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Posts posted by SovietStitch

  1. 47 minutes ago, Jot said:

    If a cop is being robbed, may I fight back?

    Yes When Playing Civ/Cop if You have been dec'ed on (e.g. in Verbal/Text message: this is a Robbery Hands on your head) Then you may fight back and kill/Tazer them


    48 minutes ago, Jot said:

    Can you be robbed of your guns?

    Yes You can be robbed for your guns and if they have you pinned down the #1 rule as Cop is VLR (Value Life Rule) so you comply with there demands and press panic etc.

    50 minutes ago, Jot said:

    Do I have to give my guns if they demand my guns?

    Answered Above

    1 hour ago, Jot said:

    I just got rammed and killed, as a cop. That's not good right?

    No, that is not good as that is breaking 2 rules, VDM and RDM


    For a full list of Altis Life Rules Press Here

    • Like 1

  2. 4 hours ago, InfamousNova said:

    so why can you suddenly learn from your mistakes? whats changed?

    Well The Easiest Way to put it is I have grown up and I have Realise I have Messed up More Times then I've realised, It also affects people more then I have thought. I Don't know what more I Can Say/Do in order To Repair The Relationships I Messed Up. Whether People Believe Me or not I Know I have changed for the better And I won't make mistakes like these again

    • Dislike 1

  3. I Am making this topic to say that I SovietStitch Would like to attempt to repair my relationship with this community/Staff, I have Done Bad and good and for all the bad things I have done e.g: "throwing People Under the bus" and accusing people and being an all around jackass. I need to stop and I have finally learned my lesson and I will be stopping this nonsense I hope you all know I mean well. This is directed to a few people in particular whom I have harmed the most and pissed off. I know My mistakes but I never could learn from them I can now and I Apologise for all my actions and how they have hurt people.


    I am truly sorry to the people Below.

    @Joshua_ @lachlankm @_ewan.b @Pezza @Lotza @Nevetos


    Regard SovietStitch

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  4. On 27/05/2018 at 10:28 PM, nclem said:

    They still spend their time in jail, the only thing that is removed if there are no sgts is the officer profit, which, well, you already make loads of. Boo Hoo, send them to jail. If they've just killed someone they probably already have a bounty anyways. 

    Yes but I Am Talking About if Civs See a man get shot obviously officers would taze him in an instant but thats why a "Witness" system would be useful For Civs/Medics Witnessing Killings and "Reporting it" Without actually having to report it

  5. 31 minutes ago, Moygstar said:

    get rid of automatic manslaughter etc charged on the wanted list.
    Then people can roleplay being a criminal but when seen by a cop on rego they dont get pulled over immediately
    kills the fun and leaves all of the civs in sydney either trying to kill cops, or trying to kill civs, mostly both

    The Thing With This is that for Example: No Sergeants+ were On So You couldn't Add Them To The Wanted List, FOR KILLING A MAN IN PLAIN SIGHT Or For Killing an officer. It just wouldn't work and manslaughter is that severe of a charge it us a very bad thing. Something which they could add (Whether or not it is a thing they can do on AL) is a witness sort of system so that if someone killed a civ in plain sight with people watching it would be added, but if he was behind construction and has just killed 2 people and they where the only ones in the area he wouldn't be added for manslaughter as there was no witnesses.


  6. On 25/05/2018 at 10:01 AM, nclem said:

    Quick suggestion that some other servers have. 

    Make it illegal to carry more than 2-3 magazines for your weapon at one time. This way you have enough for a defensive use, but it helps to curb offensive use of guns. 

    the thing with this is that the Police Cannot Actually Tell How Many Magazine they have on them

    • Confused 1

  7. On 15/05/2018 at 3:02 AM, War Machine said:


    KOTH which Straya have made not Sa-matra(hope it's possible 'coz I got some Ideas about it)

    i could design map if this goes ahead

  8. Ok, So what I am getting at from all of these comments are a lot of good and bad ideas. Obviously there are a lot of Pros And Cons on a full Wipe But I Feel as though if a Wipe Was to commence then the APD Should be more OP then civs.

    1. Sydney Would Be A Lot Less Cancerous until people made money.

    2. It would Require More skill rather then just bringing SPMG's/Navid's to a bank and spraying at cops

    3. It would Stop RDM'ers (For A Period Of Time) I Say this because A Lot of RDM'ers are just people who have grinded previously and really Cant Be Fu**ed doing Proper RP and they would leave the server, As they wouldn't care so much to grind that little bit to get gear

    4. As Nevetos Stated Only The Pubbies Would lose there rank so people in the APD who have worked hard for there rank will get to keep it, This will also phase out inactive APD Members (Hopefully)

    5. I fell This Would Be An amazing Idea as SRT would be limited to regular cop store and level 1 SRT

    On 04/05/2018 at 5:14 PM, Maverick said:

    What if there was a limit post reset for SRT ranks to be unlocked 1 per week. (to those who require the rank)

    Level 1 SRT unlocked after reset

    Level 2 SRT unlocked second week of restart 

    Level 3/4 SRT unlocked 3rd week of restart 

    Level 5 SRT unlocked 4th week of restart


    These time periods could be changed obviously but could be an idea to solve the advantage to cop post reset

     6. I reckon that if the Wipe Does go ahead have a Limit to how many people can be in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane as it would make it difficult for the APD to handle 50 People all in Sydney (But this is where Having Cheap cop load outs will come in handy) And this will encourage more Melbourne/Brisbane Patrols During The Cap On how many people can be in cities at 1 one time

    Basically To Sum Everything Up I agree with this wipe it would hopefully drive away some RDm'ers and fix up the economy/All the Duped gear on the server.
