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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/24/17 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Personally as a cop I love doing these convoy's not only is it and enjoyable event for all involved it can help the cops with combat training and communication skills. Also just being apart of a mass event like this is really fun. I have only been involved in one since Beef took over and I know he is planning on doing more so if we could get convoys set up that would be great
  2. 2 points
    23/05/17 Changes: Added Praetorian CIWS as base air defence (not controllable by UAV operator). Modified air defence spawning system. Added Praetorian HEMTT side mission reward. -@InfamousNova Added SAM Truck side mission reward. -@InfamousNova Removed 2 GBUs from the Wipeout. All (friendly & enemy) air vehicles are now visible within Terrain view distance instead of Object view distance (thanks Quik).
  3. 1 point
    Bro I was dead before u killed 2 of the squad I was in, and when I looked and saw who knocked out my mate, cos it was a good shot I saw ur name and I was like no way I was having a conversation with that guy about PUBG 12 hours ago or what ever it was
  4. 1 point
    Finally got my first solo win and it dosent even show up in my stats im only slightly triggered and also @BulletL u killed my squad in a squad game the other day what are the chances
  5. 1 point
    Congratulation to the following Officers on their promotions @Red to Deputy Commissioner @Wex to Superintendent @Jack. to Inspector @MATT Eggbert to Senior Sergeant @Milkdud to Sergeant @surey to Sergeant @SebastianB to Sergeant @Subnoize (Bevan Gluesniff) to Senior Constable @Snoww (Spark) to Senior Constable @ZACHH (Apollo) to Constable @Aaron to Constable Check back here regularly to see the latest promotions!
  6. 1 point
    When I was still rebel about a month ago before I went cop I bought I silenced spmg with 2 or 3 mags cant remember for 3 mill including the silencer so 4.2 or even 3 mill for the gun alone is not worth especially considering how much risk is involved taking that much money to a kos gun store. This opinion is coming from a cop as well so tbh the price dosent really bother me but just saying 4 or even 3 mill for the gun alone, as @Farensik. said it just isnt street vale.
  7. 1 point
    I can not tell you how many times this animation has gotten me killed or just hampered me in a situation, I understand there reasoning's for doing but this and the pissing animation probably are my two most hated things on Altis except a good old rdm. So in short if this was to happen <3
  8. 1 point
    Hi lads, This topic has been created to address a few grey areas; Both the direction of our wasteland server and to give you lads a response to this topic. Note I'd like to apologize for the presentation of this information but it addresses key information that wasteland players need to know. Group/ team sizes Let’s say most of the veterans suddenly decided they were going to stop playing on our server. Most of the ‘balance’ related issues brought forward would significantly decrease. I say this because you fellas have invested more time on arma and therefore have a significant advantage over the other players. Take this example: having a group of 6+ veterans (that are mates, can coordinate, know the best practices, places and glitches etc…) regardless of what team they are on are going to bleed our player base and cause uproar. It doesn’t matter what way you try to spin this, it's the simple truth. You can argue that “oh, if players won’t bother to team up and use teamspeak to coordinate like us then that’s their fault, but how can they get the chance too if you're slaughtering them all? I'd like to think it's not just the responsibility of the staff but also the members (especially veterans) to help with these complaints about 'balancing'. We have been giving key players subtle hints to try and break this chain of mass hoarding vets in the one team/ group/ channel, but apparently these individuals aren’t getting the message. Even 3 vets teamed together may level the battlefield or at least prove a great threat to new players or people with less skill/ less money than you. The fact that you're all mates, teaming up together and causing mayhem on the server shows me that you're not interested in helping us improve the server, but only interested in being about to kill everyone. Shouldn't the veteran players be helping making the server a more competitive and enjoyable experience? All I continuously see is you murdering literally everyone and doing the exact opposite. So it doesn't matter what team or group you go to, it doesn't matter what limit we set the group size too, the fact that you constantly group up together means the server population is gonna bleed, so naturally it reduces the fun for other players. Most of the complaints and issues are coming from key players, so my answer to