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  1. StrayaGaming

    1.0 General Rules 1.1 Use common sense when playing and reading the rules. 1.2 Squad names and player names must not contain language that is offensive to the average person. 1.3 No Teamkilling, if you do please say sorry in chat to inform them of your mistake. 1.3.1 No revenge killing the team mate that killed you once you have respawned or been revived. 1.4 Players must join a Squad and be an active team player - those who do not join a Squad or participate with the team will be kicked. 1.4.1 Squad Leaders must play using the Squad Leader kit. 1.4.2 Unarmed role is not to be used. 1.5 Do not create a Squad unless you intend on leading it. Squad Leaders are also required to use a microphone at all times. 1.6 No ghosting. For example giving game knowledge that would affect game-play to the opposite team This includes but is not limited to communicating outside of the game through a third party chat such as Discord or via the ingame chat. 2.0 Game Play Rules 2.1 Do not abuse vehicles or the role of the vehicle. For example, leaving armored artillery vehicles abandoned away from areas of usefulness. 2.2 Team stacking due to being in a clan must stay to a minimum. Stacking will result in team changes. 2.3 Do not shoot emplacements or vehicles out of main, unless you are being camped at main and need to do so to leave. 2.4 Do not waste, deliberately damage or misuse team assets such as the following. 2.4.1 Using a vehicle for yourself and not to benefit your team. 2.4.2 Leaving Vehicles behind after use in mission. Please drive it to an active area or send it back to the main base. 2.4.3 Air to air ramming is consider a misuse of team assets, this includes but is not limited to, ramming resulting in a total loss of one or both aircraft, rotor tapping and using a helicopter to ram the ground. 2.5 Squad Leaders may kick you for any reason they wish, do not retaliate if they do so, either come see an admin (If you have an issue with it) or join another squad. 2.6 MBTs, APCs and IFVs must have a minimum of 2 Crew manning them to be used. 2.6.1 Squads clearly identified as the named of a specific vehicle [MBT, HELI, IFV or APC] will have priority based on Squad number. This priority is only effective when the vehicle is spawned at main or in the process of spawning. 2.6.2 In the name of fairness, MBTs are limited to 1 per squad. 2.6.3 The claim over a specific vehicle is limited to one type of vehicle per squad (e.g. "BMP/MBT" is not allowed). 2.6.4 Anti-Air vehicles are exempt from this rule. 2.7 Squad Leaders should not use vehicles which require Crewman Kits if they are leading a squad of infantry. 2.8 Players must not camp a teams main base in a way which will stop them from being able to exit it. 2.9 Radios should not be placed inside of map objects, outside of the map boundary or have items placed over them in an excessive manor. 3.0 Seeding Rules: Below 30 Players (15 per team) 3.1 During Seeding Phase, players must fight over the center objective. This will be broadcasted during seeding by a Staff Member. 3.2 No FOB or HAB is to be built within 150m (not within the inner ring of the hob build marker) of the centre control point. 3.3 No pushing, camping or attacking enemy HABs in any form during the seeding phase. 3.4 Armed vehicles are not to be used during seeding phase, logistic and transport vehicles are allowed. 3.5 No emplacements can be built during the seeding phase. 3.6 Locked squads are prohibited during the seeding phase. 3.7 The seeding phase is concluded following an announcement from staff.
  2. StrayaGaming

