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Bobby Jones

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About Bobby Jones

  • Rank
    Learning Beginner
  • Birthday June 1

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  1. Bobby Jones

    Name: Bobby Jones TeamSpeak Name: Bobby Jones Last Held Rank: SGT or SNR SGT Age: 18 Steam 64 ID: https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198199282006 Training Completed By : (I'm assuming this means induction and having Recruit tags etc.) I'm unsure but I have no problem doing it again/I have probation constable tags and pretty sure I'm whitelisted for it to but I'm not on the database. Questionnaire: Why were you removed from APD?: Due to a certain someone in command it was clear I wasn't getting promoted due to my time previously in command and the way our relationship ended before I went inactive in late 2018 start of 2019. Also my PC decided to blow its Graphics card so I took the opportunity to leave. Another reason that wasn't a big factor but was still present I joined AInc for those that know you know and dedicated my play time to that. Why should you be reinstated into the APD?: Each time I have returned to the APD I have done nothing but excel smashing out promotions and working my way to command or a leadership position without a worry. When I was in Command I was 2nd in charge of what was then called ASIO but towards the end changed named to what I cant even recall now, I started of in ASIO when it was still S.A.D and Smokey was In charge so if this doesn't prove the commitment that is needed I don't know what will... A lot of what I have learned about playing cop has come from the OG top dogs of the police force Vizzin, Sam I am etc so I have fairly confident I know what I'm doing when it comes to roleplay, gunfights or basic APD knowledge. When was the last time you played consistently?: I would like to say the end of 2019 start of 2020 and all through out 2019 whenever I could jump on Are you up to date with the new police protocols?: 10-4 How much time can you dedicate?: 2-6 hours a day if you really need more I'm sure I can manage
  2. Bobby Jones

    Basics: - Name: Answer: Bobby Jones TeamSpeak Name: Answer: Bobby Jones Age: Answer: 17 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: Answer: Player ID: 76561198199282006 Hours as Pubslot (Min 15 hours): Answer: Within the last two weeks about 22 in my whole straya gaming lifetime about 60ish Induction Training Completed By (Must have been completed no more than 30 days ago): Answer: Johny V Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD?: Answer: Inactivity Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD?: (50 Words Min): Answer: I was a amazing officer and have alot of experience on straya gaming, just as a cop i went through the ranks twice first time i reached inspector then everyone was demoted then the next time i reached SNRSGT then my pc broke down and of course im not made of money and took a while to rebuild this is why i went inactive and got demoted mind you i was promoted to SNRSGT at a pretty impressive rate of time. (also n o offence but right now alot of the police seem super mingy and arent roleplaying and i wanna try fix that) When was the last time you played consistently on Cop?: Answer: on straya gaming 3 or so months ago If you are enlisted into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: Answer: well considering last time i was a SNRSGT within a month hopefully at least the same rank and hopefully SRT What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department?: (50 Words Min) Answer: everyone says there a goodshot or some bs like like that but i actually am. i know all my codes from 10-4 to 10-86. I love to roleplay and try and encourage people to also do it. im pretty active and play almost everyday. For a understanding of when I started playing cop and the experience i have i was a recruit the same time as Corey, Bow and Mitch Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols?: Answer: yes How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: Answer: pretty much as much as needed each week excluding some weekends here and there If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): Referral One: Answer: Not Needed Referral Two: Answer: Not Needed
  3. Bobby Jones

    little bit of history I guess and by that I mean when SP was still SP and was active and when detectives was still S.A.D/ASIO
  4. Bobby Jones

