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jacob potty

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jacob potty last won the day on April 13 2018

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  1. Added - General Store at Central Added - USS Liberty with vehicle store up NE of map Added - More ATM's around the map (moved some as well) Added - Free use Fuel pump at USS Freedom & USS Liberty Added - More item storages around the map (Limeri Bay, Agia Marina, USS Liberty) Tweak - Rebuilt Kill Farm Vehicle Store Tweak - Tokens are now 5 kills to get, not 10 Tweak - Updated rules Tweak - Central is now bigger Tweak - Spawn money is now $1500 from $1000 Tweak - Store Prices tweak for some vehicles Tweak - Increased price of AT, HEAT & HE rockets Tweak - Team balancing, (teams should be more even) Fixed - Kill Farm Vehicle Store works now Fixed - Limeri Bay General Store object spawn now works Fixed - Maxwell Gun Store object now works (spawn was clipping into things) Deleted - Remove Weather (apart from the rain) If you find any issues with the new update or would like to ask questions, come speak to us either on Discord or Teamspeak
  2. jacob potty

  3. jacob potty

    Wasteland Wipe 19/1/19

    Below i have linked a picture of the new map design
  4. jacob potty

    On the 19/1/19 at 4pm AEST we will be completely changing the economy on the wasteland server. With the change comes a wipe, We will ONLY be wiping your money and vehicle storage. there will be other small changes coming along with it. I'm not going to be giving anything away with these changes just be prepared for a whole different wasteland experience.
  5. jacob potty

    Wasteland update 8/1/18

  6. jacob potty

    Wasteland Stratis Major UPDATE In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous version. Please let me know how the update effects your performance Development N.B. This list of changes is not everything, it’s just what I felt were the most significant changes General Changes - Added - Added Central gear storage Added - Added Hostile jet, hostile jet formation and Air Wreck Added - Expanded what vehicles can lift and towed Added - M5 Sandstorm MLRS Added - K40 Ababil-3 Cluster UAV Added - K40 Ababil-3 Bomber UAV Added - K40 Ababil-3 Missile UAV Added - K40 Ababil-3 DAGR UAV Added - MQ4A Greyhawk Cluster UAV Added - MQ4A Greyhawk Bomber UAV Added - MQ4A Greyhawk Missile UAV Added - MQ4A Greyhawk DAGR UAV Added - KH-3A Fenghuang Missile UAV Added - UCAV Sentinel Missile Tweak - Central capture zone size Tweak - Made it so main building in central is unable to be destroyed Tweak - Restricted what vehicle types can be brought at carrier Tweak - Moved some base parts at LZ connor gun store Tweak - Moved carrier Tweak - Reduced chances of fog Tweak - Expanded Distance mines can be placed around stores Tweak - Changed team balance script from 5 to 7 Tweak - Moved again marina Gen store away from back of store due to tree blocking the store once it has been knocked over Fixed - Fixed Kamino Heli spawn [Hopefully] Fixed - Prowler AT spawing in a prowler HMG Deleted - Old Outpost Gear storage If you have any suggestion for the next update to the server don't hesitate to make a suggestion post or message one of the WL staff your ideas.
  7. jacob potty

    Wasteland Stratis Minor UPDATE In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous version. Please let me know how the update effects your performance Development Added - new town in the middle of the map called Central Added - A small capture area at the very north side of the map called Kill Farm Bay Added - Placed an ATM at Kill Farm Bay Tweak - Position of the gun store Ai at Rogain and LZ Connor Tweak - Changed the price for the armed V-44 X Black Fish and Y-32 XI'an Tweak - changed position of the repair truck at Strogos Bay Tweak - The spawn rate of water based AI missions Tweak - Changed the team balance script to +5 Fixed - Abandoned jet mission spawning on base parts from old missions Fixed - Kamino Vehicle store blowing vehicles up Deleted - The ATM at south side of airfield This is one of the first couple of updates coming out soon. We are planning to add more air and group vehicles to the token store along with other minor stuff. If you have any suggestion for the next update to the server don't hesitate to make a suggestion post or message one of the WL staff your ideas.
  8. jacob potty

    Hey @Woolie To save you time by writing all that stuff i've linked a video tutorial to get better results with some of those staff members that may not like you.
  9. I will admit the server went through a giant drop once all staff left at the end of 2017 and the development of the server pretty much stopped due to the fact wastelands future was up in the air. Since @James32 put a lot of time and effort into the server it has improved performance and player base wise, as you can see by the screenshot James placed on this forum post which since then have improved tremendously. The states i gather you looked at were from https://strayagaming.com.au/wl_stats/ which are from the old DB, we moved over to a new DB probably 7-8 months ago which the devs have yet to fix up to appear on the WL states page.
  10. jacob potty

    NOTE: The CBA mode file stops you from joining the server, you can run dynasounds without it but it should be fixed by next restart
  11. Hello SG community With the successful revival of the wasteland server we are looking for ways to make it bigger and better for everyone. We know of how important you all are to keeping the server rising and that is why we are looking to you for your thoughts and ideas on ways to help improve the server, it can be anything from map changes, events and promotional ideas. Just post a comment below with suggestion and ideas for the Wasteland server, Every suggestion/idea will be taken to a meeting where we will discuss and try our best to implement as many ideas as possible.