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Posts posted by Woolie

  1. 1 minute ago, Uncle Toby said:

    If you think that APD has any control over the Whitelisted staff think again, after all they are the people that you complain to 12 times a day, so I wouldn't go talking shit.

    “DoNt **** WiTh mE iM sRt” - Uncle Toby

  2. Hey everyone Woolie here, I've been away from the community for a little while now, So I've decided to pay for a gang's gang skins for 3 months. It doesn't matter if your already has gang skins i'll pay for a new one for you or if you don't have them already i'll pay for them. There's only 2 requirements for you to be entered into the draw. 

    1.  comment a picture of your whole gang taken from in-game
    2. Upload a 1 minute video of funny moments which has happened with your gang

    And there you go you'll be entered into the giveaway. This will end and been drawn on the 5th of December. And best of luck to everyone 

    • Like 2
    • feelsretardedman 1

  3. 12 hours ago, Red said:

    If someone killed you as a Medic and the staff refused to do anything about it, you should probably put in a staff report.



    Also stop being a salty ****

    @Red A staff report a ****ing staff report, your actually a brain dead c/unt ain’t yah. YOU should be the ones dealing with that shit Fusionable is an admin. No wonder a majority of people hate you.

    • Wait What? 1
    • Dansgame 1
    • babyrage 1
    • Triggered 1
    • feelsretardedman 2

  4. Oh and I forgot someone

    @Joshua_ : From the bottom of my heart I believe you should be s Straya Lead, You care so much for the community and if you had a bigger role in this community you could change it for the better, Thanks for everything in BRF, NATO & QWERTY much love man. Best of luck for your future endeavours


    @Connor. : Thanks for everything you have done with old and new StrayaGaming there always will be flaws with the servers but with some with your knowledge and skill set you’ll easily be able to work around them thanks for everything, And good luck with all your future endeavours. P.S GG Anti-cheat guess it doesn’t like a meme.

    • Wait What? 1
    • Seems Good 1

  5. LuckyB33F: Good **** to play Terraria with, haven’t had match to do with you seems like a good lad.

    Red: Ahhh Red I’ve got a lot to say about you both negative and positive but I’ll just note down some points, you’ve probably been the most important person on StrayaGaming for the in game side of it, you have given me multiple chances on here and I’m grateful for that and yeh I **** around quite a bit pushing those boundaries on those chances. But you seem to be good at what your doing keep it up.

    James32: Ahhh James32 your the same with Red but a tad better your a good **** the majority of the times keep it up mate, Thanks for the help with getting unbanned.

    Lotza: Haven’t had a lot of contact with you until last night, but from what I can see good your just here to make the community a better place. Thanks for everything you’ve done for the community.

    Axle: 4 words needed for you - Keep It Up **** ❤️

    Fusionable: Well done on admin mate, Thanks for unbanning me that other time means a heap mate. Keep it up mate

    Mitch: **** there’s a lot I can say for you but I won’t drag it on, You seem to be good at your what your doing but just a tad bit of a major **** at times. You’ve received a heap of shit for what you do but I somewhat look up to you for ignoring it. (Oh yeh i was looking through the window you can see it in the last second or so in that video)

    Augnov: “**** AUGNOV **** COPS” nah you seem like a good bloke mate keep up the work

    Boulter: I’ve said this way to many times but here we go. You mean so much to me on Straya and in life in general, you’ve helped me through the thick and thin no matter what time it is. Love you so much mate keep it up xoxo

    Michael Steiner: Your the same with Boulter but.... BONNK GANG $20 NOW MINE BITCH

    Jewy: Sick **** I’ve probably watched all your videos at least 3 times each, Keep it up mate

    Every other staff on StrayaGaming: Thanks for everything you have done for this community love all you guys keep up all the good work xoxo


    • Like 1
    • Wait What? 1
    • Facepalm 1
    • feelsretardedman 1
    • Vomit 1
    • thinking3d 1

  6. 4 minutes ago, Jay said:

    suggestion, add the tier 5 weapons to the airdrop loot table and make it like a 25-50% chance of there being a tier 5 weapon and ammo inside the airdrop when it comes down, the air drop frequency would probably need increasing if this was to be done

    this would bring more action, significantly increased odds and give people a reason to attend the airdrop, hopefully it would turn into a small server event

    That is a good idea but 25-50% is pretty common in my opinion to gain a tier 5 weapon. I personally think there should be a bank that if was won you gain a tier 5 weapon. Or like a capture point system where you need to capture and hold 3 points scattered around the map for example sydney, sophia and somewhere near rebel 2. And once all 3 have been captured the gang gets access to tier 5 weapons in the KOS store. These capture points could also be the 3 gang hideouts so if you have all of them you will gain access to purchase tier 5 weapons at the KOS store.
