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Tuna123 last won the day on November 10 2019

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54 Rising Star

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About Tuna123

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    Learning Beginner

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  1. Tuna123

  2. Tuna123

    not wrong
  3. Tuna123

    Name: Tuna Steam 64 ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198077735349 Date of Disciplinary Action: Around August - June 2018 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Augnov/Mitch Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I was found exploiting on civilian a few months back Why the appeal should be accepted: I feel that the appeal should be accepted because It was quite some time ago and I have taken weeks off to have a break from the server and learn my lesson. I also made my apology appeal on the duping testimony post. I haven't duped since the ban and I wont ever again. I'd like to get back on to cop and work towards my old rank and either help on gd or hopefully get into some kind of operations. Back when I was a cop, I feel that I was doing my job pretty good and did well even if it went unnoticed. Any other information: N/A
  4. Tuna123

    I thought this event was held 2 months ago in Sydney?
  5. Tuna123

    Name: Tuna Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198077735349 Date of Disciplinary Action: About a month ago What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Blacklisted Who were you Disciplined by: Mitch Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Involved in Exploiting Why the appeal should be accepted: I was never told about my blacklist until I tried to put a full time enlistment in on the forums. I don't understand how exploiting on civ links to cops but that's ok. I have made my apology on the duping testimony post and I'm trying to assist the community to fix what is broken. I haven't duped since the ban and I don't plan to ever again. I would like to get back on to cop and work up the ranks again to gain my rank back. Any other information:
  6. Tuna123

    Regular Player Name (Which you are most known for): Tuna ArmA 3 UID/Steam64ID: 76561198077735349 Why should you be unbanned before the seven days: Even though duping is duping I wouldn't consider myself a mass duper, I would dupe to craft because it felt impossible to get the materials any other way. I think I'm quite an active member of the strayagaming who very much enjoys the server I ment no harm to the sever just to speed things up for myself only and to have a more enjoyable time. I never sold the guns that I crafted it was just for my own benefit to get a decent gun quickly e.g (after I died to a zafir i wanted one to make it easier). I hope everyone can trust and forgive so I can join back on the fun. Why should the community trust this apology, given that you were lying and/or being deceptive when being questioned (Only applicable if you were lying/being deceptive - I will tell you if this was the case): I've only been banned once before this for 12 hours for bumping someone in a safezone (trolling). I have quite a clean history on the server and definitely enjoy playing most of the time. (I tried some other servers and please don't make me go back there :D). If I come back I will put more effort to fix what is broken in the server/rebel gangs. I hope people don't see me as a hardcore mass duper but more of a friendly guy who is happy to help! :^)
  7. Tuna123

    Name: Tuna Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198077735349 Date of Disciplinary Action: 22/05/2018 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Kick from cop for being in cop channel at the wrong time Who were you Disciplined by: Sagara/Jeb Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I was kicked from the Cop force because i joined Sydney LAC while i was playing on civ. Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] I understand why you kick me because it is a silly thing to do and you don't want trolls in the police force but i feel like i should be given another chance. I know I should know from the start that it is not allowed on the cop force but as soon as i was told to leave i left. I was just about to get on Cop anyway so i thought i would pop in the channel and see what the mood is. I was kind of role playing with sagara, i told him to throw me some blue clothes and then i would've logged off and put my call sign on to go out on duty. (I don't know if this is relevant but)... When i was moved into command my attitude was not very good. It was not a good time (I had to leave) but i thought that you guys had already made your decision and I felt you didn't care about my side of the story, leading me to leave quickly and make a fool of myself. Any other information: