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Posts posted by Gotenks

  1. So its been just over 8 months in this community and i still havn't posted a member introduction. I guess now would be a good start :D.

    Hi Im Gotenks or as im called by many "Gotneks"
    I am 20 and love playing video games especially arma 3, WoW and sporting games.
    I am also an upcoming FITNESS PROFESSIONAL-Studying a Diploma of FITNESS.

    I am also apart of the Emergency Medical Service in the Altis life Server. I am currently a Executive Officer which is like a 2nd in charge with 2 other Executive Officers. 
    I personally Thrive off being able to help people,seeing them succeed and just overall having fun. Which is why I have stuck with the EMS. Everyday is a new day,new situations and outcomes. 
    Which brings me to my next point, I am also apart of the Support Team for SG and i love it. 

    If you ever see me around in game or out of game, feel free to come have a chat. I promise to not make it about Fitness as I'm a fitness fanatic.
    I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay SAFE.

    Succeeding takes Dedication.
    Dedication takes commitment.
    Commitment takes everything you possibly have to succeed.

    When Life changes and Becomes harder
    Change yourself to Become Stronger

    My own personal Quotes that I go off and live by.

    • Like 6

  2. 9 minutes ago, M_Dyet said:

    even then on the police side of things, if you lock it to only when a vehicle is not moving that means that Rebels could continue to drive around in a strider with all broken wheels and wouldnt have to be worried about getting pulled out through any form of police roleplay due to a mechanic.

    Yeah true. Which is another reason why it cant really be taken out of the game. We need to trial and error with the message thing like kidneys. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Brodie said:

    Even just having a distance where the menu pops up like when you're in a backpack because no matter how far away they are it still works meaning you can press windows key on someone in a car at say Sydney Market and then wait for them to drive 2km's away and kill them both, actually having the menu disappear when the car is like 5m away or not within like 2m of the person doing it would make it obvious whos doing the trolling and fix the problem of being pulled out moving vehicles.

    Or have it so they can only pull out when the vehicles are stationary. They can have the menu up etc but it only works when the vehicle is not moving. 
    Like spectral said we know what it looks like but we dont know how to code it. It comes down to the developers and approval by B33f.

  4. @Leopard @Spectral both good points. I don't think you can pull out of helicopters but I know you can out of vtols and planes, myself and John Doe I think it was had to deal with an issue of someone doing it to the vtol at R1 like spectral said. It's something that needs to be addressed and fixed. The script for the button for EMS is just allowing us to revive people. But for everyone else the button actually works and is a detriment. If people pull you out and you didn't lock ur car in time because your on the ground for a good 5-10 seconds it allows them to just jump in and roll off. 

    Either have it faction locked some how or like spectral said try the message thing like with kidneys and robbing. Give it a trial for a couple weeks and go from there. 

    @Loopy AU-NZ need developers opinion. 


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  5. 14 hours ago, Jack Killerado said:

    I agree, but at the same time i disagree, because we do need it because otherwise rebels can't really mug people, in my opinion civ's shouldn't be able to do it (i don't even know if they can) but as i said before, i really would not want it removed because it's kinda needed but i couldn't think of anything that could stop it other for fully removing it so... eh

    Yeah i completely understand that. I know rebels/cartel use it for their roleplay. But so do the EMS, We try do our roleplay and our job but can constantly get pulled out of our vehicles. If we are driving fast enough we end up dying and so many more problems come out of it.

  6. 10 hours ago, Warden said:

    Make it so if you have rebel training you have the option to pull out players 

    Also medics should be able to pull people out of cars (at the moment "Pull out player(s)" is for reviving, I don't know why.)

    If this was the case it'd still be the same. All the trolls would have to do is buy the rebel training.

