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  • Birthday 12/28/2000

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  1. Yeet

    Player of the Week 28/3/2021 Your Player Of The Week chosen by the I&A staff team is @DeeVy! Consistently one of the best players on the server who has been consistently wonderful throughout her time on I&A. As per usual, this week she devastated OPFOR and maintained a helpful and approachable attitude whilst doing so. Always helping, always lending a hand, always stacking bodies. Not someone you'd want to fight against but a very valuable asset to have on your side. Thank you for staying you Deevy and being great! Honourable Mentions: @tissh820 - Third HM in 3 weeks.. I think its almost time for the multirole monster to get his POTW.. next week? @Ozzy - I think I know why there has been such a medicine shortage, this bloke uses more ketamine and breaks more ribs than any practitioner, your the bane of my existence.. A good great medic, smashed it out this week once again. Keeping that frontline patched and moving is hard but you managed to do so this week whilst still clearing buildings like nothing, good effort. Weary Dig - Another repeat offender, Mr TowerNoMoro. Came through this week as he always has for the multiple years he's been around, blowing up objectives and securing others, easily one of the most switched on players we have and I'm sure the AO's lifespan is cut short by a multitude of minutes each time you join. As always, a good effort from Weary Dig.
  2. Yeet

    Player of the Week 20/12/2020 Your Player Of The Week chosen by the I&A staff team is @Humaine! Consistently one of the best players on the server who has set the bar very high long throughout his time on I&A. An astronomical effort was appreciated this week with Humaine's tendency to be not only courteous and welcoming but informative and helpful to those new players and returning members. An absolute gun when it comes to manhandling CSAT infantry and is always a positive influence on the server not only in terms of effectiveness, but also player morale. Many years ago I looked looked up to your behaviour as being top spec and something to aim for - many years later I look up to your behaviour as being top spec and something to try and maintain for. Hope you enjoy the whitelist, Humaine! Honourable Mentions: @Seshwan Saucy - Do you have hacks? You must be cheating, I have not seen this man below the number 1 spot on the leaderboards all week for kills. Very polite player that gets on well with other players and staff alike. Your tactics and determination surely strike fear in all of CSAT and you are a valuable asset that we are grateful to have on our side. Keep it up. @YeomanMaple - An ISTAR powerhouse that provides not only the most pertinent information on high risk enemy asset locations but also goes the extra mile to designate those targets and even then goes on to provide a fantastic Air Surveillance Operator service to the friendly fixed wing assets. Outstanding job, Yeoman. @Epic_Busta - A strategic operator who you will either see at the very tip of the spear moving his way around enemy lines and punching holes in their defences, setting up an entrenched position at a HQ defend to bring an onslaught, or sitting in the rear with his trusty AA Titan launcher sending flaming balls of CSAT airframe into the dirt below. Even though you excel as an infantryman; your efforts to bring down enemy aircraft not only match those of your infantry tendencies, but in my eyes - well surpass them. Well done.
  3. Yeet

    Player of the Week 29/11/2020 Your Player Of The Week chosen by the I&A staff team is @KrytoRarman! An outstanding Medic who no matter the distance or foe between him and a casualty always gets there. Although being relatively new he has exceeded in his medical duties aswell as going above and beyond and leading the charge in with superior communication and complex coordination amongst himself and fellow operators. Regardless of the weapon in hand he always gets it done and is a solid allrounder, a wonderful asset to have and hopefully you stay around for awhile. We hope you enjoy the months whitelist, Kryto! Honourable Mentions: PrimeCrayfish - Consistently up the front with his HAT in hand, he gets knocked down, but always gets back up and returns to the front. A very worthy asset for the team to have, keep it up! Roki - A very polite and supportive leader that is always amongst the action pushing friendly territory deeper and deeper into the AO. Always switched on with his rifle in hand and leads by great example. Well done, Roki. @BuffyAU - A strategic operator; always keeps a few explosive charges handy and his trusty .308 whilst he trudges through the mountains of dead CSAT he has previously killed. A methodical player who always works his way down the objective list and punches well above his weight. Great to have you on, keep it up.
  4. Yeet