them is why not try and help us better the server by using your initiative. Help level team balance. Check the veterans on each team and choose the team with the least. If there are many vets in the one team, don't all group together. Try to limit the amount of vets per group/ channel. We have numerous channels available in our teamspeak, yet all we constantly see are you fellas all whoring in the one channel. Spread out, go for different objectives, and instead of grouping all up together, branch out, make new friends, create new veterans. Don't you want to have more challenges and face off against more skilled opponents? FBI, your argument for raising the indie group size limit from 5 to 6 does not change the fact that some of your mates will still get left out. I want you to know we do actually have an interest in making the server enjoyable for everyone, it's just these key veterans & individuals that instead of helping us figure out ways to improve the server for everyone, rape/kill/plunder and then cry when we have to make a change that limits their power to completely decimate any pitiful form of resistance. So when I say we're trying to make the server a fun environment, we are trying. It just happens that this (your) grouping problem is a major factor that is affecting our player base and we are purely trying to seek ways to manage it (while you may not agree with the methods done to achieve this, it is in the best interest of the majority of the community.). We see a game breaking issue/ problem we will try and manage it, simple. Going on with your internal protests (like stacking opfor) in an attempt to force us to change our mind will not work because if we see that happen, we can and will simply kick you to bluefor and back to indie. There have been many people before you try to come up with ways that will piss everyone off and force them leave resulting in us changing our mind back to the way it was. Its not gonna role So sounding one sided? Don't like what you're reading? Then I want you to consider if our server is really for you... But, If you generally want to see this server thrive better than it has & is, throw us ideas, and we will consider them. Make the effort to swap teams up, to group up with new/ players that aren't as coordinated than you. Use your initiative to help us make the server a great place of gathering and fun, not purely to benefit your group of mates or a select group of friends. Yes not all ideas can be implemented, in fact many may be rejected, but that doesn't mean you shouldn’t bother to keep throwing us ideas. Chances are you already have an idea that will help us with our vision of making the server a fun environment for all comers, but as you haven't stated it, nothing can happen. A few of you have stated you wish to see more skilled players appear on the server, as to make the gameplay more challenging for you, I couldn't agree more. The only issue with that is what i've repeated over and over here, change your grouping circles, help others see what fun it is to coordinate and achieve objectives; break into smaller groups and vs each other or go for different objectives. A general vibe for wastelands direction. Please keep in mind that information below here in regards to the development of wasteland may not be final, so naturally some of the information and features below may or may not make it into a future patch. Also note that we aren’t providing any eta for anything, as we will work on ideas when we have time. Sandstorm complaints: I am aware of current sandstorm issue that is plaguing all of our less experienced and financially broke playerbase. So as a temporary solution, we will be disabling the ability to store sandstorms in private parking. What this means for players that currently have them in storage is, when you withdraw them, you will no longer be able to park them again. Donation system overhaul: We have been looking into overhauling the current donation system for wasteland for quite some time now. Here is our current system as those who have donated will be familiar with: 1 time donation of $10 : unlimited usage of the ability to change both player and vehicle skins on the go. We aim to change this into a tiered system to offer more content to our player base to thank them for helping with our server upkeep costs and supporting the server. This is the new donator perk system we have envisioned for the future: Tier 1: Donator tag level in TS Access to tier 1 skins (this will include most of the default skins) Tier 2: Donator tag in teamspeak (dependant on amount, next level of donator tag) tier 2 level skins Tier 3: All of the above + tier 3 level skins Private teamspeak channel Custom kill messages Access to special map locations* *Locations to be decided We are also looking at implementing a donation goal which when met, applies a bonus to all players (if donation goal is met at end of month) Global discount in stores Better starting loadout New server