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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/20 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Player Of The Week 16/8/2020! It's that time of the week again where the I&A staff huddle together and give their thoughts on player interactions over the week. It was a close call for this weeks Player of the week with 2 players going above and beyond for the community it was a difficult decision but we would like present the Player of Week Award to @STYX 1 x Months Whitelisting For his tenacious hunger in getting players to work as a team and approach AO's in an organised manner (tactically) working off one another compared to the usual Rat Race of I wanna hit it first. Honorable Mentions: We would also like to extend recognition to the following players for their outstanding and consistent efforts in creating an enjoyable and enriching gaming experience within StrayaGaming I&A. @ivi_bullets_ivi For taking charge of situations where players are getting frustrated and guiding them to work on the same path to achieve their goals. @Felopher For his dedication to Transporting players in a timely and efficient manner, with helicopter placement when approaching and landing at AO or during Defences whilst also assisting down players from his vehicle to nearby medics to receive treatment. On Behalf of the StrayaGaming I&A Team CONGRATULATIONS to the above players for their tremendous efforts and to the many other participants that keep amazing us with your actions day in and day out.
  2. 4 points
  3. 1 point
    Player Of The Week Initiative! The I&A Staff Team and Community Team have decided to bring in a new initiative for positive player interaction. This initiative entails a month whitelisting of a single player at the end of each week decided by I&A staff; to have the chance of being picked as the Player Of The Week you need to be a positive influence within the I&A server. This positive influence can range from simply being a happy-go-lucky player to being a player that takes initiative towards problems within the server and community. The Player Of The Week will be announced each Sunday as a reply to this post.
  4. 1 point
    Metallic's Sergeant EOI Name: Metallic Callsign: K14W Assignment: General Duties Training Completed by: AceWinchester List all Recruit Inductions you have done: vince1, Lenny, Forged Lyze, Amber, Carthew, Caresinten, Wiseoldman, Varius Benson, SNAZZY_BOI69, Coco_Nuts, 1sgPerkins, Skynet, Shorty, Leon Woods, SGT Salt, Main User, Jack.H, XBunj, SmO, Waynekerr, St peterburg, CHUM, Goya, Seriga23, PanSu, sun, IceyTundra, rip & Miki, 29 inductions in total. Why do you deserve a promotion?: I am fully ready to undertake leadership roles and regularly try to advance elements of the APD in every way. I always try my best to propose new ideas and concepts as well as produce new content for the APD like new skins/PD. When I can, I would take the position of CO and I am easily capable to take control of a situation to increase the odds of the APD's endurance in any scenario. I endeavor that police power becomes within public representation and presentation of our numbers. When market becomes west Detroit every night, I do not order people to run from it, but to use proper strategies control and ensure the lives of innocent civilians. I have always tried my best to improve the experience, especially for newer recruits, whenever that’s checking if they are okay, bored or happily occupied with a task which incredibly increases their chance of returning and perhaps- becoming a full time officer. More recently, I’ve taken initiative as an academy officer in ALL aspects of Academy, ensuring that all trainings are going smooth and delivering friendly but constructive feedback to the trainer after their session is over. I’m also the first one to mark inductions down I’ve also advanced my skills into detective and stepped up as now a senior aviation officer with the intention of implementing and thinking of better ways to operate as a team. The time has come, I’ve proved I’m eligible for my promotion. Metallic for Sergeant!!!! Who would recommend you for a promotion? @Dallas Edgar, @Roddy, @Sterling, @ItsDanielFTW, @Prophecy, @FedoraTheExplora, @Miller., @whiteknight, @Antho, @Mrmudman, @AceWinchester, @xTaZeDxBrOx, @Jot, @Smith, @Sir_Nuggy, @Nicholai46, @Ash_, @Andrew Authento, @Citric, @Jacko177, @The Real Beast, @Alfred Zero, @luXus6, @HAMME, @Lzybum, @James.05, @Nicholai46, @Scion Of Iron & @_Aiden_ - includes anyone else who likes or +1 comments this thread.
  5. 1 point
    +1 prophecy has been a very active sergeant of the past couple weeks and months during this time he has really stepped up and shown everyone that he is ready for senior sergeant.
  6. 1 point
    +1 great co and has a good understanding of protocols
  7. 1 point