    Player Of The Week 25/10! Your Player Of The Week chosen by the I&A staff team is @Guppy-_-! How many honourable mentions has this fish gotten? It's about time. This small rainbowfish continues his reign of terror on the enemy throughout this week. One shot one kill type of guy. Another solid week of reducing the numbers with a gun that is almost as long as himself, damn good effort overall and not only is he good in the front line, but solid as a rock in the defends given everything he can. Definitely a long term player who enjoys the challenges game, and also manages to provide what help he can to other players who have not yet obtained that solid grasp of the game. We hope you enjoy the well deserved months whitelist, Guppy! Honourable Mentions: OLDCHOPPER, big contender for the next MVP spot, another good week with Old Chopper pushing into the AO, supporting troops not only on the ground, but also as a pilot transporting troops into the heat of the battle. Although prefers the ground work, a pilot shortage saw him step up and take the sticks in order to keep a solid push at the frontline. Great effort and a player that can be relied on to help others; provide tactical information to new players and help where ever he can. Keep it up! Aussie _cowboy, just as with OLDCHOPPER, this week you've maintained your standards of play and absolutely dominated still using that 5.56 C-Mag in your Spar-16. We've seen you constantly pushing the frontline ahead this week the same way you did last week. If you keep up this pace, you'll have an MVP spot in no time. Honourable Sushi, again - Sushi is back in the POTW post, might aswell just copy last weeks at this point! Like Chopper and Cowboy, this week Sushi has kept pace with his amazing paramedic skills throwing his life on the line, or even over the line whenever he has to. It'll be interesting to see where you stand on the revive leaderboards this week but I'm thinking you'll be up there. Great effort, I think you'll be an MVP soon aswell.
  5. Yeet

    Player Of The Week 27/09! Your Player Of The Week chosen by the I&A staff team is @Flipper_IA! Flipper has been consitently mentioned throughout the past weeks as a potential candidate so its about time he gets it not to mention the valiant perfomance he put on display this week as a top medic - whether under withering fire during a HQ defend or after a marathon run across an AO you always seem to be able to get there. Well done. We hope you enjoy the well deserved months whitelist, Flipper! Honourable Mentions: Lenko, as with Flipper, this week you have been tremendous with those operating scissors and occlusive dressings keeping our fighting force mostly together apart from a few missing limbs. Props from us all for how well you've done. @Taco We don't usually keep score of infantry kills, but I think if we did, you would be at the top for this week. You are one formidable rifleman and I'm not really sure if we even need any supporting assets when your online, seems like you can take the fight no matter the odds. Good fighting, keep it up.
  6. Yeet

    Player Of The Week 06/09! Your Player Of The Week chosen by the I&A staff team is @Handwarm! Handwarm is probably the most genuine bloke and down to earth leader the server has seen, constantly in control of the troops on the ground and has some fun with it too. We hope you enjoy the months whitelist, Handwarm! Honourable Mentions: @JimmyLittle Although "new" to the server, you, Jimmy have been an absolute gun of a pilot throughout this week. Please keep it up. Deman Have you get thought about going to medschool? You'd be a great fit with how many revives you got this week, cheers for all the help keeping us alive.
  7. Yeet

    Player Of The Week 30/08! Your Player Of The Week chosen by the I&A staff team is @OperatorKanga! OperatorKanga; a long time player that has consistently been active within the community and brought great leadership to the playerbase. Kanga has been very helpful in teaching new player's the ropes and we hope you enjoy the month whitelist! Honourable Mentions: xGenos You have been one of the more noteable pilots throughout this week in getting players in deep and going the extra mile to get them in safe and making sure they are in fighting condition when they get there. @AusCafeRacer Seems like this is the week for pilots - this week you've been flying like a pro, steady the whole way and a good inspiration to our newer pilots. Hopefully your luck doesn't run out like it has for me and you have many safe flights not hitting trees. @Kanedogg An early morning player that keeps things running smoothly. Not much needs to be said here, you are a long time player that always shows initiative and expertise in what you do; we are thankful to have you around to control the rowdy early morning'ers.
  8. Yeet

