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Chris J.

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Posts posted by Chris J.

  1. Backstory is that I did this for a digital media class and used a bunch of editing and mods and stuff. Some video creation I am semi-proud of for the first attempt at making a cinematic arma 3 creation. Doing the voice overs were really cringe so sorry lol. Enjoy a basic cinematic movie and trailer. ? OH ALSO @Bill Props for some reason your name showed up in the trailer so yea...





    • Like 2
    • Haha 1

  2. 2 of those three situations were dismounts/mounting animations. In my opinion this is solely happening because of the animation. It is most likely the animation because on TONS of occasions i have mounted up earlier than when I could have been killed and it just seems to  be the animation is either slower than the actual game or its lag.  Sometimes the mounting animation takes longer than it should of and sometimes it works perfectly fine. Secondly, I think pilot helmets can actually take one 7.62 helmet shot so in the first clip you probably only hit him once in the head. (Taking in consideration of what I previously said.) In the second clip I would blame armor for that one as you hit the window armor but you probably were hitting him but with the armor in the way he took way more reduced damage OR of course lag. Lol.

  3. @FarmerJoe @Jay 

    Being a cop. I know that even if we add something like this there seems to be no stopping the amount of people (from what I believe) glitching out. Like it doesn't take long to play on cop during a busy day. Find a HUGE bounty then send him to jail only for him to magically get out? I have only seen a few people getting broken out of helis. Those are legit people. But there is still ways civs are getting out. If there was a way to make NO gltiching/escaping possible then I would LOVE this idea. Even the crazy idea of a jail takeover. So yea. Fix glitching somehow or make it impossible to escape other than heli or this process of lowering time. I would be fine if a civ farmed his way out. A.k.a No restrictions on the amount of "plates" they can farm for time. Jail is the most annoying and boring thing ever. Also extremely frustrating having to sit somewhere isolated for 20 minutes.



    1.  Fix glitching out
    2. No other escape possible than breakout by other players/heli or being released from farming
    3. Jailing is boring and frustrating. (Could reduce combat logging/Could reduce glitching out by adding this process)

  4. Name: Chris J.

    Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted): N/A

    Date of Disciplinary Action: 29/1/19

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Warning On Polair Database

    Who were you Disciplined by: @LM'

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: "Abuse of PoLAir Trained Permisions"

    Why the appeal should be accepted: The appeal should be accepted due to the pure fact that he stated in this interview that it was not a specified protocol and that I did not break any of the POLAIR protocols but it was "being clarified at the end of every single training."


    In addition to that I have a clean slate and reputable POLAIR role despite being POLAIR trained for a little while. I want to keep my record clean and I doubt this will ever happen again. 

    Any other information: N/A

  5. 1 hour ago, Anexuiz said:

    Just some back story before anyone else tries to blast into me again, we rocked up with 3 people around 6-7 aobe members who were all in striders... the enviroment was chill and for the most part everyone seemed to be in a ''memey'' mood. One of our boys even stole one of their strider and drove around with it, everyone laughed it off so i thought a simple joke wouldnt hurt. 

    *Grabs popcorn*


    Nobody is "blasting" you... 

    • Facepalm 1

  6. 46 minutes ago, Anexuiz said:

    Damnit, was gonna put this on the forums today to make a meme out of it... seems youve already taken the initiative. 

    Btw it was me, V | Andy that said this 'joke'

    Had no intentions of a dec nor would i hop out against 6 people in striders to dec when i only had 2 teammates with me, thats just plain stupid if i did. 

    Damn... i thought it was alright ;(( 

    Sorry andy but it costed him a ban cause of a joke you thought was funny man.

  7. Sketchy situation but in the same sense. No command or threat was made. Regardless of equipment of course. I would have asked are you dec'ing. Also if he would have killed you that would have been rdm because he simply didn't say a threat at all. Sucks but there was no declaration but just a shit joke.

    • Like 1

  8. 20 minutes ago, Lotza said:

    Hey Mate,

    Making sirens a declaration poses a few different issues.
    1. It would allow players another method to bait cops into a declaration to kill them.
    2. We would likely see an increase it gunfights between cops and civ
    3. People may misinterpret and kill cops thinking they are in dec and it would be deemed RDM.
    4. Sirens are also very glitchy, you may think they are on when they're not, or the other party may not hear them

    Cops shouldn't be tazing you the moment you get out of your vehicle unless they have already declared on you.
    They should allow you a chance to get out, holster your weapon (If you have one) and then talk to you or whatever they need to be doing.
    It should not be an instant taze/restrain because you have been in a small pursuit for doing 20KM/H over the speed limit.

    Bottom line...

    The number 1 issue is the biggest threat of making it a rule.

