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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    hi guys, just signed in and saying hello!
  2. 0 points
    Regular Player Name (Which you are most known for): Kmart ArmA 3 UID/Steam64ID: 76561198440063733 Why should you be unbanned before the seven days: I should be unbanned because this was my first offense that involved exploiting. I have had my ban of 1 month, and have had other punishments such as a player wipe. I have truly learnt my lesson and I will never dupe or exploit again. I had duped so I did not have to buy items so I could save money, this was wrong of me and I should have used my hard earnt cash to buy those items instead of duping them. I hope to have 1 more chance at the server and prove that I can be a good community member, follow the rules and respect my fellow gamers. Why should the community trust this apology, given that you were lying and/or being deceptive when being questioned (Only applicable if you were lying/being deceptive - I will tell you if this was the case): The community should trust this apology because I have been very open and honest about my situation. I have played on this server since 2018 and I have always followed the rules and respected other players until recently. I promise my actions will change and I honestly regret doing what I did. I am truly sorry for what I did, and I promise I will never be involved in such exploits ever again. I hope you can forgive me