events: If you haven't already guessed by the title, we wish to add more server events for our player base to give our them a challenge. The chance to fight for major objectives & rewards etc… Heres just a small list of ideas that we have been contemplating. steal event (steal a percentage of all online players banked money) admin/ player gone rogue hardcore day (locked to first person) explosive truck (Ever see a fireworks barge explode? Well this truck has the payload to make the show a lifetime) kings of the radius (capture and hold area for x time? [group/ team based?]) "staff grab" (staff protect item on map, players have to retrieve it and move to selected zone to win [free for all?]) Again, there is no eta or certainty on when you can expect such events to be implemented, so just keep an eyeball out for patch notes. Knuckling down on the trolls: If you haven’t taken a gander at the rules, I’d advise you do so. Wasteland staff will no longer be tolerating individuals that continuously spam in chat or teamspeak, or individuals that constantly seek ways to bypass/ get out of trouble. We will act upon what we consider to be a violation & threat to what we are trying to achieve here. The retaliation will vary depending on the staff member, the incident, and several other factors. Do you need to know these other factors? No, because you shouldn't have been breaking the rules. Trying to use what I have stated in this section to advance your personal interests may in fact land you in trouble yourself. Been banned or caught out lying/ breaking rules before? Well, lets just say there's levels of trust that have been compromised over the years, so this may also influence the outcome any incidents involving you. Will we see jets dlc in the game? the Jets DLC is arrived and your new vehicles are now purchasable in game Bringing this post to a close: I hope after reading through all of this content you are able to obtain a better idea of what’s going on with our wasteland server, the expectations and goals we hope to achieve. We appreciate your feedback & support in helping to make our server a better place and we humbly ask that you continue to do so. If it fits in with what we hope to achieve, and if it's possible for our team to implement, chances are your idea will appear in future patch notes. Just note there is a difference between what we consider “positive” feedback and not so positive… In answer to the question in getting the limit raised for indie groups, unfortunately i can’t see increasing the limit will in any way reflect what has been mentioned in here, so the limit will remain at five for now. Wasteland staff are gamers just like anyone else, we’d rather have fun and play the game, but as staff we are also tasked with protecting the servers interests (a task that may have fallen short of its meaning until now); and that will now be enforced by any means necessary. If we can see a group or team that is leveling the battlefield, we may intervene and give the receiving end a ‘leg up’ to help combat the issue that is you. Oh i'm sorry, is this statement not fair? Well, lifes not fair… Welcome to the real world; welcome to world of what it feels like for “noob” players trying to face off against the devils horde. There's no question that your skill or team work is anything but a wonder to witness, but you have to meet us halfway… Until you can give us alternative methods that we consider will help manage the overall servers direction; and until it becomes apparent that you guys start making changes, we will continue to change features of the game in an attempt to limit your ability to wreak havoc on the server. So, after reading all of this, have some reflection time, because If you can't agree with what has been stated in here, I’d like you to consider moving on from our server. You came, you definitely conquered, but it's time to find another server to utilize your “abilities” in. “We will intervene with what we consider to be the right approach per situation.” Have a nice week. Peace out @LuckyB33f @Ya Mum @ALI @Dak Commstar @James32 Don't bother to try and counter what I say here @Dymium & @BulletL. I'm aware of your discord group content and i'm not amused. You must also be aware that your so called private discord group is not that private. Trying to manipulate the server into your ideal environment and stuff like "oh i'm gonna get rid of this staff member" because you have it in for them isn't going to stand. Frankly actions and comments like this ingame message shows me your immaturity and again i ask myself, why are you here? We aren't going to change this server to better your cause, and if members of your discord team dislike that, same question, why are they here? In no way have I seen any of you support our server. Maybe it's time to move on to a server that better suits your personnel “standards?” because keeping this attitude and behaviour up is a sure fire way to getting removed from our server for good.
