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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/16 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    This topic has been locked because this has turned out to be an issue, rather then a discussion.
  2. 3 points
    To put it plain and simple, I am downright sick of the absence of any roleplay when it comes to police officer and civilian interaction, no matter how good you are with 10 codes if you cannot roleplay perhaps it is better if you just head off to wasteland... I have already been killed at least 20 times this week when I have posed 0 threat to anyone, my main problem is the use of lethals when it comes to standard duties. Why should innocent players be shot in the face when resisting arrest... Especially when they DO NOT HAVE A WEAPON! I spend most of my time trying to help this community a float even though my input is not recognized as much as others I still try my best, but if I keep getting randomly killed by police officers when playing as a rebel or a civilian with no RP interaction I will start having to lay down the law myself and giving bans, I try my best to follow up every one of the encounters I have had however it doesn't seem to get through to the necessary players that just because you are a cop doesn't mean you are immune to RP rules. It has honestly gotten to the point in which every time that I am arrested for something stupid and small, the officers arresting me just don't listen to me and instead give me the fine or send me straight to jail. There are a few great roleplayers on the force including Cpt. Kirk, who I have only really recently met on the server who even went as far as to recognize me in game from earlier interactions and matched what happened earlier into roleplay, but it seems some officers are being promoted primarily for their combat skills and not their role playing skills. My main reason for posting this complaint is simply because of the fact that every time I have brought up anything to do with police fail roleplaying no one that can really do much about it listens... I would just like to hear from all of the players on the server what they think of the way things are regarding the police force at the current moment in time and suggestions on how to fix it... I am honestly sick to death of being shot without a single word coming out of an officers mouth.... xoxo - Cpt. Duck (One of the only staff that plays civ)
  3. 2 points
    Thanks Blue, glad you guys are enjoying stuff, more coming. Still plenty of The 25 left up and the Staff team all working hard to get things on a roll. Hilarious RP from Bolbay last night collapsing on cue you guys are really contributing, I was crying laughing with Zac and Magician praying Bolbay pulled through. Good work by everyone and Rog and I will keep working hard for you guys. @Roger Purple @Marc_R @Tiggati @Littleblacksheep
  4. 2 points
    SP's Video of Arming The Masses Enjoy!!!!
  5. 1 point
    Hello all, I have just created a TeamSpeak channel dedicated to Cards Against Humanity. If you wish to play against your friends, feel free to join the channel located above the Nightclub at the top of our TeamSpeak and have fun The link is in the description. Thanks to @NUG - Soul for introducing the online version to us and having a few games with our staff.
  6. 1 point
    Gentleman, and Ladies, I present to you the following, a small list of RP Challenges and scenarios that you can undertake. Based on the interest and uptake of them I will create more that are bigger and better as they go along. Some require shooting. Most dont. Show me, show us, the Staff, that you are more about the RP than about the guns. Have some fun, really get into some of the spirit of these. The way you claim them is by replying to this thread, and saying "XYZ will be doing Number 3 in Cartel" etc. Some of them require setting up/coaching, and a time will be set for them in peak server times to allow people to have some fun. Any questions hit me up on Forums, TS, or in game. Spec. THE 25 DO YOU DARE TRY?? CIV 1 - You crave the sweet sweet taste of Peaches, and want everyone else to enjoy them as well. Take a Truck and run a full load of peaches into Sydney Market, and start handing them out. Give peaches to anyone who will take them, and eat them non stop. 2 - Requires a group of 4. Plan an ascent of Mt Thronos, trekking on foot from Synneforo. About halfway experience a severe medical emergency and call in EMS. Plan this out with enough food, water and equipment to make the trek. Advise Spectral or Roger Purple before setting out so they can brief the EMS. At the point of the Emergency one player will be evacuated out. Plan it out, its a foot hike, you can take weapons (NO REBEL GEAR) but need food, water, etc, NVG, signal lights, anything you think you may need. 3 - Setup a Party on the beach. Get around asking people to come. Ask the Radio Station to broadcast live from the Beach Party.. Ask the Police for a permit to have a public gathering. Plan it out and charge $1000 for entry. Liase closely with Police to get it barriered off, and security. SECRET TRIGGER WILL OCCUR. 4 - Gambling time. Challenge someone to a foot race from Market to Gun Store in Sydney. Bet them $5000. Post photos up on Forums. 5 - Hand out fedoras. Put up a screenshot of a Medic, a Cop, a Cartel Member, a Civ, a Rebel, and a Moderator all wearing a Blue Fedora, standing in front of the Spartan. Figure it out. Photo must contain 6 people, and be taken by a 7th. All other Civ scenarios must be completed prior to this one. MEDIC 1 - A rare snake has escaped the local jungles and is biting people. Find people it has bitten by testing them for toxins and escort them to the Hospital. They need to be knocked out. At least 4 people need to be knocked out and operated on before the fifth person is found to have the snake ON them. Call the Police, have them contain the scene and taze the player, the voltage from the tazer will not harm the snake but will allow it to be stunned and removed. This snake is rare, and deadly. ANYONE the player with it on them touches is bitten and will collapse. When you get to the 5th, ask them do they want to engage in RP, and have them come to TS to discuss with Spectral before RPing it out. 2 - Bad batch of Takeaway has decimated the local population. Announce an emergency, Salmonella outbreak, and patrol the streets pulling people up who look unwell. Take them to Hospital to have stomachs pumped. Treat 10 people over the course of a Server Restart. 