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Posts posted by Gotenks

  1. Honestly. Its pure laziness from the EMS.
    The Higher ups(dco+) are fine, they have been around for a few years now.
    Even myself when i was active through EMS and gained my way to CEO.
    I never had a problem with role playing. I was always thinking of new ways to create role play and interesting role play. Surgeries to amputations etc etc.
    The list can go on if you decide to somewhat use your imagination. I think thats what people lack and come to the conclusion they get bored.
    Yes there isn't a lot of activities as EMS, but there isn't anything wrong with using your imagination to create some role play. 
    It can get boring at times. But when people are dying you can generally enjoy yourself. 
    When Zomboid was in charge and some other boys were there we never had a problem having some fun.

    • Like 1

  2. you know what you could do? Instead of wasting the staff's time and obviously your own. Help the staff team with these 'duping methods' 
    Be useful for once? 
    You know the answer and still continued to make a post about it. Stating you didn't want a long discussion.

  3. it looks like your just jealous. 
    Im pretty sure the cops used to have a protocol in place for this anyway and it didn't work to well.
    There shouldnt be anything wrong with PEOPLE wanting to play on a different faction. 
    It is a game and you can get bored of playing the same faction over and over. 
    It shouldnt matter who the player is. Learn to shoot, learn to communicate and learn new strategies if its such a problem

    • Like 1
    • <3 1

  4. So i've been struggling with Dodo internet for the past couple months. 
    Just wondering if anyone can give me a bit more insight about the problems im having and how i can explain it to the idiotic tech support of Dodo?
    Below i have attached screenshots of today's Trace routes of connecting to Dodo and google.
    Any ideas why this is happening?
    I already struggle with 5-50% packet loss each and everyday, even when no browser or program is open and no-one is home.
    Random disconnections from the internet also.
    I am using wifi, but ive never had this problem in the past either.
    (Only using wifi because of how far away the modem is for an ethernet cable)
    Any help is appreciated.(yes im also looking into changing provider.)


  5. I don't know much about coding and I know Arma is only a simulation. 

    But the bank should be somewhat realistic. 

    In a semi populated town(not kav or closer to fed) 

    but have office buildings, 2 story houses, 1 story shops and car parks around the bank for players to use. 

    Inside the bank, include like an open area where you walk in, few desks and poles etc. either moving out to the back or up stairs have an actual set of tellers but only 1 will be able to be robbed or have a vault room. Roof on top of course with a heli pad for possible escape.

    (put my suggestion in here because I'll forget it later)

    • Like 1

  6. @Pydrex
    You could probably do any circuit or exercise thats High intensity. Just time it. 
    For my group classes and PT sessions.
    I usually do like 1 min work, 30 seconds rest and repeat. 
    Or 30 seconds work, 10 second rest and so on. 

    It also depends on your goals. Hit me up with a PM or come see me on teamspeak. 
    ( I am a qualified PT and group fitness instructor btw)

    Usually for my Clients i do full body programs, But i also try isolate muscles. 
    Regardless of what exercises, as long as you are getting your heart rate up, its HIGH Intensity. Trying to get out as many reps as possible in an amount of time and having short rest. 
    Squat Press
    Push ups
    Star Jumps
    Fast feet
    Sit ups
    Double Leg raises
    Dumbbell Deadlifts
    Shoulder press

    • Like 3

  7. I have a Fitbit blaze(for my workouts an business) 

    tracks my steps with walking/running, heart rate and things like that aswell. 

    Kinda personal preference at the same time as what features you want and price.

  8. @Sullys

    please do not try to flame or troll posts. 

    Saying 'this is shit' is not needed. If you don't like the video than keep it that way. Do not flame other people with comments

    2) Please no Flaming/Trolling. You will most likely be banned on sight for this behaviour.

    3) Before you make a new topic, or reply to a topic, make sure it’s not a pointless topic/post. Does it have anything to do with the topic, offer a new opinion, and add a contribution? If your post is only two or three words, please do not post it.

  9. @Specialist

    what are your qualifications? 

    Nutrition or Pt? 

    Ive got my Diploma in fitness and my own PT business. I agree 100% with what you said. I personally don't agree with training twice a day, simple reason of it can cause you to over train and fatigue your muscles a lot quicker, but of course if you eat enough macros you will make gains. 

    ATP is essential in the first 10-30 seconds(as far as I remember) and then it's good ole carbs or fats. 

    As for my pre workout, I'm trying a new shake- Prana muscle mass. 30g protein 30g slow release carbs, if I feel like it I'll blend in a banana or peanut butter for extra carbs and healthy fats. 

    There is nothing wrong with creatine or beta-alanine. I'm using Doom pre workout which has like 31% creatine, 25% beta alanine and 4% caffeine. (Not one to suggest pre workouts or supplements) but they can/do work especially if you want those gains, whether it be strength, muscular endurance or mass. I personally have found results with my pre workout also, using creatine and the BA gives me more energy and strength throughout my sessions and absolutely no crash with it.

    End of the day I can't say too much about supplements. That's all up to the experts. @CreedJr
