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About surey

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  1. surey

  2. surey

    //Pending// I will have a talk with my team and come to a conclusion
  3. surey

    //Accepted// Welcome back to the APD hope to see you soon
  4. surey

    //Pending// i will have a talk to the people that blacklisted you and come to a conclusion Sorry this was your first experiece
  5. surey

    //Pending// When The conditions are met from our talk you will be unblacklisted
  6. surey

    //Pending// I will have a talk with my team and come to a conclusion
  7. surey

  8. surey

    //Accept// Welcome back to the APD
  9. surey

    //Pending// Please talk to Daywalker and myself
  10. surey

    // Denied // After a discussion with my team we have decided to deny the application as you have appealed within the month of being removed. Please put another application in on the 12/1/2018
  11. surey

    // Denied // From a discussion with my team we have decided to keep the Blacklist in place for now, as your attitudes towards the APD has not improved since you where removed. Please feel free to reapply in a month 15/1/2018
  12. surey

    suz's surprise because i payed for it so i'de like to keep it
  13. surey

    corleones, SP, NTR that's a lot of SRT members
  14. about the gang Bases they have always been you have to have an outstanding reputation and to earn them, and the most recent change was reputation and the cost of 50 million if u wanted one and currently only 1 gang base is being used, so instead of re-purposing them maybe adding in smaller bases for the contractors which could include garages and a whitelist only contractor shop which they can only use those items whilst on a contract.
  15. surey

    4 gangs? LGT TF SoA RnR NTR SP Deimos