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  1. JdawgZ


    R&D would be more fun if it was split into 2x locations - where at the successful completion of the 1st teller, rebels have 45 mins to then hit the second (starting a new dec) meaning every one who died (rebels and cops) can re-gear and go to the second teller for a second fight (like a mini taker over etc) have the buildings spaced apart in different towns maybe?
  2. JdawgZ

    Hahahaha that would be crack up as, a sports hatchback that ejects you if you go over 100kmph ? Or even a heli that ejects you if you fly above 200m high
  3. JdawgZ

    hahaha gotta admit it would be crack up, just cruising along then all of a sudden without warning your traveling at light speed
  4. JdawgZ

    random idea A second hand vehicle dealer (air and car/truck) in sydney or where ever- whereby, the cost to buy the vehicle is half or less that of the normal store but, your purchase spawns with a twist, the vehicles come out with random "wear and tear" that cannot be fixed, for example: - a fuel tank that only fills half way - yellow wheels that cannot be fixed - Has a faulty NOS that randomly goes off unexpectedly - car reaches 80kph and if they drop below that speed they blow up (i.e a speed bomb but you dont know its there) - the previous owner was a weed runner so the inventory is full of unprocessed weed - helicopters where anti-torque propeller is damaged - trucks that were modified by the previous owner so has a higher cargo capacity etc etc (these are just random ideas but ultimately would be funny as **** for some of em) Whatever state the vehicle is in is completely random where only sometimes they come out completely normal (so you get a good vehicle for a low price) - if you dont want to risk a crappy second hand that will prob kill you and others around you, then go to a normal store and buy a full price one lol We could call it "Abdul's super cheap autos" - for you my friend, very special price!
  5. JdawgZ

    +1 always helps out GD and is a great cop, would make a great sgt!
  6. JdawgZ

    You should prob be more specific in your post. You CAN play as a civilian without taking leave for senior sgt+ (not sure what detective protocols state as there is a stricter level of trust involved there - im speaking from the GD perspective). The GD protocols state you can play as a civ, you can do runs and even dec on other civilians. what is limited and requires leave to participate in is the following: 1- robbing houses 2- robbing banks 3- taking hostages 4- decc'ing on and specifically targetting cops 5- use of rebel gear specifically for the intent of just randomly hunting people down and killing them The above will likely see you in regular combat/being captured and processed by your fellow peers in the APD, we have many sgts and below who frequently do all of the above and have no issues. As we only have 1 GD senior sgt and the rest is command i dont see how this affects you? I suspect your issue is more with SRT/CIU protocols perhaps?
  7. APD Command Team Corey - 76561198189181833 Pezza - 76561198202398325 JdawgZ - 76561198141250719 Jeb - 76561198393253832 Michael Steiner - 76561198315093629 Mbolt - 76561198121088754
  8. JdawgZ

    so you say that on 14th sep... didnt make it a full month kid before trying to come back lol
  9. JdawgZ

    yea the second teller bomb thing isnt a bad idea
  10. JdawgZ

    by that logic tho: if he truly dead tho, medic cant revive him cause he is a dead corpse? if he get revived, he shouldnt be allowed to pick up his guns or grab his vehicle cause he wont remember they are his? so, for a medics purpose to be valid, reviving means that the person did not die, they were saved and kept their existing life and can grab his stuff back. i still suggest that a medic revivng some one that removes them from the battle (e.g. teleport revived person to hospital or to rebel/cartel with their gear minus what they dropped etc) is better, then cops cant touch them - same for cops, if revived they are teleported to hospital or PD. Then medics can run in and out of combat revivng and rebels wont hesitate to request for a medic. then you just need to make sure the medics value their own lives and dont get themselves killed... e.g. a rule update to something like "medics killed by crossfire within 2km of a bank will not be considered RDM" - doesnt mean people should target the medics as there is no value in killing them, but if they get in the way and caught in crossfire then thats the medics problem not the rebel/cops
  11. JdawgZ

    yea i can appreciate and respect that for rebels, when a rebel wins a bank i always respawn cause the last 2x times i was revived i got taken hostage haha. I guess that's originally why i was thinking if a rebel or a cop is revived by a medic and it respawned with their gear at a hospital in a safe zone (like in GTA) where they cannot be touched, it would be better cause then they are out of the way of the dec, they are alive hopefully faster cause medics will want them revives and wouldnt have any reason not to revive some one in a combat area. (gives them a tactical element too i guess). and would be interesting watching them race through a battle field (being a distraction etc). Could even put a medic outpost in cartel 2 so if you get revived at OG you go back to cartel to grab a new gun and race back? back in the day when i was a medic, there was heaps of gang on gang decs around weed and heroin, i use to love flying in and reviving dead rebels and having banter Or setting up a medic outpost that turned into a massive rebel battle ground lol. I miss those days.... Feels like most medic interactions are from cop vs rebel fights now
  12. JdawgZ

    you think i enjoy getting killed at banks and having to sit and wait for the combat to end before i either respawn or get revived? no, but thats the penalty of getting killed. Cops go through the same stuff just as much as rebels do. But I'm not the one here demanding they get rid of medics, which has developed its own community of people that really enjoy the game, add its own dynamic and can help with the server pop cause theres usually a few of them on. Maybe you should get some "knowledge of the server before you say stuff like that." im sure none of the medics reading this are feeling all that great getting slammed on. People leave the server because there is no mission or purpose to the server any more. If you werent at a cap point or a bank theres nothing else youd be doing. Gems are OP and make money to easily and the drug fields/illegal dealer are pretty much always empty. the small gangs get shat on or have no idea how to get big, the big gangs keep merging and rebranding instead of fighting each other. Its boring.
  13. JdawgZ

    if we just keep coming back over and over fighting, the only winner is the ones with the bigger bank accounts who can afford more guns and vehicles. becomes boring as shit and just another thing for people to whinge about. you should have 1 life, 1 opportunity to win the combat, you get killed then your out. Either take the respawn timer as penalty for dying or wait for a medic. Coming back over and over outside of the capture points on a robbery is just dumb
  14. JdawgZ

    this isnt koth....
  15. JdawgZ

    points 1, 2 and 3 are all together - as in you do all 3 to make the idea work.