    StrayaGaming Beyond The Wire Server Rules All rule breaks are up to the server staff's discretion. What staff say is final. Report rule breaches via the Discord Ticket System - discord.straya.life Recently changed rules are in yellow. This server is governed by the StrayaGaming Community Guidelines 1.0 General Rules 1.1 Use common sense when playing and reading the rules. 1.2 Section names and player names must not contain language that is offensive to the average person. 1.3 No Teamkilling, if you do please say sorry in chat to inform them of your mistake. 1.3.1 No revenge killing the team mate that killed you once you have respawned or been revived. 1.4 Players must join a Section and be an active team player - those who do not join a Section or participate with the team will be kicked. 1.4.1 Section Leaders / Officers must play using their Officer Kit. 1.5 Do not create a Section unless you intend on leading it. Section Leaders / Officers are also required to use a microphone at all times. 1.6 No ghosting. For example giving game knowledge that would affect game-play to the opposite team This includes but is not limited to communicating outside of the game through a third party chat such as Discord or via the ingame chat. 2.0 Ingame Rules 2.1 Team stacking due to being in a clan must stay to a minimum. Stacking will result in team changes. 2.2 Do not waste, deliberately damage or misuse team assets such as but not limited to; Commander Abilities and Emplacements. 2.3 Section Leaders / Officers may kick you for any reason they wish, do not retaliate if they do so, either come see an admin (If you have an issue with it) or join another section. 3.0 Reporting Staff 3.1 In all cases, staff reports should be submitted via the StrayaGaming Process first. This is also the fastest process. 3.2 If you are not satisfied with this, you may report this directly to OWI via this form: https://forms.gle/R3D434WVuaY9obtT6, or email them here [email protected] with the following information: 1) Name of the server; 2) Any evidence such as video, pictures etc; 3) Date and time of incident
  3. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Server. We are excited to announce that we have begun hosting a Rising Storm 2 server! Connection Info: Search “Strayagaming” in the community section of the browser or direct connect to: Gameplay Info: 64 Slot Server Vanilla Maps For reporting ingame issues please use the Discord Ticket System - discord.straya.life Please contact @Josh_ua or @AidanC if you have any queries or suggestions.
  4. StrayaGaming is pleased to announce its latest survival experience… ARK: Survival Evolved! “Stranded on the shores of a mysterious island, you must learn to survive. Use your cunning to kill or tame the primeval creatures roaming the land, and encounter other players to survive, dominate... and escape!” - Studio Wildcard We will be hosting a Crystal Isles server. Boasting beautiful landscapes and thrilling adventures, team up with friends or survive alone on this resource-rich 150 sq km map. x2 Harvest, Tame, Xp! Max Level Dino's - 180 Some of the features on this map: Brand new Biomes Three types of Crystal Wyvern New custom boss arena New tamable creatures To complement this announcement we will be giving away x2 ARK game keys! Enter the giveaway by Reacting to this post. Winners will be announced this Thursday (03/09/2020) StrayaGaming - Ark: Survival Evolved restarts at 2am / 2pm every day, to ensure it remains current and up-to-date. Please take time to review the ARK Server Rules: [here] Search “StrayaGaming” on the in-game browser or direct connect with [] For reporting in-game issues please use the Discord Ticket System - discord.straya.life Project Team Members staffing this server will be @Axilla Hallux @MattyB
  5. All rule breaks are up to the server staff's discretion. Staff Decisions are final. You can submit an appeal here: Strayagaming Support Report rule breaches via the Discord Ticket System - discord.straya.life or in TeamSpeak 3 - ts.straya.life (General Issues) Recently changed rules are in yellow. StrayaGaming General Rules StrayaGaming Community Guidelines are to be adhered to at all times. Use common sense whilst playing the server and reading. Any form of hacking, aimbot, duping, exploiting or cheating is prohibited. Spamming in chat channels and/or noise spamming is prohibited. Ark: Survival - General Rules Do not reveal tribe base locations over global chat or discord. You must use unique character names, found in the standard English language. An example of unacceptable names: Survivor, Player, Human, 246, 098, OneOneOne, □□□. Do not imprison or cage offline players. You may cage people during raids for a maximum of 24 hours. ‘Meshing’ or hitting things through walls is prohibited. The use of any creature not intended during a boss fight is forbidden. ‘Popcorning’ or the purposeful destruction of max-stacked crates / chests to induce server lag is prohibited. Ark: Survival - Building Rules All structures must be visible and able to be damaged. Do not block access to, build on or near the following points of interest: Obelisks & City Terminals Map Spawn Points Wyvern Scars Artifact Spawns
  6. Hello everyone, We are excited to announce that StrayaGaming is officially adding Squad as a permanent fixture in our service line-up. We have been blown away by the rapid growth from the very humble beginnings in late June, to consistently achieving a full server during peak periods. Squad’s success can be attributed to the hard work of our diligent staff and community members who have supported the development and maintenance of the server thus far. We are incredibly appreciative and humbled by your continued contributions. Moving forward, the following staff members will be responsible for the day-to-day operations and moderation of the server; @Mitch has been appointed Server Manager. @Lupus Reaper, @Zomboid and @Mr Chu have been appointed as Server Administrators. @Sir_Nuggy, @Truthy-, @Purgey and @AceWinchester have been appointed as Server Moderators. We are also excited to announce the addition of 16 new iAwards to complement its full service launch, which can be found here. If you believe you are eligible for an iAward, please create a discord ticket and attach any applicable evidence to substantiate your eligibility. Given its newfound full service status, Squad now has a place in our support systems. Get assistance in our community discord, or by creating a support ticket through our forums. General Information & Squad Rules Server Name: StrayaGaming.com | AU | AAS / RAAS ONLY Server Rules What is Squad? Apply for Staff here and talk to @Zomboid to join the seeding team.
  7. StrayaGaming