3 - Setup in Kavala Market. Handout 50 First Aid kits as part of National Treat Yourself Month in Altis. Raise awareness by talking about issues such as safe driving, etc. Chief Medic must be online / participate. 4 - Hold a blood drive. Everyone who lines up and donates receives a first aid kit. Collect as many donations as you can. Announce the Blood drive, ask a Moderator to put up an Admin Message to help out, and drive around asking people to come give blood. If the Rebel event has been done ( Servo Robbery ) hand out cash to people RP the donation of blood. 5 - A Player will be selected to collapse and require major Air Evac from Sydney to Brisbane for specialist surgery. The pre work will be done, once you say you are ready it will be laid out, and EMS called in to a location. This will be MAJOR surgery, requiring real RP, and some tense moments. All Medic scenarios must be completed prior to this one. REBEL 1 - Smuggle a shipment of pistols from Melbourne Gun Shop into Sydney and hand Civs one Pistol, one clip. Viva la Revolution!! No RDMing, just arm the masses. Hand out at least 25 pistols. 2 - Buy the love of the people, randomly hand out 10 gold bars, no more than one per person, can’t be setup, just walk up and tell them you are with such and such gang, and love the Country, give them a gold bar, walk away. 3 - Organize a BBQ for the Civs, bring in food, drinks, bring in no guns. BBQ in Air Garage / Soccer Field with some games in a TS channel / trivia / guess the song etc. Make the People love you and your Gang!! 4 - Rob the Servo’s ALL OF THEM, with a half hour CD between each, Imperialist Pigs profiting off the Oil from the Altis Sea!! Give the money from the Robbery to the local Hospital to fund their Blood Drive. Hand the money to a Senior Medic or higher only. Long live Altis, fight the power!! 5 - Time to pay, in Blood. Enough of these Cartel demands, declare on one of the Cartels, and engage them in a gunfight. Equal numbers both sides, Rebel and Cartel. As in the days of your ancestors, skill will determine the outcome not one or items, the gunfight will take place in Castle Grounds in Sydney, Pistols only. Talk to Spectral about making this happen. Agree to the strict rules. Winner gets to brag and walk away. All other Rebel Scenarios must be done before this one. CARTEL 1 - Time to make the Drugs pay...setup a Drug den inside Sydney. Ask people to come “try before they buy” and get them all on Drugs. Cops will be looking for you, and you must stay indoors. Only 2 people can go out and bring back Civs to get drugged up. Of course, if they don’t WANT to try some Drugs...MAKE them….?? 2 - Vice is the way to people’s hearts. Run an illegal Rave in the Graveyard North of the Office Building after dark. Cops responding should see no guns, just drugs, rave lights, some people holding narcotics. RP it all out. Dont just run off, have people collapsing, RP it out to its potential Show the Cops the Cartels are more about the white powder than the gunpowder. 3 - Show your power. REAL power. Walk unarmed from Kavala Market to Organ Dealer. Only the strongest will survive this. NO GUNS. NO ARMOUR. 4 - Conduct a Cartel Meeting on Rebel Island, organize security, time, venue, all discussion to be held in game only not in TS. Cartels should be talking about the state of the country, and agreeing on a plan to tighten their hold without cooperating. This meeting will be about making sure the strangle hold on things is held. 5 - Execute a Rebel in the streets outside the PD. Tell the Cops they can try, TRY to negotiate, but if they try anything funny, show the people who is the boss…. break the Rebel morale, or fire them way up, only time will tell. You will need to take one alive, transport them into the City and setup without being detected, then declare on him and kill him in front of witnesses. No trolling or RDM or usual punishments will apply and no more RP event lists will include Cartel events. Dont ruin it for everyone. All other Cartel Scenarios must be done before this one. POLICE 1 - No Lethals. Deploy a whole server kickoff of Patrol with no Officer holding a Lethal. Taze and Restrain, make the Crims pay by going to Jail not the Grave Yard. Admin message will go out stating Bank can not be robbed nor can Fed. have a Patrol Shift of enforcing the law in Sydney. 2 - Pub Slot Appreciation Day - They get 25% of all fines for one shift divided among them. 3 - One of the Medics is Lannibal Hector - a notorious killer and fiend. Discover which one (will be setup prior) and take him down to the PD for a “talking to”. Clues will be setup to allow the Police to put the puzzle together. Once you figure out who it is, the Medic will swap to Civ with same name and spawn in Sydney, and try to make his way out on foot from spawn, leaving clues and taunting you, the fiend cannot help himself and will challenge Police to find him via messages. KoS HIM!! ( Will be all setup and monitored) 4 - All of the Cops will speak in accents of the choice of the person being pulled over or detained. Choice will only be given to those in non serious offences, and a fast out of RP choice will be given to the Player. 5 - Cop Swap - all Officers will swap gear with their Partner, till dying or end of shift/10-9. This will be randomly announced by the start of shift talk.