    "Instead of it being lights and sirens are a dec, if we really wanted something like this it should be RUNNING for x amount of time is a dec"

    Although along with what nclem said. On many servers this was a thing and it worked! Having a certain amount of time before the subject is deemed hostile or incompliant and can be knocked down or killed is a perfect system. But this sadly wouldn't fix the #1 problem... Good "Discussion"/suggestion but this would not work at all.. If you want to shoot the cops you send a dec. EX: "Stop following the (your vehicle) or you will be shot" bam now you are dec'd when you are being chased..

  9. 11 minutes ago, Wex said:

    Just play as a civ in sydney and you'll find that you get killed for association or being in the area, even if you're unarmed. That's not crossfire, that's just being trigger happy. 

    If promotions were based on time instead of merit, you'd have more people ranked Sergeant and above being unqualified for their position. You were probably stuck at Senior Constable for a reason. 

    Yup I played civ/Rebel. I never have been cross fired.

    Also I am not saying that promotions should ONLY be based on time. I am saying it should be time and "being exceptional at doing what they do" and sometimes effort is worth something as well. See and that's what all the higher ups hide behind though? Instead of fixing the problem. In my opinion there was no reason for me to be stuck at snr. Constable but in the higher ups mind there is a reason. But how in the hell is the person going to know what they are doing wrong or the "reason" why they are stuck there?

    • Seems Good 2

  10. 16 hours ago, Wex said:

    Crossfire should only be a valid excuse when you shoot someone while attempting to shoot the intended target and that may be due to poor aim or recoil. It shouldn't be used an excuse when you shoot at someone thinking they're the target. 

    You wouldn't have problems with crossfire if cops used knockdowns like they should be doing. 

    Everyone makes it seem like this ^^^ when its really not... You will never shoot and kill someone who you didn't think was involved? Whether this be the fact they have a gun out or if they are doing things in a hostile zone to assist in the combat. Cops usually crossfire people who get in the way said as so:

    16 hours ago, nclem said:

    The crossfire exemption is good because we get idiots who run into firefights and it becomes genuinely difficult to distinguish who is a combatant and who isn't.

    Every-time the "well you could have used knockdowns" card. I tell them this; "This is a roleplay server, where I value my life and roleplay by means necessary that would be realistic in the real world. Meaning I will shoot and kill a guy with a pistol because he can kill me and I aint going to send him to jail for 'attempted manslaughter'."

    This in my opinion leads to corruption and easy glitches, exploits and capabilities for the restrained subject to get away. Often times when they "get away" its not done by the player himself... It is done by other players  who were never involved, don't know who the guy is and why they help him. Corruption, in my opinion the only reason for you to tase someone who is shooting at you is in order for you to get that arrest money or satisfaction of ****ing someone's day with a 20 min jail.

    Bottom line is that if you don't want to get cross fired you just don't pull a gun or do things you shouldn't be doing in a active combat zone?

    22 hours ago, Pezza said:


    The main issue that I've been asked for my opinion is regarding promotions and how they're being given out. 

    In my eyes promotions are deserved, they're not something which should be given out for doing something for a certain amount of time. They're also not something which you gain for backstabbing somebody else.
    Cop has been really and still is quite competitive for promotions; This is good as it keeps people motivated. However, it reaches a certain degree of insanity as people try and backstab people for promotions or a chance to reach a top rank or achieve a senior role. In my eyes if people do something wrong, if it's severely wrong; yes report it to a high rank. However certain people going out of their way to ruin others reputation or report them for everything small thing they do. 

    I love the promotion system however it's gotten to a point that people are trying to pick on other people or are scared they're not going to get promoted. This isn't a system where time gets you everywhere. People get places from being exceptional at doing what they do. Promotion is something which is a reward and not something which is gained by reporting certain cops or being apart of the APD for a certain time.

    This is the only part I wanted to pluck at a little... But I personally don't find that promotions should be deserved only for "being exceptional at doing what they do" but time is important as it  shows dedication. Dedication + Effort = "being exceptional at doing what they do."

    I don't want to go too much into my own time on the server but for example I have been here 7 months? I believe for what 5-6 of those months I stayed as a cop. After making 1 or 2 mess-ups I was demoted. Lost hope, because I had spent the previous 3 months being a snr. constable receiving no promotions. Just to get demoted back to constable. I was angry. Went to rebel.

    For example real quick and I want to make it short because I know he's community banned but the fact of the matter is @FrankNZ good cop, was "being exceptional at doing what they do" received promotions instantly to SGT? I think? He didn't stay long? Some could say he wasn't "dedicated" but it just proves that dedication does matter. Time being a cop does matter and if we wanted to say that time didn't matter then that would make the commissioner's time as a commissioner worthless? Only the stuff he did was "being exceptional at doing what they do."

    • Seems Good 1