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Everything posted by Fitz

  1. Fitz

    bigger maps, more levels, better spawns, no minimap lets go
  2. The two players below have both won a $50 Steam Voucher each for having the highest total pilot/medic score for February! Congratulations to: Pilot: @=S.N.A.F.U.= with 995 points! Medic: @Hamish [TEF] with 586 points! Thank you to everyone who participated and big thanks to @LuckyB33f and to @vizzN for providing the Steam Vouchers! Be on the lookout for more giveaways in the future...
  3. Fitz

    27/02/17 Changes: Big thanks to Quiksilver for fixing the Customise Inventory menu! @Zombine45 @Tungsten Removed info for Steam giveaway.
  4. Fitz

    We'll be taking that out and keeping it the way it is now. The option to add a laser designator to the jet has been there for a while but it's too OP.
  5. Fitz

    Looks good! Also means we can add some more useful/exciting Side Mission rewards.
  6. Week 3 update for our biggest I&A Giveaway! The 3 Medics with the highest total score so far are: Hamish [TEF] = 427 Joe = 409 [-PAC-] webnebular = 384 The 3 Pilots with the highest total score so far are: =S.N.A.F.U.= = 827 helidave = 751 peatey8000 = 535 This is the final week to catch up to =S.N.A.F.U.= or Hamish [TEF]!!
  7. Fitz

    Can't you just sling the Taru Medical Pod out to them?
  8. Fitz

    We try to keep our skins a bit more realistic, so only implementing different types of camouflages and things like that. These skins are pretty sick though. I don't think we'll be adding anything similar to these unless, as Ryan said, there is very high demand for it.
  9. Fitz

    14/02/17 Changes: Recruitable AI have been re-added. They will automatically be removed from all Ironside vehicles. Smoke grenades thrown near HQ's are automatically deleted when there are many players nearby. Added restriction disallowing Pilots from using base Artillery when >20 players. Only Pilots can deploy ropes now. Once deployed, players outside the chopper can control them as normal. Removed automated group messages such as "Regroup", "Contact - Enemy - 100m", etc.. Added button in Comm-Link menu that automatically joins Teamspeak when clicked. Added support for JSRS 5.17 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=861133494. Support for JSRS4 Apex will be removed 20/02/17.
  10. Fitz

    Like everyone has said already, this is a bad idea and will not be implemented. If this happens, let a staff member know immediately. @Juddy - ATC | Dedi-Pilot You are not to force people to follow your ATC guidelines. If a player doesn't want to follow them, they are not obliged to and you should leave them alone and let them do their thing.
  11. Fitz

    I reckon my one's a bit more intense lol
  12. This month we will be offering a $50 Steam Gift Card each, to the top Pilot and Medic!!! To win, you must have the highest TOTAL Pilot or Medic score at the end of the month. This post will be updated at the end of each week with the current standings. To access the Leaderboards and check your score, press [Home] -> [Leaderboards] -> [Transporters] or [Revivalists] -> [Select] Staff are not eligible. 3 highest scores as of 5/2/17: Pilot: @helidave = 305 @Sinerbuzz = 255.5 @=S.N.A.F.U.= = 219.5 Medic: @Hamish [TEF] = 185 @webnebular = 163 Obi = 158
  13. Fitz

    If you check the status of the FOB and it says Vehicle Respawn is activated then there should be vehicles (offroads, trucks, quads) there.
  14. Fitz

    Take a look in the I&A discussions section. Tanoa and a modded server has been talked about a million times already.
  15. Fitz

    I usually have mine set at 1.8 - 2.2km I think you'd be alright setting yours at 1.6-1.8.
  16. Fitz

    20/01/17 Added: Trial Mod staff menu. Total Enemy and Blufor deaths are now displayed at bottom of AO & Side completion message. Various small tweaks and fixes.
  17. Fitz

    Not much to do when the sun doesn't come out ay
  18. Fitz

    Bit of an update on this, kinda forgot to do it. The test showed that without the serverside TFAR modules, we can't customise anything within it and it causes issues. One of which is that vehicles that aren't Blufor have different radios that can't communicate with the rest of the team. If the modules are used, then it can no longer be an optional mod and everyone must have it to connect; which is not what we want. I don't believe there is a point in using TFAR unless everyone is using it anyway. The ideal solution would be to have two servers like Artorias/Nova said, but at the moment we don't believe the player base is large enough to sustain both servers. Currently, there are no plans for any future tests. We might host small Zeus missions with TFAR and other mods sometime in the future though
  19. Fitz

    At 6pm I changed it so only pilots and people outside the chopper can control the ropes. If someone hooks something too heavy to you, then release it before you take off.
  20. Fitz

    Probably not going to happen. We put Advanced Sling Loading on though so you'll have to make do with that for now.
  21. Fitz

    Yeah, sorry, not fully configure yet. Will be disabled for VTOL and all the passengers tomorrow. Will have it so only troops outside the aircraft and pilots can control the ropes.
  22. Fitz

    6/01/17 Added Advanced Sling Loading. You do not need to download it as it is a serverside mod. Details here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615007497&searchtext=
  23. Fitz

    So I tried it. Didn't make any difference at all and my game crashed (3fps bug) twice in 2.5 hours. Max memory use over the entire period was 3.2GB. Do you have any non-anecdotal proof that it makes a difference?
  24. Fitz

    okay, chill bro, I'll try it now
  25. Fitz

    Good luck with that. There are hardcoded limits, doesn't matter what you put in. "1024 MiB is a hard-coded minimum (anything lower falls back to 1024). The maximum is influenced by your operating system (any value over the maximum will be reverted to this value):" 32-bit Windows + 32-bit game: 2047 64-bit Windows + 32-bit game: 3071 Once 64bit Arma is released: 64-bit Windows + 64-bit game: (physical memory*4)/5 https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters