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About rallen962

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    Learning Beginner
  • Birthday 01/17/2001

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  1. rallen962

    Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the Academy. Your Application for Academy Officer in the APD may be Denied if your answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches/ Protocol Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Command. If your application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. Acknowledgment of Declaration: YES Basics: - Name on Database: $loth Callsign: K25M Rank: Senior Constable Age: 17 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: Over my time in the APD I have seen a decline in the number of officers active in the force. I believe a small part of that can be contributed to the number of officers willing to support the new recruits that are constantly appearing. Joining the academy will complement my already existing pleasure for introducing new officers into the world of police. Being an academy officer will make it easier for me to perform inductions without having to chase down academy officers which are often not around when needed. Other than the obvious perks of being an academy officer such as simplifying my job when performing inductions, it would be a pleasure to give back to the APD. When I first started playing cop on other servers 4 years ago I did not have a clue what I was doing. Back then it would have been a blessing to have a unit such as an academy to help out. Now I know the ropes of cop rather well and I would love to share my knowledge and experiences with new recruits. What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: I have been playing Arma 3 for 4 years now, which has given me many experiences that would supplement myself in giving the new recruits of the APD the best experience possible. I am rather active in the APD, so I will be active enough to help whenever is needed. As an academy officer, I understand that one must be strict when carrying out tests and sometimes you may have to fail a participant. I am able to cope with turning someone down if they do not make the cut no matter who they are. Do you wish to work primarily in Enlistment, Training or Documentation? Why? (50 words min)?: I wish to work in whatever field that I am given. Whatever is necessary for me to do I can do it. My skills are not limited to one subject such as only enlistments or only training, I can also do documentation. For the purpose of the question, however, I am able to perform documentation as I don't mind writing and I have reasonable writing skills. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department Academy?: As a member of SRT I have to be able to divide my time with that an academy so realistically around 15 hours a week or so. I am very flexible and times that I can be active for will vary. Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why? Yes, which I have learned from and will not participate in again! Conclusion: - Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: YES Have you read the Altis Police Department Academy Staff Guidelines?: YES Do you acknowledge that by partaking in illegal or 'Rebel' activities you do not have the right to apply for Speciality Divisions within the APD such as SRT, POLAIR, Detectives and The Police Academy: YES