    StrayaGaming Squad Server Rules All rule breaks are up to the server staff's discretion. What staff say is final. Report rule breaches via the Discord Ticket System - discord.straya.life Recently changed rules are in yellow. This server is governed by the StrayaGaming Community Guidelines and the Squad Code of Conduct How to report staff misconduct: A) In all cases, staff reports should be submitted via the StrayaGaming Process first. This is also the fastest process. B) If you are not satisfied with this, you may report this directly to OWI via this form: https://forms.gle/R3D434WVuaY9obtT6, or email them here [email protected] with the following information: 1) Name of the server; 2) Any evidence such as video, pictures etc; 3) Date and time of incident.
  8. StrayaGaming

    Space Engineers We are excited to announce that StrayaGaming will now be offering an additional modded Space Engineers service, as well as our current unmodded survival server to the community as permanent fixtures in our service line-up. Connection Information: Server 1: se.straya.life or by searching Strayagaming | SE Vanilla Survival Server 2: se2.straya.life or by searching Strayagaming | SE Modded Survival Staff Team: At the time of launch, there will be 4 dedicated staff members for Space Engineers. @bodyboarder2528 has been appointed to the position of Administrator @Humaine @Noskire and @cherpychicken have been appointed to the position of Moderator Applications are now open and can be accessed via our application center here. Server Rules: A complete list of the server rules can be found here. iAwards: These forum awards are designed to encourage positive and skillful play, and to offer a challenge at the same time for people who want to go the extra mile and gain recognition for their achievements. The following iAwards are now available. If you believe you have met the requirements for one or more of the awards, you can either submit a ticket on our forums or by contacting a support staff member in TeamSpeak. Please ensure you have any applicable evidence ready to prove you have met the award requirements.
  9. StrayaGaming

    StrayaGaming – Space Engineers Rules The use of common sense should be applied when playing on any StrayaGaming Space Engineers server. All decisions made by server staff are final and should be heeded in good faith. Punishments for any breaches of these rules are at staff discretion and may be appealed to a higher ranking staff member via our forums or discord. General Rules Any methods used to intentionally lag the server are not allowed. Players should ensure that grids are appropriately spaced or stored when not in use. (i.e. !hangar). Players are not permitted to use SafeZone Blocks offensively (On Servers where they are available)(ie to raid). Safezones are prohibited to be used once combat has been initialized(by dec or shots being taken (See rule 7 for what constitutes combat being initiated)). 3.1. Players are prohibited to declare combat against a grid with an active safezone Piston/Rotor Head Spam Cannons are prohibited. Scripts that cause too large of an adverse effect on sim speed are forbidden. You will be notified by staff if any running script needs to be removed. Offline raiding is prohibited. If a faction member is online all grids owned by their faction can be raided. 6.1. Grids that don't get a Faction Safe Zone (FSZ) are exempt from offline raiding rules. To check what grids will get a FSZ type “/checkzones” in the chat. 6.2. Attacking friendlies/stealing grids from allies is only permitted when they are online. 6.3. If a faction member is online on 1 sector/shard but not the sector/shard the grid is on, then you can not raid/attack that grid until a faction member is online on that sector/shard. Combat Logging is prohibited (This is when you log off after the first shot on shield or grid OR a formal global chat declaration when either the attacking or defending player/s grid is within view/radar range (15km) of the grid they are planning to raid). Should you combat log the attacker or defender will be permitted to continue destroying/stealing the grid in question. 7.1. Changing sector/shard to avoid combat is allowed as long as combat has not already been initiated. 7.2. Due to the lengthy nature of the game, the following restrictions apply to the above: 7.2.1. After 15 minutes, either side may raise staff via a discord ticket to request log off without consequences. If the other side are unable to get a response from service specific staff within 30 minutes, they may log off without consequences. Should a staff member respond they will make the determination as to when it is fair for you to log off without consequences. 7.2.2. When making the above determination staff will consider the time of day, length of battle and the chance of success by all parties when permitting or denying the players to log off while in combat. You are not permitted to leave an armed grid within weapons range (10km) of a trader safe zone for extended periods of time (ie camp the trader zone). Spawning unnecessary respawn pods to salvage/farm/scout components/blocks/items/ores/players is prohibited. Raiding other players is prohibited within the first 10 minutes of the server starting (exceptions may be made by staff for crashes mid raid). Exploiting to bypass any blocklimit is prohibited (ie BaR connector subgrid exploiting). Rules written by the StrayaGaming SE Staff Team. Rules effective 10/06/2024 @1:30AM AEST If you have any questions about the rules feel free to contact our staff.
  10. StrayaGaming