  7. Hi guys. 
    Bit of a rant. But i am sick of the whole "you are pulled out of your vehicle". Playing as a EMS most the time we see this alot and happens to us alot. 
    Like 2 minutes ago a pub slot medic just got pulled out of his vehicle by a civilian. Why is this still in the game? 
    Countless times people have died from being pulled out, or having their vehicle stolen because of it. Cant we just take the coding off or something.(dont know much about developing).
    Civilians dont need the pull out players button or access to it. 
    I think only the EMS-For reviving of course, and the Police Force for what they need it for. Civilians constantly use it for a trolling method and ruins the fun for everyone else. 

    Opinions welcome.

    • Like 2

  8. 2 weeks later after purchasing a SG tank top it arrives. 
    Dont mind the mess. 

    Good quality overall and feels nice. 
    I shrunk it a little bit by putting it in the drier on accident late last night :\.



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  9. 6 hours ago, S.Sanders said:

    Thoughts people ? 

    I have been playing alot of the King of the hill lately and was honestly thinking if straya did this it would be pretty cool and plus the competitions we could do for the community on some event nights @Spectral thinking about you here buddy, 

    Like instead of always fighting over whos the best in altis, how about whos the best on king of the hill  and have competitons and what not or something like that, i dont know, just a suggestion ..

    if @Blue Eagle [+1 CREW] were to find out about this. Noone would last 1 minute in the AO

  10. 55 minutes ago, Spectral said:

    Morals. The same thing stopping Cops exploiting ticketing, people duping. 

    Now on my Work Plan - do illegal truck mission to test exploitability. 

    My biggest concern historically is trolls rampaging around Sydney in them. 

    we have them come past the sydney hospital almost daily and they try to troll and ram other vehicles and so on. I told jack fire about this and he was looking into it.

  11. Let us know when. The Medics will be in full force, Safety gear and all protected to avoid spread of the virus. We will update our systems with the latest Virus definitions and software to effectively take down this virus. 


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  12. Alright so i constantly have one update in my windows update log. 
    How can i get rid of it? Ill post photos below to show you the messages etc i get from the update. Its not even a necessary update, but annoys the shit out of me because whenever i shut down my computer its still there. 

    The pictures below show the update, Update failing and my past update log. 

    Any help is appreciated. Not sure how to fix this. 





  13. Just now, Spectral said:


    @Gotenks Just window dressing not usable but still look the part. Karate on the roof? 

    @Nclem Zeussed in.


    The thing is just when and where, and what you guys want. Then letting it happen. 

    Yep that sounds good.
    Level 1: 
    Administration desk,papers=Signing up etc
    General gym equipment, Bikes and weights racks
    Level 2:
    Weight lifting racks- Squat rack, Bench press, Weights racks
    Level 3:
    Boxing or Karate 

    But whichever works we will be happy. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, Spectral said:

    Ooh snap.

    Good ideas coming out. As far as props all doable. 

    @Gotenks A beach class or something in the office near vehicle garage? Put gym stuff on each floor and on the roof? 

    @NclemAn office? Near Market SZ? Easy as.

    Ice Cream van could be fun. Hmmm.

    What else? 

    Yeah if thats possible, either 1-2 story building and having all the gym equipment. Also will the equipment actually be usable? or would that require mods?
    Bikes, Weights, benches, squat rack etc. Just more variety and spread out more than the current one at market. 
    Once thats done ill have a chat to some EMS guys and see if they will come join and so forth. Costs etc. 

  15. Ive done this one before, having Gym classes. The last couple times ive done them they have provided good roleplay.
    But with the market equipment its a bit small and not much variety. But thats just a personal thing i'd like in the server for roleplay and help myself out.
    A couple of EMS boys can be there on site to help out to watch for injuries and provide some good roleplay, while we have Myself and possibly 1-2 more instructors to roleplay the gym and so forth. The EMS have really been on point and strict about their roleplay which is nice to see. (this can be free or charged at a rate which will go towards the EMS)

    Some other business ops:
    Like Bananas IC parlour, what about an IC van which can go around the whole city delivering ice cream, have some flashing lights or sirens?

    Fishing Charters?


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