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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/17 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    War is coming So I jumped into a random channel with some lads, It turned out we went for an adventure. This is the war cry of MMOA. I had a great time playing these bunch of lads. I will make a full version of our events on the SG youtube in the up coming days.
  2. 2 points
    Welcome to Arma 3, where every player knows the frozen lyrics.
  3. 2 points
    I've been in many situations with Lachlan where he has proven good leadership skills and follows orders well. He's always executing good roleplay and I recommend him for sergeant. [S09W] John Maclean
  4. 2 points
    he need to be promoted iv seen what he can do for the police force and his leadership skills are not bad
  5. 1 point
    Sergeant Promotion Application Note: By placing this application you are not in-titled to Sergeant and can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about you application, if you do it will be hidden. Name: Lachlan Callsign: K07E Rank: Leading Senior Constable Training Completed By: JOSH Gluesniff Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min): I think I deserve sergeant because i have been apart of the alits police department for a long time close to 3 months if not 3 months now and i know what it takes to be a good sergeant i will try my best to be the best sergeant that i can be, i know that this a big responsibility to take on but i think i am ready for it. I also put an app for the Detectives unit to expand my knowledge and skills of being a police officer in the APD. Who would recommend you for a promotion? @maderboy, JOSH Gluesniff , Alexj , Cat , @Bow , @Pezza , @nclem, Phantom, John Maclean,
  6. 1 point
    Lachlan is a great Officer in the APD i have seen what he has done and it is amazing. For the time that I have met Lachlan I saw him do very well in situations and RP He is also one of the best. He is also one of the best negotiators in the entire APD that is also why he got promoter to Leading senior constable in the first place [031W] Kevin
  7. 1 point
    Basics: - General Alias: GamingPanthers In-Game Role-Play Name: Andrew Thompson TeamSpeak Name: Andrew Thompson Age (Minimum 15): 15 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: 76561198127262076 Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD? I was removed because I killed a person with a lethal when I should've been using a knockdown on General Duties Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD? I Should be added back in because I know What I should be doing and not be doing. I think it was a good thing what Mitch did because I Would like a reset because It would make me more active as a Police Officer. If you enlist into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: I see myself as a Constable - Leading Senior Constable and an SRT Member What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department ?: I can bring in my Shooting Skills and flying Skills and Communication Skills Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols that were in effect as of 04/06/2017? Yes I am How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: I would Rate it about a 7/10 If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): @maderboy @ApoloStar .................................................................................................................................................................................... End of Template
  8. 1 point
    // Declined // If you want to get back on the police force u need to start again from scratch start with recruit then to prob constable and so on
  9. 1 point
    27/10/17 Changes: Moved base artillery to FOBs. Activate the FOB to spawn it. Has same restrictions that the base one had (for now). Changed enemy CAS spawns to only Buzzards during off-peak time. Friendly CAS no longer spawns when there are less than 12 players. AA jet still does though. Increased vehicle service time. Added yet another message for tank drivers stating that their vehicles cannot be lifted Changed enemy CAS targeting for Bobcat. Laser target will only be active under certain circumstances. Further Robocop/DB integration. Currently busy with some IRL stuff, so no major or permanent changes regarding the heli CAS trials or RoE yet.
  10. 1 point
  11. 0 points