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  1. 1 point
    Player of the Week 2/5/2021 Your Player of the Week chosen by the I&A staff team is Congratulations Weary Dig Weary Dig – Previous weekly mention as gamer who has been playing in the Straya IA community for some time and has achieved a damn good reputation at being consistent and a team player. Albeit very professional and rarely speaks but his tactical approach and reasoning to gain the advantage and his demonstrated efforts to lead from the front really stand out. Generally, a player who strategically and chronologically will take the objectives in order to prevent CSAT gaining the upper hand. Rather than getting bogged down in the infantry fighting or running towards gunfire, he’ll push objectives. Well played. Honourable Mentions: @Badger, - This week Pvt. Badger has been flying helos and has managed to top the list for the most transport points. Not only can he pay a great frontline role taking the battle to CSAT, but has the added ability to get troops in successfully. Badgers ability to respond to requests from the AO is of considerable note, whether updated situational awareness requiring a change in tracking, and request for ammo or a special LZ, Badger remembers the key to being a good pilot on this server, Service to the troops. Us pilots are there to support what they need! Well done, Badger! @Deagle – Deagle is a cornerstone of most infantry combat on the server. Always up fighting fit and taking it to the enemy. Often quiet, but communicates when needed, he’s the silent professional type, like a highly skilled grey man. If you need an objective taken and he’s on the way, chalk it up as a win. @JFE – Medic – Another well seasoned gamer who plays his role as a medic with dedication considering the amount of players incapped by CSATS defence. Another great asset to have in a defend or when charging froward in the frontline trying to gain whatever advantage over CSAT. Always makes the effort and goes the distance and a player who deserve the credit for his efforts. @Chris – Been a long-term player and balancing work with play time however plays as a medic and one of the players that follows the objectives, gets the results and never complains. A formidable asset to have when you need medical intervention and he is in the game. Very handy with a rifle and always makes the effort to get you up if he can, with a total disregard to obstacles. Plays at all different times, morning, afternoon and late into the night. On behalf of Straya Gaming Staff and of course all its players, our congratulations again to the Player of The Week and those receiving an Honourable Mention.
  2. 1 point
    This game is worthless to me without the challenge. The challenge is why I drive kilometers each server block. It is my challenge and I need no praise or glory for it. I need no sympathy for failing it. Upon server reset it begins and the variables that will stop me from completing this challenge are uncountable and have no pattern to learn from. The challenge in writing sounds simple enough but it is different for every person for everyone holds themselves to their own standards. Justify your use of the Tank in a server where you are completely unnecessary, obsolete, and old tool. There is an abundance of talent in the straya server. Master pilots, master HAT troops, master snipers, master rifleman, master everything is in this server, and your all making me work my ass off every server reset to justify it. yes u are all variables in the way of my challenge and I find myself in a desperate competition against CAS and all other support vehicles. I wouldn't have it any other way though, it wouldn't be fun if it was easy. My tank will be the tip of the spear and the soldiers behind me will be the base and together we will plunge ourselves through the heart of the frontlines. If you your petty like me and keep checking the score board you may have thought this was about tank kills. Its part of it yes {a tank should prioritize the killing of other tanks} but that is not good enough for me. I will be the bane of enemy vehicles and ill do it while being the wall between our medics and hell. You will find me near the wounded not because I want to be your hero, no I am your slave driver and I will drive u relentlessly through the AO until it is done so I can get to killing the next fleet of armored vehicles. This is my challenge and though I have received praise from the server, my challenge is far from over. It may never be over for at the end the end of the game I look at the scoreboard and say "i could of done better"