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Posts posted by Bonez

  1. Moving forward there will now be a new process with the way that the police whitelist applications will be reviewed and processed. The reason for this change is to try and not only streamline the interview process itself but to also better manage the flow of the new white listed players and their training.

    With the new process the applications will be decided one week and in the following week the interviews will be done, during the week of interviews NO whitelist applications will be actioned, this is the time the applications themselves will be reviewed. This will also provide better understanding as to when your whitelist interviews will be done and more importantly help and maintain a steady flow between interviews and making sure the new whitelests receive the necessary training and settle into their duties.

    If you have any questions please feel free to chat with @Zomboid or myself and we will be more than happy to help.

    • Like 5

  2. 12 prisoners sentenced to life in prison that have been charged with the most outrageous crimes are filling up our cells and are taking up  valuable cell space that could usually hold 4 prisoners and it's costing the Altis Citizens and the Altis Government $$$$! In true government corruption style the order has come to rid the prison of these scum for good! 11 have been sentenced to death and 1 will be granted an official government pardon and 2million dollars but there is a catch..... The prisoners will be transported to the Isle of Bonez and dropped off at random locations around the island and forced to fight for their lives! Surrounded by heavy shark infested waters, gun boats and dangerous reefs there is only one way in and one way out and that is by air. To make back their money the Altis Government has sold the rights for the brutal event to an anonymous internet broadcasting company and in turn opened up a black market gambling racket believed to be in the hands of a cartel for citizens to bet on the winners and losers. STRICT RP NO TROLLS!! First in! WHO WILL BE CONDEMNED!?

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  3. Tonight I introduced A.P.D's first ever Copfest and my boys did me proud!! X3 successful banks, and a fantastic effort by smokey with the hostage situation during the last bank. Lots of non-lethals in use and a large number of fines and jail sentences issued! It was great to have @Roger Purple on board and rolling with us! Wish you were there @Spectral. Keep up the good work fellas!!!!! 

    • Like 4

  4. 1tCf4er.jpg




    Bonez's Karts & Skidmarks is opening Saturday 27/08/2016

    To kick things of we will be having big ticket races and rumor has it even a special guest appearance from the mysterious Mr Black himself!

    on the agenda

    4v4 Cop VS Medics - Winner gets 2mil

    8v8 x 2round knock out event - winner gets a Chrome Ifrit (Top 4 from each round go to the finals)

    Rules: 1st round x2 tool kits allowed

    2nd round x 1 tool kit allowed

    Finals NO TOOL KITS

    What to bring: Food & Water and $100 - Everything else will be supplied!!!


    $100 gets you the official track license and racing permit for this event! 7:30pm Kick Off

    Team Templates:

    Cops V Medics












    Team 1









    Team 2









    Submit your teams and may the best man win!! first in best dressed!!

    See you all there!!

    @Spectral@TrueBlue@Zomboid@Roger Purple

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  5. You all need to understand also when certain situations occur the higher ups have a lot of things to look after such as lower ranks running around like headless chooks, we have to get them organized tactically in addition to weapons and gear. Most of the time the highest rank is also in control of the convoy and a vehicle which can slow down response time. I usually call for someone to respond on my behalf. As for SOA @Yuri I did discuss with you guys previously that we make it a standing order for you to respond to bank/fed and remain external only unless told otherwise to either enter or stand down because you guys are the only cartel at present. Just ensure we know who what and where so we can identify you on the field. As far as messages to dispatch in general the majority of them aren't responded to due to either trolling msgs, invalid RP decs or descriptions of no use such as "help me I just got robbed" no location, no info or description. When individuals are emailed for a response we either do not hear back or we get further non descriptive responses. 

    • Like 1

  6. Official Statement Release

    "During my time as a Police Officer with the APD I have heard many allegations, accusations and some ridiculous stories of corruption. I have see photo shopped images, video footage edited beyond belief, all of this to betray it's own image that the Altis Police Department and it's officers are corrupt.

    Last night i see a ridiculous photo.... An illegal rebel vehicle being destroyed in a controlled detonation which shows barricades and road cones in a marked off area, and a caption claiming that "children were hurt". The people making this claim failed to do their research when they chose to make said allegation because the Alits Census Report shows that all children from our island were present and counted for their scheduled annual heightened juju vaccine also verified by the Altis Chief Medic.

    The World Leaders that stand behind me have announced publicly that myself and my colleagues are constantly audited and monitored by them due to my ties with world operations that have been released in a dossier today. With their support, findings and rulings alongside the dossier which shows a clear and concise evidence report of no corruption under any circumstance i laugh in the face of these allegations.

    I say to the citizens of Altis it's time to wake up and open their eyes and see that the only corruption is amongst themselves and the Altis Government. Ignorance and blaming the police for what crimes and illegal activities they the citizens choose to be actively involved in and turn a blind eye to what suits them does not solve the issue.

    For those who choose to live the legal lifestyle by gaining meaningful employment and staying away from these criminals are now being mislead by propaganda caused by the rebels and criminals along side some disgruntled APD officers themselves which seems to be heavily supported by our own forms of media including the ALRS radio station. Perhaps we need to start looking into investigations being launched towards the radio hosts themselves to see if they are accepting PAY TO SAY comments and stories along with bribes being accepted from the rebels, criminals and corrupt government officials removed from the World Leadership Panel 10years ago."

