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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Operation Pyrrhic Victory: The Finale The third and final operation in the Velvet Thunder Server vs Server event series is here! This round is the finals where Wasteland and Altis Life will be pitted against each other in a 16 vs 16 Team Deathmatch on Malden to compete for the the honor of the servers they represent! To win, a team must win 4 out of 6 rounds. Each round lasts for 5 minutes with an extra 2 minutes Overtime. Rounds are won through either eliminating the enemy team or having a player majority over the enemy team at the end of Overtime - Only one team will prevail. Player Information: As of current, weapons and kits will be standardised to ensure fair play with a standard calibre of 6.5mm, with a single 7.62mm Marksman loadout per team. There will be no arsenal availability in this final round. Players will have stamina disabled and will only have one life, so play wisely. Each team must consist of a maximum of 16 members. Players who wish to participate in the event should send an expression of interest to @Joshua_ or @Nunny ASAP. All current Team Commanders will be chosen by their relevant server managers within the next week. The event will take place on Sunday the 9th of June at 7pm AEST. All participants will be required to be in the Community Events channel on TeamSpeak (ts.straya.life) 20 minutes prior to the start of the event for a briefing on the rules of play. Server Commanders and participating players are encouraged to join the StrayaGaming Events Discord for ease of communication and planning in the lead-up to the event. This thread will be updated with any further information as the event draws closer. May the best team win!
  2. 3 points
    The first step in that, Getting skepta perm banned
  3. 1 point
    Can we please make the Pharma a part of the 2 hour cooldown between Robbery's. Everytime I go on GD I spend 15 minutes gearing up and down from Robberys because there is one every 30-45 minutes. Am I insane or is this just me.
  4. 1 point
    It's ya lad. I'm working on a video project for Invade and Annex. If anyone has clips of playing the following; Helicopters, CAS, Ironside, LAT or HAT, Rifleman and Autorifleman. And you are willing to see your videos used in my project, can you please message me on the forums or on Discord. Alternately place them on this thread. Thanks - Scorpion
  5. 1 point
    easiest thing I can say is either check my YT or Twitch (same name as on here). Any SG videos feel free to use
  6. 1 point
    Name: Phatballz Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted): Date of Disciplinary Action: 27/02/2019 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: APD Strike. Who were you Disciplined by: FarmerGeorge & Harry Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Combat Logging During A Bank. Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] Firstly I know that combat logging is highly against the rules, It has affected most of my APD career and I believe that I really want to go further and higher in the ranks, It has been a long time since I have received that punishment. When I had combat logged I did not still expect to be my rank in Detectives but I was lucky enough to keep my rank, I respect the choice of giving me the strike but I think now is the time to appeal it. I have not been punished since I had received the strike. I luckily was never banned for combat logging I only got a Watchlist. I would also like to say that I'm extremely sorry for what I have done and I have learnt that if anything like this happens like this again that my rank and my position in Detectives will be taken away from me. I would never risk anything like this ever again and I'm very sorry for putting Farmer & Harry through the stress I had put them through, I know that when this happened that many people did not want me as a Senior Detective but Farmer saw the hard work I put into detectives and the APD, Hopefully whoever is reading this will also see the work I have done to try and prove that incidents like this will never happen again. Any other information:
  7. 0 points
    Gents, As some of you are aware I have recently stood down from not only my staff dutys but I have also signed from Inspector of the APD. This is purely because I no longer support the direction the server is going. I won't be mentioning any situations because at the end of the day that's not what this is about. As of right now I barely play Altis life let alone ARMA 3. I have moved on to other Life rp servers and have become staff over there. Now I would like to thank a few people so bare with me here. @Critters I wouldn't of gotten as far as I did thought-out my time on the server. @JdawgZ One of the most down to earth people I know And no challenge was to hard for you. @bodyboarder2528 for always being the devil's advocate that I needed during my time in staff. @Red for the commitment you have for not only Altis life but the whole of straya gaming. And ofcourse all of you for the amazing people inhave met and the interesting times that I've had along the way. All the best to each and every one of you. Havoxa signing out
  8. 0 points
    Bettering the community one step at a time Later