  9. 1 point
    StrayaGaming - Altis Life Rules All rule breaks are up to the server staff's discretion. What a moderator/administrator says is final. Recently changed rules are in yellow. 1 - General Rules 1.1 Use common sense when playing and reading the rules. 1.2 Any form of hacking, exploiting or cheating is prohibited. 1.3 Any form of racism or derogatory comments will not be tolerated. 1.4 Any use of macros are not allowed when on the server. 1.5 City limits are defined as anywhere inside of the Purple Ring around Sydney. 2 - Fail Role-Play (Fail RP) 2.1 You must at all times, stay within the narrative of your roleplay character. 2.2 Aborting the server while in restraints, roleplay, combat or while incapacitated/downed will be considered ‘Combat Logging’ (you must wait the timer out and respawn before, leaving the server). 2.2.1 You may however, quit the server if you were the cause of your own death and not in an active declaration (crashing your helicopter, falling off a building) 2.3 Any form of evading role-play such as killing yourself, being team killed to evade or breaking character will be seen as Fail RP 2.4 Storing or impounding a vehicle during an active declaration will be seen as Fail RP. 2.4.1 This also includes storing money, items and other amenities during an active declaration. 2.5 Any strategy, method or actions that are obtained by out of game means will be seen as meta-gaming. 2.6 Any actions that are done with the intention of interrupting or interfering with role-play or the actions of other people is trolling and fail role-play. 2.6.1 Don’t be a dick. (Don't do anything which could be seen as purposely annoying or interfering with the Roleplay of others. Things like baiting police, destroying vehicles and targeting certain people). 2.7 Civilians may not enter city limits with / or use any of the following ; concealing clothing (balaclavas, face masks), assault weapons (anything that cannot be purchased from the red civ gun store), explosives, armoured apparel and vehicles (clothing/vehicles with an armour rating) 2.7.1 Civilians that enter city limits with any of the above mentioned items may be met with undeclared lethal force from the Police within city limits. 2.7.2 Weapons / Gear picked up from dead bodies that are considered assault weapons (including police weapons) may only be used within that declaration, once declaration is over you must get rid of the gear or leave city limits. 2.7.3 Anyone in Qilins, Prowlers, Armed Land Vehicles, Armed Hellcats, Armed Orcas and Pawnees may not enter city limits. 2.8 Any hostile action direct towards medics will be seen as Fail RP. 2.8.1 Stealing a medic vehicle will be seen as Fail RP. 3 - New Life Rule (NLR) Classifications: Dead / Died / Killed / Death means you have been incapacitated and then respawned. Incapacitated / Downed means you have been shot, crashed, etc and have the option to be revived by an adrenaline shot, request a medic or wait out the respawn timer. 3.1 All information / knowledge / memories gained prior to respawning is lost unless revived by a medic or via an adrenaline shot. 3.1.1 The exception to this is owned houses and server marked map locations. 3.2 You cannot return to the situation which caused your death. 3.2.1 Even if the situation has ended, you are not allowed to go back to retrieve weapons, gear or vehicles. 3.3 If revived by a medic, you cannot attempt to kill anyone involved in the situation leading to your incapacitation until the situation is complete 3.4 You can still be restrained by civilians or detained by police after being revived so long as the opposing party member has not themselves, been revived or respawned. 4 - Value Life Rule (VLR) 4.1 Putting yourself in situations where the risk of death far outweighs the odds of surviving is considered to not be valuing your life. 4.1.1 Failing to comply with the demands of a hostile threat where your life is at risk will be considered to not be valuing your life. 5 - Declarations 5.1 All declarations must be done via email or direct communication, this includes voice. 5.1.1 Enough time (30 seconds) must be given to acknowledge a declaration must be given. 5.1.2 An acknowledgement must be a noticeable change in behaviour. 5.1.3 Direct communications cannot be used to declare on any vehicle. 5.2 All declarations must include the following: 5.2.1 An action for the person being declared on e.g. Hands on your head! 5.2.2 A consequence for failing to comply e.g. Or you will be shot! 5.3 A declaration ends when all ingame/online members of an opposing faction are incapacitated or 10 minutes after all hostile actions have ceased. 5.3.1 Upon death/incapacitation your individual declaration with the opposing party will no longer be valid. 5.3.2 5.3.1 is void if you are revived using an adrenaline shot 5.4 A declaration on one member of a gang/faction is a declaration on all members wearing the same gang tag/faction map wide. Note: Please see the linked announcement regarding the interpretation of the use of Gang Tags in Combat 5.5 Declarations on Police must be done by either direct communication (this includes voice) or by text to Police dispatch. 5.5.1 Declarations via Police dispatch must state a name and a vehicle (if applicable). 5.5.2 If a name is not applicable, a location must be used instead. 5.6 Registered civilian contractors must declare via text message before participating in an active contract involving a robbery 5.7 If the player has acknowledged your declaration and complied with your demands, you may not engage and must continue roleplay. (If you decide to kill them while they're complying, this will be seen as Fail RP). 5.7.1 Hostages may only be killed should negotiators fail in complying with reasonable demands 5.8 If you are outside city limits you cannot declare on any players that are within city limits. 5.8.1 If a player flees into city limits during a declaration you may follow them and continue the engagement. 5.8.2 If you follow a player in during declaration using rebel gear, you may not start a new declaration until you leave city limits. 5.8.3 After concluding a situation pursuing a player into city limits in rebel gear, you must immediately make all attempts to leave city limits. 5.8.4 If a declaration is initiated by a player inside city limits where both parties are inside city limits, rebel gear may not be brought into city limits. 5.9 The robbing of a house does NOT form a declaration between the robber and owner. 5.10 All civilian groups are to wear the gang tag associated with their group. (Example: [123] YOURNAME) Note: Please see the linked announcement regarding the interpretation of the use of Gang Tags in Combat 5.11 You must declare on a person before you can restrain or knock them out. An acknowledgement must be received before you can restrain or knock them out. 5.11.1 Police are exempt from this rule when restraining to check licenses or ticketing. 5.11.2 Police may use tasers or knockdowns without a declaration against players who trespass within Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane PDs. This does not start a declaration between the player / player’s gang and the Police. 5.12 Anyone in an air vehicle within a “No fly Zone” can be met by undeclared force by police. 5.13 Any damage or deaths that occur from crossfire will not be considered a form of declaration. 5.14 Any combat taking place in a KOS zone is exempt from the above rules. Should a party leave KOS whilst in Active Combat, a declaration is formed between both parties 5.15 Anyone inside of the red border around gang bases will be met subject to KOS from the whitelisted gangbase members. 6 - Random Death Match (RDM) 6.1 Killing any player without a valid declaration (see declaration rules) will be seen as RDM. 6.2 The killing of EMS will be seen as RDM, however excludes EMS in KOS zones. 6.3 If you are caught in the crossfire of an active declaration, this is not RDM. 7 - Vehicle Death Match (VDM) 7.1 The usage of vehicles to cause harm, damage or gain an unfair advantage will be considered VDM. 7.2 Running someone over with the intent to evade/flee is not seen as VDM. 7.3 Players who become ragdolled will gain immunity for a short period of time, until the rag doll animation is over and they have been allowed to remount a vehicle or re-engage in a combat situation. 7.3.1 Immunity period only applies when the rag doll was caused by the opposition not teammates. 7.4 Armoured VS Armoured is permitted 7.4.1 Armoured Vehicles consist of the Strider, Ifrit and Hunter 7.5 Ground vs. Air Ramming is prohibited. 7.6 Unarmored vehicles can not be used to ram other vehicles. 8 - Safe Zones 8.1 There is to be no hostile acts within a safe zone. 8.2 When in an active declaration you can not flee to a safe zone. Police can arrest people from within safezones. 8.2.1 Police v Rebel declarations are called off when all members of either party reaches their safe zone (Police Stations or Rebel outposts). 8.2 is void in this situation. Cartels and civilian contractors must also return to the Rebel Outpost over their set outposts. 8.2.2 If a single member of either party returns to the safezone, the declaration is still valid 8.2.3 All above rules (8.2.1 and 8.2.2) do not apply for when a robbery is being conducted. Any players that are part of either the gang or police force and are present at the bank within the declaration area of a 2km radius will be considered active in the declaration. Anybody seen withdrawing to a safezone will not be permitted to return and is calling off their individual declaration. 8.2.4 Police may return to Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney PDs during a bank only for the purpose of escalation and will not call off their declaration in doing this. Only in this case are they exempt from rule 8.2.3. 8.2.5 Police are exempt from rule 8.2 if they are bringing the individual back to a Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane police safe zones for processing purposes. They may not re-join any active situations once processing has begun. 8.3 You can not steal any items/vehicles from a safe zone. 8.4 You are not to airlift a vehicle from within the city limits. 8.4.1 The only exception to this is vehicles you own or have keys to and can only be lifted from the air garage. 9 - Robberies Robberies - Gas Station robberies, Major robberies and Vault raids 9.1 You must declare on the Police when robbing any of the gas stations however, major robberies and vault raids are KOS on all cops involved within 2km. (Please see Section 11 - Vault Raids for more information on Vault Raids) 9.2 Touching off any robbery and running away for the benefit of baiting cops or annoying other players will be seen as Fail RP. 9.3 Gangs performing any robbery must do it for the robbery itself and must roleplay an escape once the robbery is over. They can’t wait around for the pleasure of killing Police officers. This will be seen as Fail RP 9.4 If you leave the server whilst spawned in or die for any reason during a robbery situation, you cannot return and engage in the situation. (This includes aborting to lobby or being kicked). 9.5 During scheduled server events (events with prior notice given more than 24 hours ago), no player may conduct any major robberies or vault raids. 9.5.1 Players, regardless of faction, may not rob or raid houses during these events. 10 - Major Robberies Major Robberies: Westpac Bank, AGL Office, Research and Development Facility, Federal Reserve. 10.1 All Major Robberies have a minimum requirement of Police online before the robbery can be commenced 10.1.1 Ten Police officers must be online to rob the AGL Office 10.1.2 Ten Police officers must be online to rob the Westpac Bank 10.1.3 Twelve Police officers must be online to rob the Research and Development Facility 10.1.4 Twelve Police officers must be online to rob the Federal Reserve 10.2 When a major robbery is hit off, all declarations that include the Police are called off 10.2.1 This rule is only applicable within a 2km radius of the major robbery area. 10.3 Declarations for all Major Robberies are only within the immediate area of the robbery. Any hostile actions to either the robbers or the Police responding to the robbery by an unrelated gang/third party will be considered RDM within 2km of the active robbery. Two gangs (Rebel/Cartel/Civilian) cannot commit to a single major robbery at the same time. 10.4 All Major Robberies have cooldowns before they can be robbed. 10.4.1 The cooldown between different major robberies is two hours, the cooldown starts at the beginning of the robbery. This can be checked by using the bot on the Strayagaming Discord or the Gangs Discord 10.4.2 AGL Solar Office and the Westpac Banks have a cooldown time of two hours. 10.4.3 Research & Development Facility and the Federal Reserve has a cooldown time of three hours 10.5 You may not randomly join in a major robbery or sneak around unarmed and act as a bystander then pull out a gun and assist. This is known as Third Partying. 10.5.1 Registered Contractor Gangs with an active contract approved by Senior Staff may assist in conducting a Major Robbery or assisting Police in retaking 10.6 After the detonation of the Federal Reserve vault, neither party (rebel or Police) may have any additional people join in to the active robbery. 