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Posts posted by =S.N.A.F.U.=


    3 hours ago, Corporal Kerry said:

    But if you are using this mod, those who do not have it would see players moving on top of buildings and such and they would look strange. 

    That's true enough Kerry. But with Downloads from the browser etc available & it being a tiny file, I doubt anyone would have an issue getting it. I think some might not even notice getting it. Alternatively, when they see the strange floaty men they'd ask "What's causing that?" & find out how to get it.

    I am a bit biased I guess as I have wanted this on the server for ages.

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  2. Quote

    1) Implement aussiedave's rabbit-proof fence at spawn 

    No real need for this, Just make a auto respawn area for non pilots around the chopper spawns.. They'll get the idea soon enough.

    Another idea that will work great is move the chopper spawn away all together. Or the infantry spawn.  There are lots of good places for the spawn.. A chopper can in fact fly to the infantry!!


    3) Add or improve the competency of the base air defence network / or fix the spawn rate of enemy jets when no CAS airborne

    Oh God Yes!.. Just an AA at either end of the runways would help a lot. A multiplier of enemy jet spawns would be great, or switch it to enemy attack choppers when no CAS is on.


    4) Decrease the durability of the taru pods when dropped (i'm not a fan of having them land on me in the HQ during defend missions)

    Nooo..... Then I'd have to have them.. IN MY CHOPPER!!!! ? But I see you're point.. It's a bit broken being able to heave them in at 300km/h.. Fun though! Actually to this point, INCERASE the durability of the Huron Crates.. They have a habit of crumpling if a bird sneezes within 10k. Even if only on the repait & refuel ones.


    6) Add an attack helicopter (with or without AA capabilities) as an option to the fighter pilot role

    This is a bad Idea for reasons stated above. If one was added it would HAVE to have AA or else it would be useless in in a CAP capability, unless you made it that the enemy also only spawned choppers while it was up.


    7) give JTAC or Mortar roll ability to call in artillery strike using fire support module and main base artillery. i would even move this artillery to side base and have it only available after being supplied by HMMT ammo or the like.

    This would be abused from day 1 & would only increase the trolling. Even in the hands of the regulars & whitelisted this would be a very bad call. I have seen this fail on  a few different servers.


    8 ) Remove the PCML and PCML ammo from the standard vehicle and crate loadouts. i would say that standard loadouts for crates and vehicle should be a basic rifle, some first aid, an array of basic rifle ammo, and maybe some NVG/toolkit/maybe some explosives. if you want anything after the basics, then you go customise the loadout. (on that note, is there a way so save/load a vehicle loadout?)

    This is one I have been asking after for a long time. The Ammo boxes should have all the basic NATO Ammo NO Rifles, a few basic launchers/ammo & a bunch of FAK's. Some nades & Smoke as well, (No Red). Enough that a pilot can pick one up & haul it to a defend & it would be enough to support a fighting force of 30. If more is needed, well, there are a few crates. Yeet's Idea of a limited arsenal is good, if for no other reason the players in the field can use the same interface they are used to from hours of Box Barbie-ing ?. But seriously, The interface is a lot faster than the regular inventory one. As for NVG's/Explosives, they could be in the chopper inventory in stead of 50 parachutes.  That way the guys could grab them in flight or when a chopper touches down nearby. You cold even make the amount on board dependent on the size of the chopper.

    If the Attack chopper Idea is implemented(#6) then a few more AA launchers should be placed in the choppers or mobile arsenal as well, as a pilot in the chopper will be a lot less likely to hunt AA targets compared to when he/she/it is in  a jet.

    To my knowledge you cant save a vehicle loadout without making it an arsenal.




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  3. Any Arty, And for that matter mortars in the server is just asking for trolls.. It's been tried time & time again but always comes down to a random jumping in & ruining it for everyone. On an average night as it is, with the base arty piece, we get a random that sprints across, TK's half the server with the 5 shots it has & then leaves. It's the sad truth of a public server.

  4. The changes to the FOB needed are quite simple. Some servers I play on have some of these things in them & it seems to work quite well;

    No need to have tanks spawn here. It's a FOB in a small scale engagement. Instead, have the BOBCAT spawn here to be able to support forward moving heavy vehicles.

