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Posts posted by vizzN

  1. 3 hours ago, Roger Purple said:

    *COUGH* Carried


    Rainbow Six Siege is defiantly a winner, i just got the division on xbox one and so far iv enjoyed it.


    Space Engineers is defiantly one i want to try, and i was never a fan of CS:GO

    I didn't even get carried in ranked, I have proof... Take note of the SP plebs in the other team ;)


    Mmm Plat 1.. Why not show everyone a screen shot of your R6 rank @Roger Purple ? 



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  2. 3 hours ago, Blackout said:

    @vizzN what's your thoughts on this regarding cops of sgt rank or higher not being allowed to play as civ contractors?


    I've oft wondered why this is - civ contractors are basically legal enterprises that comply with law, and are purely in it for the money , not the anti-govt, anti-cop bs that we so commonly see. I think not allowing cops to play as civ contractors is an unnecessary restriction personally.

    I would be inclined agree with you on that, but I would like to hear opinions to the contrary. 


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  3. We already have a long standing police procedure in place that prohibits ASIO, SRT and higher ranking officers to join a rebel gang, cartel, etc. 

    ^I think those restrictions are fair and do not need to be altered. @TrueBlue - That procedure serves the points you have made in here. 

    However, if the aforementioned groups wish to enjoy playing some civilian I have been more than happy to allow that. Are civilians capable of robbing other people? Yes there are. Are civilians capable of robbing a bank? Damn straight they are. Civilians can legally purchase firearms so they have the option of engaging in criminal activity. 

    Rebels are NOT the only role play group that are capable of robbing a bank. A civilian using a legal firearm and civilian clothing does not amount to a rebel. There a plenty of great role play reasons for a civilian to engage in criminal activity.

    @Tiggati - Has expressed to me that cops should have the freedom to enjoy civilian for what it has to offer. If a cop playing civ is going to be considered "off duty" in role play terms, Tiggati has some awesome ideas as to how it could be role played out in terms of punishment if caught. 

    The server needs to be fair but also fun, if you take the "fun" out of it with ridiculous restrictions people will not play. 


    • Like 3

  4. @Connor.

    Regarding House Insurance. 

    Can you confirm that cops cannot seize illegal weapons inside a house if they have house insurance? 

    The "seize illegal" windows key option inside a house only seizes drugs and other illegal items (not including weapons). 

  5. 4 hours ago, Leopard said:





    I would prefer the casino to move to the closest office building to PD. 


    And the government building go where the casino is. 

    Please.. please reconsider your idea @Leopard

    That would put the government building in a safe zone (within 50 metres of Air Garage). 

    That would mean no one can declare on the Secret Service protecting who ever is in the building. The office building near PD is not in a safe zone and has been victim of some interesting declarations. The Secret Service as civilian contractors are purchasing firearms from the APD so they can protect the Government leaders inside.

    Please think about the essence of the Rebel narrative, they are rebelling against the government which means the Altis Government building should not be a safe zone. These buildings need to be under threat for good in depth role play, what better way to serve the interests of your rebellion than to declare on those running the Altis Government. 

    This is coming from the Commissioner of Police, I'm not putting my interests first but the interests of the Rebel - Altis Government narrative. 

    Not to mention that the current Casino location is good because it protects the patrons inside with the safe zone rules. You are creating a second safe zone in Sydney that we do not need if the Casino is moved. 

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  6. @ExcelForce

    With the incoming addition of an Altis Government: 

    Can we get the office building located closest to Sydney PD to be titled "Altis Government" on the map page?

    It's a place that has already been subjected to great role play with the Secret Service and will also be home for the Prime Minister, Governor General and other members of Government. The location between Sydney PD and the Court house has proved to be a great location for it. Very excited to see some police escort role play for these government officials, you could imagine what this opens up to the rebels to take hostage or perform a robbery on also. 

    It would be interesting seeing someone as high profile as the Prime Minister under threat. 

    @brutalforthepizza @sirgeneralj @Leopard

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