11 - Vault Raids Vault Raids: Abandoned Bank, Abandoned Factory, Military Compound, Altis Shipping Yard, 9 Lives Headquarters 11.1 Eight Police Officers must be online before a Vault Raid may be commence 11.2 A 1km KOS Area is established around the Vault Raid when it is started. If any party enters this KOS Area during the Vault Raid, they are placed in a declaration with all parties involved. 11.3 Vault Raids have cooldowns before another one may be attempted. These are not affected by Major Robberies 11.3.1 The Cooldown between any Vault Raid being attempted is one hour. Only one Vault raid may be attempted “per hour” 11.4 Any Party may join in and attempt to take the prize for themselves 12 - Hostage Rules 12.1 A message should be sent to the Police requesting a negotiator for the hostage(s) prior to the start of the robbery 12.2 If you kidnap a player with less than six Police online, you cannot initiate a hostage roleplay scenario with the Police. 12.3 All negotiations must be done face to face in game and any money must be done on site NO wire transfers. 12.4 A declaration is formed with the Police & Hostage Taker(s) when negotiations are called off by either party face to face. The Police must wait 30 seconds or receive acknowledgement of negotiations being called off before any hostile action is taken. 12.5 Do not use a hostage that is playing with you. This will be known as fail role play. 12.6 The negotiator of any hostage situation can not be taken hostage. 12.7 There can only be one hostage situation declared with the Police every two hours. 12.8 You cannot take EMS members hostage. 12.9 The negotiator must value the life of the hostage as his own. 13 - Civilian Groups 13.1 Civilian Groups consist of Rebel, Gangs, Contractor groups in addition to ordinary groups / gangs 13.1.1 All Civilian Groups are to wear the tag associated with their group in front of your player name. (Example: [123] YOURNAME) Note: Please see the linked announcement regarding the interpretation of the use of Gang Tags in Combat 13.2 Civilian Groups are all their own separate force, therefore no team tactics between groups is permitted 13.3 No more than 15 members of a civilian group may be on the server under tags at any one time 13.4 Any Corrupt Roleplay must be documented. Corrupt Roleplay consists of turning a blind eye to drug trafficking and other illegal activities such as kidnapping and capture points. 13.5 When performing any robbery, civilian groups must ensure that the appropriate amount of time has passed between cooldowns. This information can be found by using the discord bot (See robbery rules). 13.6 Civilian Groups may apply to become a registered group. The benefits can be found here 13.7 Registered Civilian Groups have the ability to take over a major settlement, known as a rebel takeover. More information can be found here 13.8 Registered Civilian Contractor Groups may form contracts with any groups / faction throughout the server. 13.8.1 Any contract formed must be documented and made available to staff at any time. 13.8.2 Civilian Vehicles must be used in city limits. This includes donator vehicles and helicopters. Vehicles purchased from a rebel store are not permitted. 13.8.3 Contractors must be paid prior to any commencement of work. 13.8.4 Any gear purchased at Contractor Base that is not available at a civilian store is considered rebel, unless you hold a valid contract approved by the APD Commissioner. 13.8.5 Contractors are only allowed to operate with their specific contract parties or other contractors groups. If they are seen operating with groups not contracted with them, then AL Senior Staff may revoke their registered status. 13.8.6 Contractors can only participate in robberies should they have an active contract approved by AL Senior Staff. 14 - Additional 14.1 The Altis Police Department (APD) and the Altis Paramedic Service (APS) have protocols that govern each department. They can be found below: 14.1.1 APD Protocols 14.1.2 APS Protocols Contact the respective Command Teams for help regarding protocol breaches. 14.2 The Basic Laws of Altis can be found here 14.3 The Registered Civilian Guidelines can be found here 14.4 The Rebel Takeover Guidelines can be found here 14.5 The Gang Base Guidelines can be found here 14.6 Donation Benefits for Altis Life can be found here Rules written by the StrayaGaming AL Staff Team. Rules effective as of Altis Life Version 11.7 >> If any grey areas are found, please forward them to Altis Life Senior Staff <<