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Matt Ronaldo

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Matt Ronaldo last won the day on January 5 2019

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About Matt Ronaldo

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  1. Matt Ronaldo

    Don't bother, multiple people have tried already, may as well challenge a person in a wheelchair to a foot race.
  2. Matt Ronaldo

    SWANKY Ban Report Status Not Banned SteamID 76561198106091652 nt discord admin
  3. Matt Ronaldo

    thats code nigeria content there chadd.
  4. Matt Ronaldo

    FaZe - 1 Million Subscribers Teamtage by FaZe MinK
  5. Matt Ronaldo

    Play other servers and you can play comfortably on 60 frames, play on straya and your playing borderline 20 frames which is bloody awful, so much needs fixed and so much needs to be added, management prefer to make memes then fix the server.
  6. Matt Ronaldo

    Man it's so hard right now not to write a mean comment
  7. Matt Ronaldo

    Unlucky Dingleberries, in the early stages i thought you were an absolute pigeon, after the later stages i realized you were one of the few people who actually knew what was necessary to fix the server, unfortunately you're leaving the staff team but i hope you enjoy life post straya gaming, Have a good one fusion
  8. Matt Ronaldo

    @Red @James32 @Mitch
  9. Matt Ronaldo

  10. Matt Ronaldo

    so bad.
  11. Matt Ronaldo

    well he got the attention, server needs a lot of change to get it back to a healthy state, we're still missing a working federal reserve, a healthy cop force at this point, police can't get above 10 cops, the server at this point consists making planned gang wars with other rebel gangs because there is nothing else to do, we are just missing everything that will keep people staying around, we lack content and a cop force at this point, school holidays and we don't have 20+ cops online which is very off due to the fact school holidays are on we have 100+ players. Bring new content and bring back what works before all the new players get bored and move onto better servers.
  12. Matt Ronaldo

    Yes, that'll work, @McCain your legal system is here, with everything you said they'd do.
  13. Matt Ronaldo

    It's not like you'd use them, why buy a cyrus when you can use a mar10 / .408 / Lynx or a prowler HMG that was used at a house raid, but lets not talk about that.
  14. Matt Ronaldo

    Do you think that means anything, it's like saying mitch doesn't have a vested interest in the apd still yet police continue to get advantages unnecessarily aka LRPS Scopes being added to only them, and removing any that rebels had