    Once the Medical crate/HEMTT has set up the spawn tickets, they count up on a timer till the hit a designated max points. Once the players spawn there the counter starts back up.

    No set AA should be here as it would mean that the enemy wont be able to fly most of the time. An intercepting jet is enough. 

    The same can be said of forward arty. It's just not needed & usually OP as all hell. What is often forgotten is that this game is at it's finest when focussed on small scale infantry & light combined arms.

    On the other public server I play on the fob has the following vehicles:

    1x Bobcat

    1x Medical HEMTT (Doubles as a troop transport)

    1x Vehicle ammo HEMTT

    3x Quad bike

    4x Hunter/Prowler/Quillin on random respawn, though favoring the Hunter.

    The main reason we dont have AI running around the FOB is a simple matter of server frames. It struggles enough with the AI out in the field.

    Now, all that being said, one major difference on that server is that they have FATIGUE on. This means that there are a lot of people who return to the FOB for rearm following a mission, (along with the added call for choppper suport airlifting in supplies).  Players can't set up for 4 AO's of ammo in a Bergen & sprint for a month with no consequence. Often choppers will airlift/evac troops to the FOB, the squads would regroup after an AO & head out in vehicles. This can also be a great use of the Vehicle Blackfish, as it can fly several vehicles up to the FOB In preparation for the end of the AO.

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  5. I agree with Red. Unfortunately, the jets are just not made to fit on a map this size. 

    This is a scenario that happens on some other servers. Tanks, Friendly AA & a support leave base. 2-3 choppers head out with troops & drop them behind a hill, or at a respectable distance as to not be shredded by AA. The troops head in with the AA being a high priority. The choppers either have door gunners or are escorted by a  gunship (rockets & cannon) in case there are some random AI in the chosen LZ.

    From here the attack methods become divergent, depending on the armours' travel time. Either the troops take out the AA to open up the skies for closer CAS support & logistics, Or the armour rolls in & takes out the AA & proceeds to take out the vehicles in the AO as well.

    YES, it takes a lot of coordination. YES, a lot of the pubbies on the server are "special". YES, it's difficult to set up. YES the 3 poor SOB's that only fly jets miss out. BUT! It's mad fun & a server can be trained to act as if this is normal. You just have to make it normal, just as we have with our current ruleset.

    NOW.. Not to put a dampener on this topic, I mainly started this post for a look into a change in chopper rotation. The Jet comment was a throw away because everyone knows I don't like them ? .

    One thing I'd love to add to the changing roster that I only really remembered this morning was to have the small ammo crates loaded with standard NATO ammo & FAC's rather than random crap that we don't use in the field. This would make it better to be able to do logistics runs for the guys. Maybe even in the future to get rid of bergans or, heaven forbid, add in stamina! Again creating a need for the symbiosis of pilots & ground ponders. Even on low pop times, they can be lifted by anyone in the little bird.


    Merry Whatever you believe in. And I really thank you all for you're input here. It means a lot to the future of a good server to debate these things. We may not always agree (hey, you are allowed to be wrong, ? ) , but I love seeing you all being civil &  stating your cases.



    CEO 50-50 Chance Flights

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  6. 26 minutes ago, pkisbest said:

    Or the main group is full of.....utter nonsense to put it lightly.

    That's very true. But Tanoa does offer us the chance to minimise this by instilling a different attitude to the game. Plus it's easy to make a new group & invite people in.

    imagine a veteran or someone else who steps up as a squad lead communicating to his squad in game chat & then to the main group in ts! (Ahh the utopian dream). The reason the chats are shyte is because for years we  have let it be so. It has become the servers norm. When you play on european & US servers it's a very different case. There is a lot of banter but they also know to communicate well & at least to a moderate degree, coordinate.

  7. @Nova @webbie @Bradley Rasic @War Machine The point is critical mass & organisation. If people see no one on the Tanoa server, they will naturally jump into the Altis one. Then it looks like 'no one wants to play Tanoa'. Once a few people are there you reach a tipping point where it's 'holy shit! Everyone is on Tanoa'. That's why the regulars are focusing on Tanoa T-Days. Tuesday & Thursday. Getting enough on to hit that tipping point regularly.

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  8. The secret to the tree problem is communication. Work as a team, move as a team, Shoot as a team. Then if anything moves that is NOT in your team, Rain hell on it! Encourage those around you to form together, have a medic & make him your best friend, talk to each other, scream if you are down. Natural leaders will emerge from the group & you will find over time people will flock to you. You have both in-game group chat & also a bunch of Teamspeak infantry channels. Furthermore, I know as someone who is often a pilot, if we know an area is being secured we will try to get you back into the fight near your buddies too, so ask us ?

    Of course, there will be random Rambo's. You can't stop that, but you can minimise it & have more fun in the process. 

    This not only goes for the senior gang but the new guys as well. Try it! You will find it will only add to the experience. 

    Oh! One more thing.. It should be obvious but sniper rifles are useless in most of Tanoa!

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  9. Hi gang!

    Firstly, let me get this out of the way.. Get rid of the jets!. 

    OK, that's out of my system. But more importantly, since the dynamics of the I&A server are changing, I thought it might be good to change a few things in the roster of choppers that spawn.

    1️⃣ Get rid of the VTOL's except for the Vehicle Blackfish.

    With the number of people spawning, they are just unnecessary. 

    2️⃣ Have the Taru & Huron spawn separately & have more pods (Medical, Bench & Transport)

    Again due to the spawn rates, have 2x heavy lift to encourage multi-roll passenger transport/logistics.

    3️⃣Have the Hellcat on spawn rotation with the Little Bird.

    This is more for my personal love of the Hellcat but would be good to shake it up a bit too.

    4️⃣ Have 2-3x Ghosties spawning, With gunner AI in non-player usable Seats.

    The reason for this is two-fold. Firstly the ghosties make a great cover vehicle when you are dropping guys off. Also, it stops the Tardation of people jumping in & randomly shooting all over the place. Now I know the Knee-jerk reaction "That makes them too OP!". But I often fly with the AI Gunners & I know that your threat level rises greatly in the eyes of the enemy AI & they shoot ALOT at you in return. Plus, the AI also don't often last that long before getting beheaded, or your Ghostie gets rocketed from 4 different directions. 

    Thanks for reading & I'll see you 5m off the ground!

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  10. I have been doing "Tanoa Tuesday" since the start. I really enjoy the map & so I started encouraging the regulars to jump across when there were enough of us around. I Feel it is now up to the "Higher Ups" to promote it on a regular basis & especially on Tuesdays encourage the newbies to jump across.


    As for the enemy shooting through the foliage, that's mainly on you I feel. On that map, you have to move slower & (Heaven forbid) work together! I will often strafe an area I hear enemy in & I feel it only right the AI do the same. I play heaps of missions on this map & other close quarters ones as well. You have to adjust your tactics. You can't go full I&A on them. 

    I also feel we could use this as a chance for a little more team bonding. Encourage the new guys to join our groups, work with us & experience a team game instead of 45 solo players. ♿ But that's just me :)

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  11. You know what works great on this map... Infantry with guns. You don't need CAS &  artillery can **** the right off. 

    The map works fantastic with infantry supported by APC's and may be a mortar crew,  with choppers doing logistics and quick transport. You don't need anything else really. 

    The reliance on "BLOW THAT UP FOR ME" is rather ridiculous. This is a close quarters map & should be utilized as such. 

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  12. It was copyrighted by me a few years back... You'll be hearing from my Lawyer soon. :kkool:

    The reason for this is the way the API passes info to the game. They are 2 separate entities & once the chosen slot is passed to the game, the list ignores the game until you drop out, then the game passes a kill message back. This is why there is a delay. It would require a constant back & forth, that would take a lot of resources arma just doesn't have.

    • thinking3d 1

  13. Hi gang,


    Lately I have been playing on a few different servers, and had been seeing  how they do different sorts of things to us. This is more of a wish list than a real expectation but I just thought it might start discussion on ways we could step out of the current paradigms.

     >    Firstly, changes to the FOB. I won't go into detail here, as there is already a good discussion going on in the forums here.


    >  Secondly, and I know this goes against what people are used to; getting rid of the CAS jets and UAV, or greatly reducing their ability.

