Sergeant Promotion Application
Note: By placing this application you are not in-titled to Sergeant and can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about you application, if you do it will be hidden.
Name: Fusionable
Callsign: [K14E]
Rank: Leading Senior Constable
Training Completed By: Dynamiic
Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I know I've had my ups and my downs amongst the cop force and I've come across some heavy road bumps, with the conclusion of me taking a break off cop for a short time and stepping down a few positions. This mainly stirred up due to confusion and unsteadiness amongst the cop force. The grounds and the platforms that were laid didn't seem steady and I didn't find myself comfortable in a position of which I was in. But later seeing a change and a detrimental reversal in power and leadership amongst the cop force in general I made the decision to return. In the first place I should've grown some patience and stayed, I had put hours, days and weeks into my dedication to the cop force before I stepped down. And I wish to continue my hard working, commitment towards the APD. I think I deserve a promotion as I put countless time into Cop, trying to make a change, I want to teach and spread the knowledge of everyone, I want to see a new cycle of well trained, experienced officers. I feel in the position of a small leadership role as a CO gives me the ability to open up and adleast give the slightest of enhancements to the officers I'm leading. I simply don't want to become sergeant because of the whitelisting or the power gain I get, my only concern is the benefit of our fellow officers.
Who would recommend you for a promotion? @Daywalker, @Zorgain, @DyNaMiiC.dFuZR, @Cpt.Cougs, @DKDrift, @alexj, @Zesty, @Pezza, @Brendon