    Quoted by Commissioner Bonez from the World Leadership meeting 19/08/2016




    From the archives:


    • Like 9

  7. That freestyle was pretty whack, best believe when your in that strider your gonna get jacked,I don't even need a beat, I'll let the knockdown rounds fly and knock the pirates of their feet! You can't rome the streets you can't beat that uprise count is a 3 nil defeat, now y'all can take it to another level and get vengeful but take my advice son don't buy it make it a rental, coz when that IED is placed salt laced it will leave you with a bad taste, your bank account will be drier than the salt lakes. Now I know you will say that we got the fed and the bank but let's not go there coz we both know that meme is dank, 4 pub slots and 4 low rank cops surrounded by TWS scopes and snipers on the rocks are slim pickings but when that SRT button is pressed we know who gets the licking and who does the butt kickin!

    *drops the mic*



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  8. @Roger Purple Is still SRT @TrueBlue no pirating for him yet ;-p It ain't no forfeiture he is still an officer sending body bags of rebels to the coroner, make no mistake we still be makin the ground quake you boys won't be makin the break, we are APD when you here them sirens you better flee ain't no better home than our family! 

    *drops the mic*

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  9. I am grateful for the opportunity @Roger Purple I had started my time in the police force with you moving up through the ranks. The things you have done for us and the changes that you and @Spectral have made for the better have been an inspiration to us all, we will keep fighting the good fight and we will continue to be remembered as the best and strongest police force on Altis. The potential coming through the ranks is unlimited and i see great things ahead, i look forward to seeing you all shine and being the great police officers we know you can be.

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  10. It's been a great week for Altis and its Citizens @Spectral putting on the Olympic Events every night, new players joining the game and community welcomed with open arms and through the gift of charity, given a helping hand to get them up and running - Massive get together by all involved and it was great to see. @Roger Purple, @Spectral and @Zomboid put in massive amounts of time and effort into Altis Life and it is always an exciting adventure whether its salt flat demolition derby's, random side missions, wild and strange appearances from Mr Black, Alien invasions and the list never ends. Day in and day out i see lots of great and positive things in our community and in game and it never ceases to amaze me, we ask @Roger Purple , @Spectral or @Zomboid a question and they do what they can do to make it possible for us all. So a cheers to the boys and i look forward to seeing what comes next.


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    Mark is the first Altis Life citizen to receive a Step Off The Streets donation.

    Mark has received a house, some licenses, a truck, employment with AINC and other misc things to help him get his life on track.

    We wish you all the best and hope that your future on the island of Altis prospers.  

    • Like 5

  12. Donations & Thanks

    Personal Sponsors - Red Gull: $500,000. Paid by sponser

    PNX Yuri: $4,000,000. Paid by @Yuri

    EMS Gotenks: $ 500,000. + 10 first aid kits. Paid by @Gotenks

    That Lucky SOB: $500,000. Paid by @That Lucky SOB

    SP Zorgain: $1000,000. Paid by @Zorgain

    SRT Assistant Commissioner Bonez: $500,000. Paid by @masinite

    Commissioner Spectral: $500,000.

    Director Of Lifesaving Aidan: $100,000 + Job offers. Paid by @Aidanjr

    Acquisitions Inc: $9,100,000  + Job offers + Housing + Trucks + Licenses + SUV's and other misc.

    Deputy Commisoner Roger Purple: $1,000,000.

    SP TheMagician: $3,000,000. + 50 Boonie Hats. Paid by @TheMagician

    SP TrueBlue: $2,000,000. Paid by @TrueBlue

    SP Dean: $500,000. Paid by @Deano

    Denis: $1,000,000. Paid by @denis

    Aaron: $2,000,000. Paid

    Themadcookid: $2,000,000. Paid

    M_Dyet: $500,000. Paid by @M_Dyet

    Donation Total: $28,700,000

    Thanks kindly to the people who have donated so far!! This will be a great life changing experience for the two chosen civilians and their families.

  13. After speaking with the CEO of Stepping Off The Streets they have said that the value of donations received is more then enough to achieve what they have set out to do and are requesting no more donations at this stage.

    Thank you all to those who donated to this great cause.

    • Like 1

  14. Donations & Thanks

    Personal Sponsors - Red Gull: $500,000.

    PNX Yuri: $4,000,000.

    EMS Gotenks: $ 500,000. + 10 first aid kits.

    That Lucky SOB: $500,000.

    SP Zorgain: $1000,000.

    SRT Assistant Commissioner Bonez: $500,000.

    Commissioner Spectral: $500,000.

    Director Of Lifesaving Aidan: $100,000 + Job offers.

    Acquisitions Inc: $9,100,000  + Job offers + Housing + Trucks + Licenses + SUV's and other misc.

    Deputy Commisoner Roger Purple: $1,000,000.

    SP TheMagician: $3,000,000. + 50 Boonie Hats.

    SP TrueBlue: $2,000,000.

    SP Dean: $500,000.

    Denis: $1,000,000.

    Donation Total: $24,200,000

    Thanks kindly to the people who have donated so far!! This will be a great life changing experience for the two chosen civilians and their families.

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