    I have now played on a few servers where the Jets have a very limited role. What seems to be the case here, is that there is more reliance on both armour and  teamwork by the troops in the field and the chopper pilots. Without the Jets and UAV bombing the entire IO to smithereens within minutes, the advancements of the troops is slower and the choice of LZ becomes more critical. I have even seen it quite often on our server when we have low population and no one in the Jets.

    There are a few ways you can go about this:

                         You can extend the respawn time to much longer than what it is currently.

                         You can greatly reduce the fuel of the CAS Jets.

                         You can reduce the arsenal on the CAS Jets & UAV.

    Personally, I find it a lot more exciting this way. The fear of enemy armour makes for more intense engagements and totally different strategies to what we currently use. Some of the most heart thumping moments in ARMA that I have experienced come from being the underdog. Now I understand that this is a public server, we have to make it "for everyone", but I don't think that this idea excludes that philosophy.


    >     I'd love to see our base moved from the main airfield to one of the others. E.g. the Northeast one. The reasoning for this is we are an invading force, not a defending one. The enemy should control the main bulk of the land mass and its primary areas. To this end, you could even have our current airbase heavily defended by the enemy, making a dangerous area to be near and any missions in or around it would be quite difficult.


    >    Failing the above, I'd like to see some cosmetic changes made to our base.

    Move our spawn points to the buildings and hangers to the north in a military area of the airfield. And preferably have our spawn points inside the buildings. (Near where we currently have the side mission area or alternately up near Ironsides.)

    Have multiple AA defence systems at either end of the field. Having it in the centre doesn't make too much sense.

    Have two bobcats (or vehicles like them) available. One that stays at the air base to do repairs and cleanup, the other to go out in the field. (Maybe spawn at the FOB). The one at base would simply de-spawn when taken outside the radius of the base so that one will always remain there for the uses of cleaning up the base.


    I understand that none of the above will probably come to fruition, because I also know how hard it can be to change things in Arma. And what a big undertaking it would be to do so. I'm just putting this here to open up ideas and maybe change the way we think about I&A as a game mode.

    I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all of those working on this game. As somebody who has programmed on it in the past, I understand how difficult it can be. So again, my thanks.






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  14. Another thing I just thought of to make a FOB viable is to maybe have some AI AA there. Whether it's in the form of a cheetah or an AI AA squad. This could create a safety corridor for incoming pilots, and a fallback safe zone for the armor. It would also be good to protect the armor limping back to the fob for repairs & rearm.

    I agree with @decibel_spl that the place is a graveyard. The AA & maybe even a patrol squad (AI) would be cool.


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    • thinking3d 2

  15. 2 Ways you can do this.. A Taru Medical.. NOT the slung pod but the connected one. This would have 1 of 2 ways to use it.. Insta Respawn when someone is loaded in, or when it lands at an active FOB (YES a use for FOB's!!).


    The other is simply a medic & Pilot in a littlebird, or a medic & a HEMTT reviving people in the field. A way to enhance this would be a quicker revive if both are present within a radius.

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        I think that the main use of FOBS shouldn't be focused so much on the infantry, But Armor. Have a BOBCAT spawn there, so the tankers would be inclined to head out with the knowledge that they can get support for the vehicles. With tanks using these bases more, the smaller vehicles could be spawned here for light troop transport. Not so many that the pilots would be out of a job, but a few for quick dashes, maybe with a slow respawn time so it's not abused. (I guess a ticket system for total spawns there could be implemented as well)

        The idea of logistics runs as side missions would be a blast too. Though the way things stand we'd have to use HEMTT's due to the fact that the slinging on the choppers is broken.

        Another side mission could be simply that with the activation of the base the enemy has been alerted to our presence there & begin a counter offensive, that can range in strength from a few irregulars to a few Kajimans airlifting troops in support to armour, with CAP on station. If the enemy over run the FOB they could set up there themselves with AA to hamper our lads until the threat is dealt with. (hopefully not with just one jet/UCAV bombing it to hell as happens in the current AO's.)

    An Additional use.. M*A*S*H.. Anyone who is downed can be loaded in a vehicle & brought to an active FOB & be revived even without a Medic Present. Whether that be a jeep, APC or heli. A way of encouraging this would be to add the "I'm in pain" yelling/moaning sound to downed soldiers so they can be noticed more & lengthen the time before respawning.

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