    jeez those are some sketch frags
  5. Bobby Jones

    General Alias: Bobby Jones In-Game Role Play Name: Bobby Jones TeamSpeak Name: Bobby Jones Age (Minimum 15): 15 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: STEAM_0:0:119508139 Questionnaire: Why were you removed from the APD? I was inactive due to JLC courses for cadets. And then I had a neck injury but the Commissioner at the time did not see that as a reasonable excuse for inactivity. And demoted me from inspector and completely removed me from the APD. NOTE: this was around the time of the great wipe when there was basically a new commissioner each week Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD? Because if it wasn't for my neck I would still be apart of the APD today and I miss all the fun times with all the other cops. Also last time I played everyone in Civ chats were complaining about how the APD doesn't RP anymore and that's not a nice reputation I do understand that this may have changed from the last time I played but if it has not I would to try and help improve this rep as who doesn't love a bit of RP. I also have about 870 hrs spent on Arma 3 and I would say roughly only about 100-200 have not been spent on Straya Gaming playing cop. Also if any one that reads this is curious of who promoted me to inspector I believe the commissioner at the time was Vizzn. If you enlist into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: Hopefully I would have some rank and being a apart of ASIO or I think you just call them detectives now. What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department ?: I believe I can help lead the police force and help in any RP situation that may arise and need my help I can devote a fair bit of my time into the police force like I did when I was a inspector. I'm a pretty good pilot and was one of the main members of ASIO and if given the chance could help or become a detective Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols that were in effect as of 04/06/2017? Yes How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: At least 10 hrs a week If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): @Jebediah Shepard (don't think I need referrals but I think it just looks better having at least one)
  6. Bobby Jones

    General Alias: Bobby Jones In-Game Role Play Name: Bobby Jones TeamSpeak Name: Bobby Jones Age (Minimum 15): 15 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: STEAM_0:0:119508139 Questionnaire: Why were you removed from the APD? I was inactive due to JLC courses for cadets. And then I had a neck injury but the Commissioner at the time did not see that as a reasonable excuse for inactivity. And demoted me from inspector and completely removed me from the APD. NOTE: this was around the time of the great wipe when there was basically a new commissioner each week Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD? Because if it wasn't for my neck I would still be apart of the APD today and I miss all the fun times with all the other cops. Also last time I played everyone in Civ chats were complaining about how the APD doesn't RP anymore and that's not a nice reputation I do understand that this may have changed from the last time I played but if it has not I would to try and help improve this rep as who doesn't love a bit of RP. I also have about 870 hrs spent on Arma 3 and I would say roughly only about 100-200 have not been spent on Straya Gaming playing cop. Also if any one that reads this is curious of who promoted me to inspector I believe the commissioner at the time was Vizzn. If you enlist into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: Hopefully I would have some rank and being a apart of ASIO or I think you just call them detectives now. What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department ?: I believe I can help lead the police force and help in any RP situation that may arise and need my help I can devote a fair bit of my time into the police force like I did when I was a inspector. I'm a pretty good pilot and was one of the main members of ASIO and if given the chance could help or become a detective Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols that were in effect as of 04/06/2017? Yes How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: At least 10 hrs a week If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): @Jebediah Shepard (don't think I need referrals but I think it just looks better having at least one)
  7. Bobby Jones

    pokemon mod never played it but seems cool
  8. Bobby Jones


    myself and Jedidiah Shepard tried to play I&A @Jebediha Shepard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-t1zPp90qU&feature=youtu.be
  9. Bobby Jones

    Beef I agree cop shouldn't be about making money but to have that experience you need money every time I need to regear as cop it cost around 85k that's a bit if your going to spilt our money across the three factions also a lot of cops have around 10mil and if I'm right 10mil split between three is 2.5mil per faction this money will run out fast if you are in pol air or die a few times or even buying a boat. most will disagree but I think who ever is whitelisted on cop should just get all there money on cop then if they want there money spilt go up to helpdesk and get a admin to transfer some money over
  10. Bobby Jones

    I agree with the pd part as in real life you are allowed in side a police station sure maybe not at the garage or in the command office but getting tazed for walking in what should be a safe haven isn't really rp half the time its a pub slot dealing with you and 90% don't know how to Rp as cop and just taze or restrain you
  11. Bobby Jones

    IGN: [O26W] Bobby Jones Player ID: 76561198199282006 Player itself:(Including Licenses+Prof): Yes Money:(All Money will be transferred): Yes Vehicles(All Money Will be transferred): Yes Extra Information:
  12. Bobby Jones

    Crab pots*
  13. Bobby Jones

    MORE STUFF TO ADD: S.A.D: change texture on police had to say S.A.D and change the suit to black and white as they are detectives could also make people in S.A.D be able to buy all civ clothes and vehicles + shemags
  14. Bobby Jones

    DONT USE SO MUCH STUFF FROM TANOA LIFE NO ONE PLAYED IT FOR RESONS but apart from that Police: # different uniforms for whitelisted looks same as pub slot uniform # make coast guard an actual thing # make prison guard a thing (make reaper warden) # maybe be able to apply to S.A.D/S.R.T