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About Whiskey

  • Rank
    Learning Beginner
  • Birthday 11/24/2002

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  1. Whiskey

    Hey everyone With the release of the contact expansion, I think having the new UGV added to the UAV role or even engineer would be great. Having the thing drive to radio towers and clearing mines would be pretty cool. Having both the ED-1D Pelter and the ED-D1 Roller for EOD and recon would add another layer of game play to the field. Cheers Whiskey
  2. Hello, I'm C.whiskey I am 13 and have been roughly playing on straya gaming for 9 months, so far I think it is great. Anyway I 'made' this topic so I could find out some things about our community. So all I want to know is, how old u are, how long you've been on straya gaming and what you think of it, maybe a little something about yourself, like, I like cats and helicopters. Ty for your time if u even bother to read this. But for now, I'll see you in the sky's P.s I'm a special cat??
  3. Whiskey

    ?R.I.P Innocent people. I hope all those terrorists go to hell instead of virgin land. ??. Straya gives love ????
  4. Whiskey

    my set sucks
  5. Whiskey

  6. Whiskey

    Me on the right