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Posts posted by Cap

  1. 7 hours ago, Jebediha Shepard said:

    Looting bodies was horrible for cops. You would get shot every second you left pd by civs waiting for your gear, and then all civs would have a spar 16 shooting at everyone. Fun :Kappa:

    From memory connor said that was the reason they didn't allow corpse looting, he said he was able to patch the dupe or something.

  2. A second thing which I just thought of would be to legalise everything you can buy from contractor base (khaki weapons) as long as it is kept outside the city limits and they have a gun licence as well.

    Back when @Wex was the commissioner he did this and in my view it worked well and went a long way to deter rebels from robbing civs, hopefully it would work again.

  3. Well the first step in my view would be removing the air drop spawn at copper/iron trader. Secondly if we can get the cops to actually escort people and guard these places that would also eliminate the threat, unfortunately when I have tried to get a escort the cops refuse.

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  4. I've seen what @Joshua_said happen before, 10 people not in a gang all in Hemmts grinding drugs. If people are worried about the cops arresting them or fighting them quite simply don't get into a fight. I have been on AL for around a year, I have done countless drug runs, a few banks and some other stuff and I have never been sent to jail, if I can manage not to get arrested in a entire year it should be fairly easy not to get arrested for the first few weeks.

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