into small groups and not working together. If all opfor and blufor grouped together there would be alot more collaboration and larger firefights.
  9. 1 point
    we should have a weekly lottery style comp where we choose one or 2 people at random who are on ts3 to receive ingame cash or vehicles, maybe friday and sat nights.