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Woolie last won the day on September 1 2018

Woolie had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

74 Rising Star

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1 Follower

About Woolie

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    Pro Poster

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  1. Woolie

    That’s weird you haven’t heard of me? I’m one of the most disliked people in the StrayaGaming community
  2. Woolie

    “DoNt **** WiTh mE iM sRt” - Uncle Toby
  3. Woolie

    that quad bike play was a epic gamer moment +1
  4. Woolie

    Please Teach Me To Be Good At Osu!
  5. Woolie

    Took me what felt like the time it took for straya to wipe there AL but worth it. Well done mate
  6. Hey everyone Woolie here, I've been away from the community for a little while now, So I've decided to pay for a gang's gang skins for 3 months. It doesn't matter if your already has gang skins i'll pay for a new one for you or if you don't have them already i'll pay for them. There's only 2 requirements for you to be entered into the draw. comment a picture of your whole gang taken from in-game Upload a 1 minute video of funny moments which has happened with your gang And there you go you'll be entered into the giveaway. This will end and been drawn on the 5th of December. And best of luck to everyone
  7. Woolie

    @Chadd good lad to talk to, love the overuse of bus stop memes
  8. Woolie

    @Red A staff report a ****ing staff report, your actually a brain dead c/unt ain’t yah. YOU should be the ones dealing with that shit Fusionable is an admin. No wonder a majority of people hate you.
  9. Woolie

    SUBSCRIBE 2 Woolie Straya 4 40 Second Frag Montages !!SUBSCRIBE!!
  10. Woolie

    Ayy it’s not gay if you say no homo
  11. Woolie

  12. Woolie

    I’m thinking of doing a retired staff or a part 2 with retired staff
  13. Woolie

    Nah I believe your inferior to James. Yeh rank is the same but qualities, yeh nah James’s qualities are much better
  14. Woolie

    Nuu Rushean: hmmmm I’ve got a lot of things to say about you but I’ll keep it to one sentence..... Only good at combat because Asian.
  15. Woolie

    you read my mind