Hi guys,
I'm going to post here game issues which affect us on the co-op server, but are Bohemia Interactive's responsibility to address.
You can help by signing up, logging in and upvoting the issue.
Feel free also to post game bugs which you think affect the co-op community, and we will sticky them here. If there is no existing bug report ticket for one, I can create it.
Issue - Adding ammunition in Virtual Arsenal
Issue - Performance degrades over time
Issue - Scroll bars broken (for instance, cant scroll properly in Group Management menu). Secondary ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=25553
Issue - Teams are not MP compatible (Group members are not aware of what team they are in (red,blue,green,yellow,etc). The upcoming QuackTac Fireteam HUD in I&A has built-in workaround to overcome the issue until its resolved).
Issue - Fast roping - because we all want built-in fast-roping. Scripted solutions and mods are generally unstable, ugly, quirky, overcomplicated and performance-hungry systems.
Issue - AI dont use buildings in combat - Would be nice if AI knew how to enter buildings and stand at windows during combat, without scripted systems/mods.
Issue - Thermal imaging broken - In reality, ground can be much hotter than a person during the day. In ArmA, people are always hotter than the ground. "If its white, its a target" /noracist . Simply put, there is not enough 'noise' in thermal imaging, rendering it overpowered in all situations. In reality, I can hide from thermals by standing on warm surfaces. In ArmA, there is no way to hide from thermals in the environment.
Issue - Ability to repack magazines - We shouldn't require mods to repack a magazine.
Issue - Automatically stand up when crawling near cover