    Player Of The Week 27/07! The very first Player Of The Week chosen by the I&A staff team is SGT.TEDD! We believe Tedd has shown tremendous resilience throughout the last 3 weeks and he has improved greatly from the first time he came on the I&A server only a short time ago. Hopefully you enjoy your months whitelist Tedd! Honourable Mentions: @Keldon111 It was a close pick between 3 players for the first week and you came out close aswell as Wogbat. We've taken absolute notice of how much of a positive influnce you've been and want to show our appreciation for it, thank you for being a valuable member of SG. @WogBat I don't think much has to be said here; you've become a very well known player for not only your maturity but also for how helpful you are and how you are willing to uphold the rules and standards of the server and we greatly appreciate it.
  9. I&A Engagement Initiatives New Player Of The Week Intergration: The I&A Staff Team and Community Team have decided to bring in a new initiative for positive player interaction. This initiative entails a month whitelisting of a single player at the end of each week decided by I&A staff; to have the chance of being picked as the Player Of The Week you need to be a positive influence within the I&A server. This positive influence can range from simply being a happy-go-lucky player to being a player that takes initiative towards problems within the server and community. The Player Of The Week will be announced each Sunday in a topic within the Invade and Annex discussions on the forums. The I&A Staff Team have also decided to host a Pilot Training Server! This server has the intent of creating a space for new pilots and players to train and hone their skills; this server can be turned on by any avaliable I&A Staff. The server by default has no "tasks" and is only intended to be used whilst a Staff Member with Zeus access is online to create scenarios personally tailored towards whoever is ingame. This server is purely for training and is up right now. If you can't see it, direct connect with the password to Allowed mods: JSRS, Blastcore, Discord Rich Presence A Teamspeak Channel has also been created which lists the Password to join the server itself.
  10. Yeet

    Player Of The Week Initiative! The I&A Staff Team and Community Team have decided to bring in a new initiative for positive player interaction. This initiative entails a month whitelisting of a single player at the end of each week decided by I&A staff; to have the chance of being picked as the Player Of The Week you need to be a positive influence within the I&A server. This positive influence can range from simply being a happy-go-lucky player to being a player that takes initiative towards problems within the server and community. The Player Of The Week will be announced each Sunday as a reply to this post.
  11. Yeet

    Probably isn't all that necessary, just adds clutter to the base. Staff can place it if they keep having people trying to steal helis, but we also have other ways of being able to deal with that - e.g. punishments. The base defence is pretty dogshite, it does need a little buff but also the Radiotower: The point is to either take down the Radiotower or have a competent fighter pilot to deal with the air threats. Inventory capacity is pretty munted and I thought the flat beds already had that option, if not it would be cool to implement. A lot of people have been asking for this, but it nullifies the point of having helicopter rewards from side mission and also you'd need a very OP helicopter loadout to be even somewhat effective at taking out anything at the AO. Fighter pilot role is usually a CAP/strike role, and from my experience, rotary aircraft are terrible at CAP/strike. Ingame we do alot of OCA, not in terms of denying/destroying infastructure but more so in denying air control, you can't do that in a helicopter against fastjets. If you want another role(or 2)added that is purely for attack helicopters I'd see it as a good move as long as it isnt too overpowered (Something like the blackfoot loadout (2x AA, 28x DAGR's). That would cause alot of TK's and grid clearing to go on, same reason the I&A vets no longer get the MRLS. JTAC can already call a mortar gunner to use that Artillery on more or less anything on the map. The ammo crate and vehicle inventories do need tweaking. Vehicle not as much as ammo crates but still; the ammo crates could do with being a limited arsenal with 10-15 of each ammo type (rockets/missiles included).
  12. Yeet

    fps Would be cool though.
  13. Yeet

    cuhm water
  14. Title says it all. Antistasi is currently running on the skin of a potato. Majority of the people who play on Antistasi are very invested into StrayaGaming and have donated a large amount of money. Add a new Donation thingo majingo and call it Antistasi, we don't need anything in return for donating, we just want a better ****ing server. Please let us buy a new ****en server thanks.