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Anti-Wingman last won the day on October 3 2020

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About Anti-Wingman

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  1. Anti-Wingman

    Ingame Name - Sam01 Hours on Arma3 - 2249 Age - 25 Short description on your play style - running around like a headless chicken and getting shot down in humming birds, good memes.
  2. Anti-Wingman

    Returns to Altis Life never usually go well
  3. Anti-Wingman

    Most the people who wanna RP either 1) can't be ****ed trying anymore or 2) they've left cause of their own reasons. All i can say is keep at it. Maybe hit up the mods/admins for RP events instead of just endless combat ones. I had ideas but they don't want anything to do with me, cause **** me right? Hopefully they listen to you guys but i highly doubt they will. Hit them up with your own ideas, you have new mods coming through now and I'm sure they'll wanna do the best to help everyone out. I find just simple fun ones work best, aka when i brought a bunch of jet skis at Sydney and just set up some random races. Things like that is what you will get people to join you at start then make them more complicated/intense.
  4. Anti-Wingman

    I'm guessing most if not all of you aren't aware of a competition that has been going on for the past while for the lower bracket for OCE players (Plat 1 and below) Our team Liquid Paradox have made it to the grand finals tomorrow at 3pm AEST. So if any of you feel like watching i'll drop the twitch link in here. Tinyy and myself are in the team, so hopefully we win. https://www.twitch.tv/suistyle Don't expect the shout casting to be anything like the LCS. GCS does stand for Garbage Championship Series after all.
  5. Anti-Wingman

    Here come the zealots. Although i do like what you've done in the post Apollo. Being on both sides i can agree that's pretty much it. Shame about losing your staff position though, heavy days my man.
  6. Anti-Wingman

    Spetz please no. As to everyone else, Merry Christmas. May the blessings of the Messiah be upon you on this day as we celebrate him...Who am i kidding, time to get hammered and its only 6:20am.
  7. Anti-Wingman

    Tooooo be honest, i don't have a problem with what its at currently. I've been on both sides numerous times (cop & rebel at fed/bank). From my experience it all comes down to how good your cop force/gang is at the game, how good you all play together and communicate. Overall: Majority of the time the rebel has the upper hand starting in a defensive position, especially in fed.Some people say rebels have more firepower, some people say they don't because of the escalation graph, you want the money/gold easier, then risk bringing the big toys. But then on the other side people say its not fair because of the "swarm" of police that come on...really? If you're aware of this happening and a gang does lets say Brisbane Bank with 4-5 of you and you come up complaining to about it...come on now. At the end of the day we all play Altis Life for some fun yeah? Don't get so worked up about it all. Get in there and have a crack. After all isn't it a Role Play server? Don't be so concerned with killing each other...that's my job ;)
  8. Anti-Wingman

    Spooky spooky skeletons
  9. Anti-Wingman

    oh god not this swerve and protect, please no not again. everyone seems to be coming back lately, good to see you back ma man.
  10. Anti-Wingman

    I was working hard at doing nothing alright, geez
  11. Anti-Wingman

    well...i'll take my leave. cant argue with that
  12. Anti-Wingman

    Anti Wingmans Anti-Human Safety Bunker Because other people are annoying af and i need to sit in there to stay away from the disease
  13. Anti-Wingman

    Enough. All of you just need to chill the **** out and enough of this merry go round. All of this just looks all to familiar and its the same back and forth. THE ONLY WAY this is going to be settled is if literally everyone sits down together in one of the AL Meetings the community has every 2 weeks? I think? Lets discuss it there. All of you know this is beyond pointless doing it here and every single one of you know it. If you feel like you can make a difference by posting and commenting on here then by all means let your keyboard warrior fingers fire away to your hearts content. I just feel as though it would be better to actually get together and DISCUSS IT. Because honestly the forums just turn into a memefest/flame war. Although so far I've seen that it's been pretty chilled...considering... But it only takes one clown to set someone off then its gloves off. We're just going around in circles for god knows how long now. SO I'll set and time and date and we can all get out picnic lunch and sit down and see who has to say about what with this subject and we can bury this topic once and for all. Just let me know if it's something you'd be interested in and i'll make it happen.
  14. Anti-Wingman

    //DENIED Considering your history within the community I'm not comfortable having you on the cop force. I wouldn't bother applying again.