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Posts posted by Woolie

  1. I fully commend and applaud @Mitch for doing his job even with the amount of hate he receives. And yes I’ve been banned by him twice but he’s doing his job. I believe Mitch needs more respect in this community, he’s worked day in and day out to what he has achieved. @Mitch keep up the good work **** what other people have to say about you, good luck with all your future endeavours.

    - Woolie

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    • feelsretardedman 1
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  2. @Jay you have covered some really good points in that post above. And I know that my ADHD or my mental health disorders don’t have a play on that in some parts. And yes I did lie about my mother killing her self, But I cleared that up in some regards. With my personality disorder I have a tendency to look and gain sympathy from over people. And there is a lot of people in much worse situations then me and they most likely wouldn’t do something like that. But you have covered a lot of good points in that post.

  3. @BartAllen No actually the majority of people wouldn’t have given shit but the ones that do give a shit are the one that I keep close to me. Because the other selfish ****s like yourself don’t respect what family and friends means. I don’t have a proper family that’s why I call my friends my family and there’s plenty of them in this community, And your definitely not what I would call a friend or family.

    • Facepalm 1

  4. Well hey guess what I’m alive. This post here is just going to explain everything absolutely everything. Ok first thing I’m alive, and secondly I’m an attention seeking peice of shit that doesn’t deserve to be alive. I want to also note that I’m 16 turning 17 on September the 18. My real name is Ryan Reaton but at the age of 10 it was changed to Mitchell Steele. I live with my 2 parents that have been fostering me since I was born. My biological mother died whiles giving birth to me and my biological father I just don’t know who he is at all never met him don’t know his name nothing. I was born in Penrith, NSW and moved over to WA at the age of 4 I attend high school and have been selected for a scholarship at the University Of Western Australia in Engineering. I have ADHD and Multiple Personality Disorder. I lie all the time about myself and the situation I am in just to make myself feel more appealing towards others and myself. I have 1 job working at Adventure World a waterpark in WA but only during the summer. I have a girlfriend whom I am madly in love with. I have been apart of StrayaGaming for about year now. So they’re you go that’s really me. I know I’m going to receive a lot of hate but that’s what I deserve for lying to everyone here for the last year. Thankyou for reading and I’m hopefully here to stay.

    Edit: This is just a post clearing shit up about a post that was taken down yesterday that I posted

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  5. Okay let me just start of with this, I absolutely love this community it has a special place in my heart. But the amount of jokes about mental health is sickening. Mental Health Issues is a massive problem that means a lot to me, I've had several members of my family kill themselves because of mental health issues including my Mum. But when i join teamspeak the amount of jokes going around about suicide and depression is just ridiculous. And I have to admit I have coped a fair bit of shit about my own mental health issues. All I am here to do is to ask just to cut the shit out, its not cool or funny. And to anyone with mental health issues I'm always here to talk and the majority of Staff is happy to talk about it, Just remember your not alone. If you have read this thankyou and just keep in mind what you say can deeply effect somone 

    • Like 2
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    • Feels Bad Man 1
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    • Dislike 2


    1 hour ago, SovietStitch said:

    Did you not see Chadds Podcast? Don't think thats a Frag montage and it did well.

    @SovietStitch I didn’t say just do a frag montage because no one else would watch/listen to anything else, I said “Just go straight up frag montage like everyone else on this server or just don’t bother no cares about roleplay tbh but good luck anyway” I said nothing about Chadds Podcast being bad or not doing well, I actually thought it was amazing. So don’t come at me with your bullshit quotes about my statement being wrong, I was just saying frag montages draw the most interest on this server so I wouldn’t recommend doing a roleplay series. Think before you do shit on forums ok, this is the second time you have ****ed your self over in the past week. (Also why you always attacking me out of everyone if you have a problem just say and we can work something out) @RaPiD Mason sorry about this negative comment, and good luck with what ever your going for it’s te series.

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