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About Bevo

  • Rank
    New Comer
  • Birthday 07/01/2000

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  1. Bevo

    Okay because i was wanting to go on and just give it a check see what he has that may be new and what not but i was always worried about either losing ranks in the PD or being banned from straya due to whats been happening to other officers recently, thanks anyway for clearing it up :)
  2. Bevo

    <127:27> "Frank (phone)" was banned permanently from the server by "Red1" (Community Ban | Indefinite | Red) ?
  3. Bevo

    With the current situations about a certain member being perm'd what is happening to the players that have been either on his server or even helping with the development of it?
  4. .................................................................................................................................................................................... Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the Academy. Your Application for Academy Officer in the APD may be Denied if you answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches/ Protocol Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Officer. If you application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. Acknowledgement of Declaration: (Y/N) Yes. Basics: - Name on Database: Bevo Callsign: K22M Rank: Senior Constable Age: 17 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: I would like to join the Altis Police Academy due to my dedication to the police for in the past few weeks, I've noticed that lately i have been very dedicated to the job and induction many recruit whilst also part taking in the creating of new Induction training and Full-time enlistment training. Joining the APDA to me would greatly improve my dedication towards inductions and would improve the rate at which players would be enlisted. Looking over from what I've seen in the last few weeks I've noticed that a lot of the recruits that have been inducted have been of the highest quality and i wish to improve that. What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: I feel as tho i could bring a high quality attitude and and aspiration to conquer the ranks of academy, in turn this means that the work that i produce when writing up peoples inductions and applications will be of the highest tier. This can be seen in my work of creating what could be the new induction training guidelines and full-time enlistment questionnaire. Induction: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ3cNU2aEP0QC1CIHLuKbXKaW-p_qXgSsA5TbFAZ67106Ilv0rSaFTIX8BZFI1jKkLzJ03UlrcVV_Vt/pub Full-time Enlistment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRJS2Xo3uTge0zGJNy-HdLgODqpUGMRpLLAHwQKBwiEarvLNB5hfC0wYVGmhBWioqUgYvBvjdNd15lH/pub Do you wish to work in Enlistment or Training? Why? (50 words min)?: I wish to work in both Training and Enlistment since I've already done training before an i do really enjoy doing it i feel like im experienced enough to train people an even help out with training docs when needed, Enlistments on the other hand will be a new path for me but i feel as tho i am dedicated and experienced enough to learn quickly and be able to do a good job of it. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: I can dedicate a lot of time the the APD due to me playing computers for 90% of the week when i am not at either school or work. Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why? No Conclusion: - Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Y/N) Yes. Have you read the Altis Police Department Academy Staff Guidelines?: (Y/N) Yes. Do you acknowledge that by partaking in illegal or 'Rebel' activities you do not have the right to apply for Speciality Divisions within the APD such as SRT, POLAIR, Detectives and The Police Academy: (Y/N) Yes. By placing this application you acknowledge that any work you do for the APD can be edited by the Command Team and other Academy Officers without your consent. Any work you do for the APD remains the property of the APD. Any "Code Black" information you are given is to remain unreleased into the Community. Signed - Bevo - .................................................................................................................................................................................... End of Template