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rust Staff Manager @iamjack Admin @John Senior Moderator @Big Kev @Byron Moderator N/A Trial Moderator @longsword25 We are looking for new staff, more for info please click. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rust Server Rules All rule breaks are up to the server staff's discretion. What a moderator/administrator says is final. Report rule breaches via the Discord Ticket System - discord.straya.life Recently changed rules are in yellow. 1 - General Rules 1.1 Please read and follow our Community Guidelines. 1.2 Use common sense when playing and reading the rules. 1.3 Any form of hacking, aimbot, duping, exploiting or cheating is prohibited. 1.4 Spamming in chat channel and noise spamming in voice is not allowed. 1.5 Toxicity may result in a mute/kick at staff discretion. 2 - Quad Server Rules 2.1 Maximun of 4 player in one team at all time ( No Share TC Authorization, Turrets and code lock access ) 2.2 Your team is allowed to swap 1 players during the wipe and you will need to notify staff in Discord Channel. 2.3 If there a player who left your team, Base owner will have to deauthorize all the TC, Turrets and undo all the code lock. 2.4 A player who left a team is not allowed to join back the same team during the wipe. 2.5 You can only compound buildings / bases that own by your own team only. ( No alliance / teaming allowed ) 2.6 You can make pact / Not KOS other player / Be friendly to other players 2.6.1 However You can't help other team by Roaming , Raiding , Defending with other players 2.7 Players are allowed to trade with each other but not permitted to gift bases, items, resource or blueprints to other players. 2.7.1 Trading can only be done via vending machines/shop fronts/inside safe zones. 2.7.2 Players must not notify others when abandoning their base/raided base. 3 - VAC Ban 3.1 Players with more than 3 VAC Ban history will be kicked automatically 3.2 Player with a VAC Ban record within past 60 Days will be kicked automatically ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a Quad Server, in this server, you are allowed to base with 4 players only, A maximum group size of 4 players on this server, this includes maximum authorized players on tool cupboards, code locks and turrets. You will be warned automatically if you exceed this; and the object will be destroyed without further notice if you ignore the warning. You are not permitted to team with other player outside of your 4 Players core team. We strongly recommend players keep a good distance with friends to avoided confusion , misunderstanding and miscommunication between groups. Punishment will be Deaths, loss of group/player inventory(s), or removal from server temporary or permanently .
  11. StrayaGaming

    NEW RUST SERVER We have opened a NEW Rust server! Read the rules here Connection Info: Search “Strayagaming” in the modded section of the browser or use: client.connect rust.straya.life:28015 General Information: Biweekly map wipes and Monthly BP wipes Resource Gathering Rate : 3X Resource Pickup Rate : 3X Scrap gathering rate : 3X Electronic components : 3X Day Time : 45min Night Time : 15min For reporting ingame issues please use the Discord Ticket System - discord.straya.life Project Team Members staffing the server will be @Asnee & @iamjack
  12. StrayaGaming

    Garry's Mod TTT Pop-Up Server We will be hosting a Garry's Mod Trouble in Terrorist Town pop-up server for everyone to come enjoy. Bring your mates, deceive them and pretend you're their friend and then stab them in the back and kill everyone else because F*CK The LAW! Connection Info Under TTT in Multiplayer, search Straya or direct connect via console (~) 'connect' Server opens 7:00 PM Friday 13th (Tonight) Rundown of the Gamemode The game mode is about a group of "terrorists" who have traitors among them, out to kill everyone who's not a traitor. A small number of players is selected as Traitors, who have to kill all the Innocent players (ie. the rest of the players). Those innocents know they are in the majority, but they do not know who is Traitor and who is not. The Traitors must use the element of surprise and their special equipment if they are to succeed. The Innocent just have to survive, which means finding out who the Traitors are and killing them before they kill you. Of course, everyone is holding a big gun, and everyone looks suspicious... For the Innocent, knowledge is power: who is acting strangely? Who can be linked to evidence found on corpses? Who is still alive, even? How to Play? You need to have Garry's Mod (GMod) installed on Steam. You need Counter-Strike: Source installed. In GMod, join a TTT server. This link here will explain the game mode more in-depth for those who want more information on how to play. RULES WILL BE ENFORCED. THEY WILL BE POSTED ON THE MOTD HERE!
  13. StrayaGaming