  7. 1 point
    Just wanted to make a note of the effort the admins and players that have been putting in this last week in making these events possible. The last week I would have to say has been the most enjoyable time on Altis for myself. In the last week SP have gone from getting to take over Melbourne PD and killing the commissioner , to arming the civ population in Sydney which caused SRT lol and then getting to take part in a serial killer event. I hope this sort of thing continues in the future. Keep up the good work Spectral and I hope myself and SP can continue to be apart of these server events. Cheers TrueBlue S.P. Team Leader
  8. 1 point
    This topic has gone way too far from both sides of the community. I understand that there may be fault at both sides of this issue. But I will talk with my group 369, as to the way they should of handled this situation as it clearly got out of control. In future reference could a moderator or forum moderator please lock the topic until further review in order to stop this form of bickering. Thank you.
  9. 1 point
    Can 369 members that are referencing these "rules" in regards to rebel wall de construction and impounding vechiles while in combat please provide me an excerpt from where you are reading these rules? I wasn't involved in the mentioned situation but would be good to clarify for future interactions as these were news to me and I can't find them in the latest rule set.
  10. 1 point
    But seriously the lack of role play will be addressed shortly we will get it fixed after all this is a role play sever. In regards to @Adept the impound Duck spoke to me I apologized it's done lets move on bro.
  11. 1 point
    We will take this criticism of the police force and use it to constructively work on the issues mentioned. As I mentioned to Cpt Duck when we chatted about this today we need to see some individual consequences for individual actions and not tar the whole police force or certain ranks, it's in your best interest to submit complaints for any players acting against the rules whether they are playing as police or civ, and provide evidence so they can be dealt with. Regards Captain J. Rambo
  12. 1 point
    In multiple incidents I have been in rebel clothing and shot on sight but I have also been killed for evading as a civ
  13. 1 point
    we are talking about just simple role play and evading police. not rebal activity as duck was killed in civ clothing and without a gun just for evading
  14. 1 point
    most of this anger is coming straight from officers and corporals breaking the rules and nothing being done about it
  15. 1 point
    @Spectral, @Roger Purple, @Marc_R, there appears to be a definite issue here fellas. More than one party has expressed concenrs on this matter. May need some looking into.
  16. 1 point
    Roleplay Levels of cops interacting with civs need attention, some cops; Pull over a vehicle by running out with lethals shouldered, yelling get out of vehicle against civs. When cornered and outnumbered, will continue to fight even when rebels are trying to get a kid napping roleplay situation going. needs some attention.
  17. 1 point
    I think higher ups need harsher penalties for breaking RP and rules. Like YOU combat impounding Alienware's Helicopter during Fed. Don't go around preaching about training when you can't even stick to your own rule set.
  18. 1 point
    It may be time to bring back the rule of lethals in your backpack. I know that this did upset alot of police when it was implemented a while back. But it did limit the use of lethal weapons and fewer issues of this arose. When I was playing as a cop I found it to be better as well. Simply as you could Identify people who clearly RDM'd, especially since you don't pose as much of a risk.
  19. 1 point
    I totally agree, the amount of cadets and officers, and even most high ranking need to respect their lethal privileges and maybe even go back to being a pub slot where they can only use tasers! either demote the people acquesed or ban them i think. I myself am annoyed with the police. and dont like my interations with them for the lack of roleplay
  20. 1 point
    Bones here, I'm still learning the ropes of Arma (that UI tho, amirite?) but I've been enjoying the crap out of the I&A servers. Out of curiosity, how do I become a registered member for ts3? Is registering here alone enough?
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    end game auto rifleman. held that hq for a long time
  24. 1 point
    Aliens Attacked Sydney, and Everyone Rallied together to Save Altis!