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Posts posted by Connor.

  1. 18 minutes ago, Excel said:

    My suggestion is you join this up with a monthly giveaway or something so that they are getting more back than just some skins or maybe even something else, I'm sure you can think of something.

    Can't consider giveaways when we dont even cover the dedicated servers :feelsbadman:

  2. 20 minutes ago, Farqman said:

    I am not sure what the costing is for strayagaming, but using Wombat Servers as a guide. $1 a slot per month, plus 25 cents for TS per month.

    You can't really compare us to slot based prices because we don't host on slot based shared hosting. We rent dedicated servers which is more expensive but means our servers don't become laggy and unplayable from processes and servers on the shared machine that we have no control over.


    This post is a bit old but it lists the main expenses

    • Like 1

  3. Altis Life v6.8 Patch #1



    • Cells at checkpoint 1 can only be opened/closed by cops



    • Reverted cop uniform change for rank 0-1
    • Moved Jail



    • Vehicle damage handler
    • Block jumping in jail
    • Jail spawn positions
    • Bad vehicle spawn issue
    • Some jail wall glitches


    Report all bugs via discord.

    If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team.

    Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!

    • Like 4

  4. 3 hours ago, Noordo said:

    Will the graphics team make it or us?

    You make the skins how you want them. I can provide default textures to skin over if you need.

    If it is an issue where you dont know how to do textures we may work something out but free time isnt in good supply so we will see what happens.

  5. 1 hour ago, Rhys Beckett said:

    will there be custom gang clothing and car skins for the $15 a month?


    And can you put in like $45 for 3 months etc?

    yes custom gang skins. there will be a page up soon with the details. 

    We will see how it goes but for the start itl be a month at a time only. Reason being we dont want to get stuck with skins from a gang who doesnt play. its a waste of space and stops a gang who does play from having their own skins.

    Gangs who already have skins in the server will have priority for getting another month over new gangs.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Michael Steiner said:

    So as I'm sure a lot of previous donators are wondering what's my VIP rank mean now? Do they get new rank or?

    On the forums and TS you keep whatever you have and build on it like normal. the only change is in game with tiers expiring.

    • Seems Good 1

  7. 27 minutes ago, Noordo said:

    @Connor. Whats the go with this server?
    Is it staying up or shutting down now that the weekend is over?

    It'll be staying up. There are some things I want to do to it which have been discussed on discord, as well as some other ideas which I will talk about if I can make them work.

    • Like 3

  8. 35 minutes ago, ZrMz_x said:

    Unfortunately couldn't make it on last night, how did it turn out? 

    Personally i feel it went pretty good, in total 91 players had a go at it. I'll be adding a few minor things today and hopefully people come back for more :smile:

    • Like 2

  9. 47 minutes ago, WestOz said:

    Bit hard to see on my mobile, guess I’ll find out tomorrow night anyway, but how do you tell who’s on what team?

    I was thinking each team might spawn/only have available red or blue overalls or similar, maybe the same with vehicle skins

    By default teammates have the team symbol (blue rectangle or red diamond) above their head to show they are on the same team as you. They are also marked on the map but that is less convenient to look at.

    • Like 1

  10. 9 minutes ago, InfamousNova said:

    dont believe theres any team balance atm but try keep it balanced

    there is an autobalance. the current threshold is 4 players over the other team but it (as with everything) can change depending on how the weekend goes.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Mr Lispy said:

    Might be best to do 2 test servers, a Infantry and Light vehicles (Basically vehicles you can get shot out of like Prowlers) and then a Full version with most vehicles and see how it works out

    That could work out if there are enough players for two servers. For this weekend we will stick to one server just to see how players enjoy the concept.

    • Like 2

  12. 14 minutes ago, Michael Steiner said:

    Man can't wait to play CTF and have Lucky spawn in a Cheetah

    there is no way for him to do this

    10 minutes ago, Tungsten said:

    let him, if i can get my usual tanking group together its nothing but target practice



    no tanks as of right now because i dont know how it will effect playing the objective but depending on how the weekend goes anything can happen :thumbsup:

  13. 4 minutes ago, nclem said:

    I'm just curious, have you seen what DarkSide has done with their modpack?

    yea i did see, i saw they removed it because what they tried had the "global asset" issues that stop me from doing the same.

  14. Not right now, i want to be adding JSRS soon. I can't just add the server key and let players on now because the anticheat required a partial rework for allowing optional addons, but that has been developed and tested in CTF so it wont be so hard to port over :thumbsup:

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