    Unfortunately the trial with starting a KOTH server has not worked out how we would have hoped. Due to this we will be closing the server at the end of this payment period. The server will be turned off around 6pm on the 06/09/2019. Thanks, SG Management
  14. StrayaGaming

    As of Sunday (7/7/19) at roughly 6PM, StrayaGaming will be launching an ARMA 3 KOTH server. At this stage our plan for the KOTH server is to run it as an infantry only server, meaning that only unarmed helicopters (no jets) and unarmed MRAPS (max) will be available as well as a limited selection of launchers. The server will use the Sa-Matra mission file, and the anticheat handling will be done in accordance with their guidelines. We will be looking for feedback regarding the weapons and vehicles restrictions as outlined above. Should you wish to have your say in the direction of the server you can post your suggestions in the new suggestions sub-forum for KOTH. Staff applications for the server will open shortly to all members of the community for anyone who wishes to help moderate the server. For our initial staff intake you will not be required to have helpdesk experience but it does always help your application stand out amongst the rest. Current staff are welcome to apply to join the KOTH team. We will have a series of giveaways and events running over the course of the next few weeks in order to promote the server and get players engaged. The first will be on the night of the launch for the player who is atop the leaderboard as 9pm AEST, with information about further giveaways to come.
  15. StrayaGaming

    Server Rules StrayaGaming Exile has these rules in place to ensure the enjoyment of all players while on the server. Please also see the community guidelines for additional information that is broadly covered on all StrayaGaming Services. https://strayagaming.com.au/topic/16076-community-guidelines/ Server Admins always have the final say. General Rules 1. StrayaGaming Exile is a PvPvE Server! (Player vs Player vs AI Server) 2. Abuse or Exploitation of any known glitches is expressly forbidden. E.g. Wall glitching, duping 3. Do not Combat Log. This is a punishable offence. You must accept your fate. 4. Intentional VDM is forbidden. This also goes for bases. 5. If you gain access to another players base, Leave the area before logging out. 6. Do not block access to traders and safe zones. 7. Do not park vehicles inside the traders as they will be removed. 8. Abusive behaviour will result in a wipe or ban at admins discretion. 9. Trading with other players is perfectly acceptable however they must be conducted in the safe zone. 10. All issues are to be logged via support and evidence provided. Building Rules 1. 1 flag/territory per player. 2. All flags must be placed on the ground. 3. No building in towns or cities. 4. Any Vehicles or buildings that impede other players will be removed. 5. No buildings to be constructed on roads unless the structure goes above the road and doesn’t impede other players. 6. No buildings are to be constructed on the North West Island. 7. No buildings to be at military sites. 8. No buildings at Spawns. 9. No buildings at concrete mixers. 10. No buildings at Airfields. Safezone Rules 1. No shooting into safezones 2. No ramming vehicles or running over other players. 3. No camping or waiting outside safezones for players to leave. 4. Do not abuse the god mode system at traders, walking in and out to kill other players. Building Regulations Flags and payment of protection money is available at the trader’s office. Below are the levels for buildings: 1. Level 1 is free at 20m/100 objects 2. Level 2 is 10k at 40m/200 objects 3. Level 3 is 15k at 60m/300 objects 4. Level 4 is 20k at 80m/400 objects 5. Level 5 is 25k at 100m/500 objects This is subject to change should the need arise. Lifetime Limits Objects or items that are not interacted with in these periods are removed automatically. Protection paid at the trader is required for your base to remain intact. If you require an extended time frame, please contact support and provide a valid reason. Valid Reasons are at the admin’s discretion. Territory Lifetime = 30 days Vehicle Lifetime = 7 days Constructions outside of territories = 3 days Containers outside of territories = 7 days Safe Abandoned = 14 days Mods Below you will find the mods both required and optional for the Server. Mods outside of these are strictly prohibited. Required Mods: ExileMod CBA_A3 Zombies and Demons Optional Mods: Enhanced Movement JSRS Soundmod Advanced Urban Rappelling