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Aaron Smith

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About Aaron Smith

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  1. Aaron Smith

    "AoW best gang" I am a simp
  2. Aaron Smith

    this don't look to bad, well done Prophecy
  3. Aaron Smith

    +1 This man is very dedicated to GD and helping everyone he can as a CO or just as an APD Officer He is more then capable to do anything he is required Many situations with DJ and he is by far one of the most experienced and eligible Senior Constables in GD
  4. Aaron Smith

    Sergeant Expression of Interest Note: By placing this expression of interest you are not entitled to the rank Sergeant and it can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about your EOI, if you do it will be denied. Name: Aaron Smith Callsign: K08W Assignment: Detective Training Completed By: James List all Recruit Inductions you have done: Wex, SmileySol, Beetz, Uncle Rifle, Dubloo Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I believe i should hold the rank of Sergeant because i am a dedicated member of the APD, and especially the Det team. I believe that i have had enough experience as CO to guide and lead the Team and the lower ranks of the APD. I have had experience pasted down to me by the Senior Detective Team and they have guided me to where i am today, i will return the favor to many people. Who would recommend you for a promotion? @BigBenno, @Miller., Aiden DDR, Anyone else that would like to recommend me too
  5. Aaron Smith

  6. Aaron Smith

    100% would recommend @iamjack for the promotion, i have seen him inaction and i have seen him lead. Whenever i'm out on ops he shows the up most respect and the qualities for a Sergeant rank. He has showed me how to do many things in CIU and out on cop, weather it would be me and him up in polair or us being in a car going to a airdrop whilst he commands the op. @iamjack has done so many things for the police force, medics, judicial system and for the community.
  7. Aaron Smith

    This is a very smart suggestion, 100% would back this