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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/15 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Every time an enemy helicopter flies overhead in Invade and Annex...
  2. 2 points
    Thank you guys A.Fitz, I am planning on doing every money run in the game to see what is the best and most effective. I'll be sure to try those complicated activities, such as Uranium.
  3. 1 point
    So today I decided to use the Arsenal and look at the armour ratings of each uniform and I made a most peculiar discovery. Every CSAT uniform has varying amounts of armour, yet the NATO of INDP versions of the same uniform have little to no armour... something to look into I think.
  4. 1 point
    G'day ladies and gents, Just a small intro from me. Been playing your Wasteland server for awhile now under the name Roger Cumpton, my actual name is Travis, absolutely love the server, fantastic bit of banter on it at times. A bit about myself, I'm a former administrator and moderator trainer of three communities based around Halo PC and CE, but due to time commitments and the game's decline I moved on from them over a year ago. I care a lot about my fitness, I'm a volunteer firefighter with the Country Fire Authority in Victoria, in the last month I've had the challenge of going to fight the bushfires in Lancefield, as well as several other smaller incidents. By training, I'm an ultra-long distance beach runner, but due to injury that's been seriously scaled back. Hope to get to know y'all better in the future, Trav. PS: My Steam is: theedgeofinsanity
  5. 1 point
    I agree. Some of them do arrive in trucks already, up to 25%. Unfortunately with the tolerance of One-Man-Army roleplay(?) and no balancing effect for loading one-self like a packmule (120kg loadouts are the norm) on SGs server, the result is 80% of players carry around AT launcher + carryall with 3+ rockets ... So as you say, it is not appropriate to have the majority of enemy deploy on transport trucks. In other news, CSAT has won 6 of the last 10 counterattacks. After some play this weekend we'll see where its at and decide to dial up a notch, keep as is, or dial down a notch.
  6. 1 point
    I'm not sure providing players money is the best way to get people around the community. You want to give players incentive not only to sign up, but to stick around the community. Providing players with in-game money is only an incentive to sign up, not to stick around. You're better off giving community members an in-game bonus for each hour they play whilst being on TS3 as well. Compare TS3 logs to server logs on a weekly basis for players who have played upwards of x hours in the server. I assume total playtime logs exist for Wasteland?
  7. 1 point
    Hey everyone. Been here for a wee bit. Decided to come on to the servers and be apart of the community!
  8. 1 point
    I'll go with some spare cash while ya are handing out money for wasteland since l cant get more than 8 fps anyway. It might make up for how often l die. I thought you were trying to get people to come on teamspeak. Just a thought if ya giving them in game cash you want them to use the teamspeak channels and register on the forums. When ya register on the forums its for the community to keep up with the news updates in the community and for people to have their say. Using the teamspeak is another thing entirely different. Also we would like people to donate to support our servers so if ya give some cash to some people by BI rules of granting us monetization rights this would be against their policy that we signed up for. And l have to agree with what pav, j17 and fitz said above bud. Its a start but ya need to think of the pro's and cons e.g someone comes on ts for an hour or just registered on the forums do you give them money just for that even if they never use the account. If they register on teamspeak and come on for an hour and collect that cash where is the incentive for them to continue to use our teamspeak vs like what jay said using group chat.
  9. 1 point
    Just because they join the forums, doesn't necessarily mean they're going to join the ts as well. If you give them money, most likely they'll join for the money and then never really check out the site properly.
  10. 1 point
    Welcome to Straya Gaming mate, if you have any issues just jump on TS and poke one of the staff !! Hope you enjoy your time on our servers!!